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U.S. stealing oil from Iraq?

Can someone please tell me when the U.S. military started stealing oil from Iraq? A lot of people have been saying that we are, but if we were then wouldn't gas prices go down and not up?


who said I was listening to so called anti war hippies? And for your info I am against the war while I do support my troops 100% as my hubby was in Iraq for a year. was just trying to figure out how SOME people came up with the notion that our military was stealing oil from Iraq as we don't even need their oil. (we get most of our oil from Canada and the military has there on oil reserve). Thanks to those who have pritty much backed me up on this so far.

28 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course our military isn't stealing oil from Iraq. One, you correctly identify the supply and demand issue that influences the price. Two, you should have a little faith in the United States and our military. Stealing the Iraqi's oil isn't something we would do, no matter what the tinfoil hat crowd says.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    They mean the war was an attempt to steal the oil from Iraq. In fact, we did steal it, we stole the whole country and all its problems interally too as you can see.

    We Americans are not benefiting from this theft, because the theft and occupation is to keep the price of oil, globally, stable. The problem with Saddam was that he kept trying to make a new "Arab embargo" with Libya, then the next week he would just open the spigot wide. He was unstable. Making US Big Oil worry because his actions made the market fluctuate too much.

    So he had to go. Our goal now is to keep OPEC proces level. This means keep the price per barrel at a rate where we profit. If Iraq were to start producing bigtime (it can't because of the destruction) we would be in trouble. It is basic supply and demand, economics pure and simple, if they pumped out more the price per barrel would sink, Big Oil surely doesn't want that.

    If oil prices (gas prices) in the US were even a concern of the people who run this country, we could tap our National Reserves, we did after 9-11, but that is Cheney and Big Oil's call and they would never undercut profit to do that... never.

    Welcome to the world of oil and geo-politics.

    Read Greg Palast's book Armed Madhouse for more details on this matter.

  • 2 decades ago

    While I agree with Netir's response for the most part, I have to disagree about one thing. We will never see gas prices go down until this country can refine crude oil in larger quanities. There is no real shortage of oil, yes, we do need to conserve because there is a limited supply but the big problem here is the refining process. We have not built any new refineries in a long time. Again, this is the same people who brought you the same old anti-war chants about stealing oil. They have stopped any new refineries from being built. If we could build more of them and have a higher throughput then gas rpices can come down.

    Additionally, if you look at the oil for food scams that the UN was doing you will see that if anyone was stealing oil it was France and Germany. Himmmmmm.... the two countries that were very opposed to the war.

    The short answer to your question is that we are not stealing oil from any country, we are not the evil villians that people make us out to be. Yes we have our faults but we really take the rap for things that we don't do and for things with no proof to back up.

  • 2 decades ago

    If you look at the civilian contracts that have granted to the rich American Companies for the so called reubuilding of Iraq, you will discover that these companies are owned by influental pro Bush cronies. Bush, Chaney, Bush Sr, the Bin Ladens, the Saudis and many more are benefiting from all of this. So yes we are stealing oil from Iraq. Will this make prices go down, hell no. Greed is alive and well for the 3% of Americans who control the corporations. They could care less about us. Wouldnt it be a great gesture if the oil comapanies were to sacrafice just 10% of their profits in order to help stem gas prices? These companies are the plunderers and pillageers of the American people and there actions are proof of their design of global dominance.

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  • netjr
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    That is because we are not. That is a left over anti war slogan from before the war began...that basically said it was all about oil. If it was we'd be enjoying 1.25 gasoline prices but we aren't. The oil Iraq has is being sold on the open market at fair market rates; and the money is being used to prop up the Iraqi government which I think is a good cause.

  • 2 decades ago

    I doubt we're stealing oil from Iraq but certainly Oil had alot to do with going there. Think of it-- Sadaam makes deals with French, Germans, Russians, (China too I think) even during the sanctions. If had not attacked, eventually, they would get the spoils of Iraq.

    That said, oil production (at least according to public reports) are not even close to what they should be-- chalk another one up to not securing the country. Infrastructure there is a mess.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There is no way that the U.S. is stealing oil from Irac.

    That is just a buch of Bull Shi-- put out by the librals that want to stir up trouble.

    The United Nations Peace keeping forces are the people that overlook the handling of the oil.

    This is just some more Anti American Bull..

    Good Evening.

    Source(s): Me
  • The idea has never been to steal oil away from Iraq. Rather, the goal was, and the goal is still to keep Iraq from selling its oil. This makes every other oilman happy, and I am sure that you can understand why.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes & No ...

    the military of US dont steal anything ...most of them they fight thinking thats Bush want the freedom of iraq ...which its BIG LIE ... but they are as rest of ppl of US they just believe Bush lies ..

    thats some how started from long time to show up ... and start the American know his lies ...

    so yes US ( and i mean here Bush and his men they wanted thats war ) the last thing were thinking in it the freedom of iraq ...

    they want just OIL and thats one of many hiden objectives for Bush administration ...


    but im sure he dont DARE or CARE for thats ... and if u dont know thats Bush and his family still have oil businisses with LADEN familly which they are brothers of Osamah Ben Laden ..

    so do u think he have any PRINCIPLE?

    or thats which call BUSINESS IS BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


    God/Allah bless u all and bless the peace in thsi world

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    you couldn't steal oil from Iraq if you wanted to because the dumbasses keep blowing up their own pipelines. Ironically this only serves to disadvantage only the Iraqi people who desparately need the trade credits from its sale.

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