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Isn't it sad how many people say to be christians?

Last school year, one of my teachers asked our class how many of us were christians (I went to a public school), and all but ONE (1) kid said he was a christian....

if that was the case, we sure wouldn't need nearly as many missionaries these days :P but it really is sad :(


sorry if I worded it wrongly. I wasn't judging the people who were and weren't christians, and in no way am I saying that I am any better than them or any less sinful. I was just saying that its scary that 98% of my school thinks they're a-ok with God, but really they still need witnessed to.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    So I take it you aren't a Christian either then. Because only God can judge the heart of a man. Christians know that they are not the ones to judge who is and isn't Christian. We see the fruit and this leads us to an understanding of persons, however, I sense you see the sin of your classmates and deem them non-Christian. Plank in your eye, perhaps?

  • 2 decades ago

    I have had the amazing privilege of attending a Christian school my entire life countinuing with my Sophomore year in August. I can only hope that every person who goes to my high school is a Christian, although the chances of that is probably smaller than I would like to admit.

  • 2 decades ago

    Why do you think it is sad that so many claim to be Christians? A Christian is simply a follower of Christ. In that Christ taught love, forgiveness and mercy, the more followers the better the world would be. The sad thing would be that so many say they are Christians without committing themselves to a truly Christian life. Missionaries will always be necessary. There are many places in the world (even in the United States) where Christ is not known. In fact, your classroom is one of those places. It is obvious that you do not know Christ. I pray that one day you will come to know him.

  • 2 decades ago

    Christians that I personally know are very kind and caring people.Yet somehow the leaders, all over the world and all throughout history, get them to support wars and greed. It gives all religions a bad name. (A 9 yr old boy asked me "How come people who like God like war so much?"). Of course, they don't. But, Christians can't support abortion and gays, either, so they seem to go along with the wars, etc. We'd all be better off it the true meaning of Christianity (love, peace, honesty, respect) were practiced by all.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Public schools brainwash kids to accept the outdated theories of evolution. Parents need to take a active role in defending their faith in light of the eroding of our freedoms. This nation was founded as a Christian nation... and people like the ACLU would like to re-write history for their personal agenda.

  • 2 decades ago

    Do you think it's sad because so many were Christians?

    Or was is sad because so many felt they were Christians, but you know their lives don't reflect it so there's a good chance they've never really accepted Christ as savior?

  • 2 decades ago

    It is the exact same thing as confessing to be RICH but not having any money.. people say they are christians but the love of God does not dwell in them. if you don't walk the walk then don't talk the talk.

    Source(s): the BIBLE
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's sad your views are so warped, what's worse is how many people ARE NOT christians, that's sad.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yes, I agree that it shouldn't be asked, in public schools. Maybe that teacher is used to religiously run schools.

  • 2 decades ago

    it iz sad....if ur a Christian then u should stick to ur guns and be proud to say it.

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