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How tired of the war are we??

The news says we are "weary" of the war?? Are you weary of the war on terrorism?? This isn't a politcally biased question... and I am a US Soldier. So what is your perspective?? Should be be withdrawing faster... set a time table?? What's your take??

16 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I am effing weary about you guys dying. I don't believe that Iraq was the biggest threat prior to 9/11 and that Rumsfeld and Cheney lied to us to make us believe that. I feel that your life is being put at risk to fight a war that should have never started-we should have stayed in Afghanistan and found bin Laden. We should have kept you there looking well after Tora Bora. And I feel that Iraq wouldn't have as many al-Qaeda living within its borders had we not invaded in the first place. I don't think that we can set a time table, unfortunately, we have created chaos within the country of Iraq, and we have to stay there until we fix our mistakes. Unfortunately, putting your life and others at risk.

  • 2 decades ago

    I guess I would be afraid of any culture who was not weary of any war. That in no way means I do not support it. I think the most telling thing is that, in this war, there seems to be one side that never wearies of it. Good sir that is the nature of where we are .. we have one side that is weary of war and one side that seems to thrive on it (and has for a long long time .. much longer than there has even been an America). This is one reason why we must continue and be steadfast.

    Good soldier thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do and what you risk.

  • 2 decades ago

    Does anyone really want or like the war? Its unevitable if things dont work out by dialogue & politics.

    The faster the country is given back to the rightful owners the better.This war was a big mistake, and the faster the army returns the better for all.

    For the Soldier(He`s still alive),for the family(no parents would want their kid to go missing) for the mother country(peace alas)

    for the economy(all prices rise during the war)for the cemetry(that overflowing) for the Medical profession(they can treat the sick & the ill instead of the soldiers) for the global fuel policy(so much unwanted waste of fuel during the war).

    Welcome home soldier, you have done your duty.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, I think you have more insight than I do. What I know about the war is what I hear through the news media. Nonetheless, here is my take....It cuts through me like a knife when I hear of more deaths of our troops and Iraqi people by the insurgents in Iraq. And just this morning, I hear that things are getting worse in Afghanistan.

    With all that being said, I feel that it is necessary to fight these horrible people and hopefully bring peace and democracy to that region.

    I realize that we will always have enemies. I also realize that the war on terrorism is HUGE. There are terrorists all over the world. I just don't see how we can just sit idly by while the terrorists have their way. What I mean is...their ideology is...CONVERT TO ISLAM OR BE BEHEADED!

    I have rambled, I know, but I guess to summarize...

    The war on terrorism is an unfortunate necessity.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I am not tired of the war on terror but I would like to see an end to it. As long as there are terrorist that want to hurt US citizens we need to keep up the "war on terrorist". I would love to see Iraq get on its own feet and our troops come home but as far as setting a drop dead date to withdraw I think that is just foolish. If the Iraq government is not able to protect its people and we pull out we only make more problems for them and us. The hatred for the US would be worse than it is right now and it would be wide spread. I too was military and I wish all of you a trip home soon but the job must be completed. I pray for you all and want you to know that my thoughts are with you.

  • 2 decades ago

    Not weary enough.

    Did you know that every American president had some kind of war going on while in office? Why else you think the American Army is so good? Lots of practice. (Not meant to be a joke)

    If this one is over there will be a new one soon. I don't think that make you feel any better now does it?

  • 2 decades ago

    I apologize, as an American citizen, that our government sent you to war based on someones personal agenda, which has very little to do with terrorism or WMD's. Not only because of why you're there but because, as Americans, we share a responsibility to control our government and not allow these crimes against humanity to occur. I am, of course, referring to government corruption with regard to 9/11, the war on terror, big oil, the corporatization of America and the world, and basic governmental lies and deception.

    I do, however, understand the value of your, and your fellow soldier's service to our great republic, and hope that you may all keep the American spirit for freedom in your hearts while serving our country in this time of great controversy!

    But I can't help but be greatfull that I do not have to fight in a war that is based on lies, and personal, money driven agendas!

    Having said all that, I feel that America, now, has a responsibility to do whatever possible to help their new, American-friendly puppet democracy with regard to ousting the insurgency, at least until Iraq can handle their own fights. Therefore, there really is no timetable. It's up to us to determine when we can safely do both help them help themselves, and leave them to themselves.

    Thank you for your courageous service!

  • 2 decades ago

    No. I'm sitting here in my comfortable office. I have no right to be tired of the war.

    Are you tired of it? When the military tires of fighting, then it will be time to reconsider.

    We didn't start this fight. But we have to end it.

    The cold war took 40-years. Is there any reason to believe that the Islamic-fascist countries have any less fortitude than the Soviets? Is there any reason to take them less seriously? Is there any reason to believe that the fundamentalists are joking when they say death to Americans?

    We must do whatever it takes. However long it takes. Without peaceful, stable governments in the middle- and far-east we will never be safe.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    to be completely honest the war has no affect on me whatsoever , i stopped watching the news about a year ago due to being tired of hearing about people dying and bad things happening . i see it is the soldiers job to keep my freedom and i will keep stimulating the economy , that might sound bad but it is the truth . i have no inside knowledge like you may to make an educated opinion on if we should be withdrawing faster

    thank you for keeping my freedom intact

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    oh yes, i m tired not only of 1 war, but the sequential wars. yeah, in my opinion you guys should be withdrawing fast and must leave them to take care of themselves. if the war is against the innocent and for ones own profit i strictly condemn it. but if it really is against terror, i support the cause. i m against terror not the terrorist, because i believe that circumstances play an important role in evolving a common man to what is called a terrorist. no one choses terrorism because he likes it.

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