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If you could be any super hero, who would you be and why?

Explain who would you be. And explain why would you be him or her, also explain the super powers you would want to have. Me personally i would want to be the Man of Steel. I would want all of his powers except I wouldn't want his weakness.

23 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    i couldn't tell you my name (personal reasons) but i would be a super villain, my powers would be like the terminator i could scan peoples info when i look at them, i could look like I'm 200 pounds when really I'm about 2 tons, i would have a personality though so i could say cool catch phrases i could laugh *hahaha* and i would also have electric powers also so i could shoot bolts of electricity out of my hands, i would also have my left hand bigger than my right and it would be more powerful too. it would have the power to destroy huge buildings with one hit of my left hand. so too sum this whole thing up i would be a stronger terminator with electricity hands and a personality.

  • 2 decades ago

    Spider man~ because I love that he is so real. I mean here is the nerdy guy that is really in to science and has a crush on a girl that sees him only as a friend but he has a great sense of humor. And he is going thought this with the people that he saves thinking that he is the bad guy and what does he do takes photos of himself and sell them to the guy who believes the worst of him.

    He is real and he as weaknesses as well as strengths both as spider man and Peter Parker and that is the best thing about him that even as a Super Hero he is still Human

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My favorite hero is more of an anti-hero : Wolverine Favorite Villain : The Joker Least favorite hero : Superman I also love Batman, Ironman, Thor, Marv from sin city(not quite super but still comic), Loki, The Riddler, Hulk, Magneto.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think being a superhero can actually be anyone. This can go from doing the smallest task to the impossible. So in response to your question, a person can actually picture themself as a superhero. You don't have to do the "high" drama and be well known, but even the little things you do for others can mean everything in the world to them.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Batman, because-sure. Superman has powers so you'd want to be him, right? No. Because he has a weekness and if he didn't have those powers, he'd be nothing.

    Batman, on the other hand, is pimp-a.s.s! He's a superhero w/o the powers! LOL

    Actually, I don't know too much about any superheros......

  • 2 decades ago

    If it could be considered to be a superhero, I would be Angel from X-men

    Just to power to fly is soo cool!

  • 2 decades ago

    Does Harry Potter count because I could do some spell to get rid of my enemies and shut my sister up.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Batman. I would fight crime & supervillians any day & I would do all I can to protect Gotham. I rather be gritty, grumpy, & sometimes not in a good mood than to be lighthearted & funny. I would make criminals fear the night & they would never face me again.

  • 2 decades ago

    Shadowcat from the X-Men; because I think it would be cool to just phase through things. Like, you would never have to worry about locking yourself out of your home. If that happened to Shadowcat, she could just phase right through the door!

  • 2 decades ago

    I would b Wonder woman because she is a strong female superhero and i think the only 1! lol!

    Source(s): me
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