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How can we promote kindness instead of hate?

All of us often just look at our differences in the world - skin tone, culture, religion, language and such - and we see how oft people are hated for it. What can we do to look past the differences, looking more for the similarities that we have, making us more kind to each other?

12 Answers

  • Muddy
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    We can't change anyone except ourselves. We can live our own lives the best we possibly can and hope that others may be influenced by our behavior. We can support people instead of tearing them down. We can say "thank you" when it's appropriate.

    I know that some people think it's a bit goofy, but I think the "pay it forward" principle is a fine one to live by. If we can return the favor for someone who helps us, great. But if we can do something good for someone who's never done anything for us, that's even better... maybe it will make them want to continue the chain.

    For more ideas, go to and join their mailing list. It's about reporting the good things that people do instead of always focusing on the negative.

  • 2 decades ago

    In the microcosm of daily life, you need to set the example. Setting the example leads others to explore why we do what we do, especially if we are not the norm.

    In the macrocosm or the world, this is a difficult thing because of the complexity of culture. Culture boosts unique ideas and thoughts. However, a lot of people clash over Culture.

    Would it be ideal to conform to one type of culture? Perhaps. I think you would always have a rebel. But what would you do?

    Movies like Gattaca and Equilibrium mess with your mind about conformity.

    Some how there seems to be this built-in chaotic element to humans.

    My ideal world would be Star Trek.

    I think the only thing that might bring all of the human race together is if we were attacked by an alien species. It's something that AIDS has not even been able to do. You would think how tragic and epidemic this disease is, yet the world still is divisive.

    I ponder this often and have yet to find a complete and realized answer.

  • 2 decades ago

    Drop the religions which without exception shave divided mankind and develop a religion of LOVE , Longing and a sense of belonging to each other and this planet. Hold each others and say O! mother Earth we are your children and we will love you as part of your own self.Dust from dust and dust to dust is not a dead phenomena but a phenomena containing the consciousness of GOD, the OM NI present inside these particles on earth and the particles in the skies.

  • 2 decades ago

    It all starts with the government, schools, jobs ect... like when I was in school the standardized test would ask race. every time you put in a job application they ask your race. why does it matter what my race is? if i choose the right box will i get a higher score, or get the job over other applicants? the government should change the laws so race does not affect our chances to succeed in life. my child is bi-racial, what advantages will he will be entitled to? how will he be disadvantaged? we all need to look at people as individuals based on their character. the only time race should be involved is when describing someone attributes. aren't we all created equal? the country will never change its ignorant views but as individuals we can change how we view others.

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  • 2 decades ago

    If you start with the premise that we all are born and die it's not so hard. All blood is red, we all have similar DNA , mankind originated in Africa and God ( be He God, Mohamed, Buddha, Shiva, Isis, etc ) loves us. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated, because what you send into the Universe comes back to you.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    We are all in one family, created and loved by God.

    In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.

    God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.

    God gives you water to drink and food to eat.

    God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.

    God loves you, and you are precious to Him.

    Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.

    Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.

    We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.

    Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    There is nothing much you can do, put ads in your local paper. Just keep up the good work you is doing now. We need more people like you.

  • 2 decades ago

    We can start with our own actions and thoughts...and then invite other people to join into that circle of kindness.

  • 2 decades ago

    Questions like these, helps. Good job.

  • 2 decades ago

    set an example

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