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What is wrong with people these days?

Why is it that alot of young americans have such strong views against George W. Bush? Do you guys realize that every American President has had a skirmish of some kind? Clinton had Iraq and Kosovo. Bush (no.1) had Iraq. Reagan had Niqurauga and so on. This war in Iraq is nothing new... We are all Americans and should be uniting not fighting about our government. That is what makes our country so great is our freedom. Don't hate our president. We vote for him so it's a choice that we all have. And a Question for all arabs living outside of the U.S. Why do you always think that we hate you and that we're against Islam? Most Americans never hated any Arabs until 9-11. And as far as being in a war against Islam that is a crock. We are a country based on a freedom of religion. We have every religion you can think of here. Is that why so many extremeists hate us? because we are free to choose our religion? I offer all haters of U.S. beliefs to come here and witness us. We are caring people!!


Also to the young Americans who hate our President. Please read your social studies book. I am 27 and voted for Bush. Why? because I understand how government works. This is a democracy and we can vote for our government... Everyone thought Clinton was a terrible President because of what he did. But know everyone loves him... See my point... I voted for him too...

Update 2:

Brian you missed my point... There was never a war that directly affected us... We didn't need to join WWI or WWII. We could've sat here and waited for the war to come to us. Same with the Korea war. We didn't have to be there. BUT THOSE WARS UNITED OUR COUNTRY WE WERE PROUD TO BE AMERICANS THEN EVEN IN A TIME OF WAR!!! And dont tell me that Hitler needed to be taken out because of what he did. Sadaam did the same thing as Hitler. He killed his own people so we dont look at it as we looked at Hitler.

Update 3:

I see your point too skittles but what makes Bush Sr. better? He put troops in Iraq also. We didn't need to be there either but i remember all the sack Iraq bumper stickers... I didn't see half the protesting i do now and we are doing exactly what we did then... I was a Marine and was in Kosovo I saw what these people do. We don't need to get involved but if we let people wipe out entire races what would that say about us?

Update 4:

g I hope you read this cause you REALLY need to read your books. WWI WWII and Korea the United States lost over 100,000 soldiers. That is a total insult that you have no clue... We didn't lose that many soldiers in Kosovo or Kuwait because we were not there longer than 6 months... For your information we are fight Al Quida in Iraq. Yes we have lost over 2000 troops there but how many Americans have died because of the terrorism we are now fighting. This is why I ask what is wrong with people today. No one does research they jump on band wagons and junp to conclusions...

11 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    What really gets me is that everytime a soldier is personally murdered by an Al Qaida member, their parents blame Bush and aren't mad at the murderers.

    It's also amusing how everybody was all up in arms over the wire tapping. yeah, that's been going on for decades you morons. I'm not saying that President Bush has good policies (spending, immigration) but he's not the root of all evil. It's just easier for Democrats to pick on him than to admit that THEY screwed up. They're all a bunch of pansies

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    As a Brit who has worked with Americans for forty five years I will offer a few answers.

    A lot of Americans seem to be very anti authoritarian and Bush is actually gewtting a much better ride than the last few presidents.

    There are a number of reasons that followers of Islam and other religions and races have a belief that america hates them and in turn hate America.

    Whilst many presidents have stated they are tolerant of others beliefs all, and especially Bush keep thumping out that they are following their religious beliefs etc. Most arabs and non-Christian religions therefore feel that America and Britain are harking back to the old days of the crusades. The only answer is to keep religion out of politics.

    Many Americans give off the attitude that anyone who is not American is some sort of sub species and the attitude seems especially strong towards muslims and arabs.

    Most of Americas policies are along the lines of do what I say not what I do. Hence if any other country in the world had a prison camp like gitmo the states would have bombed it by now.

    The States should be offering leadership to the world but instead is seen by many as a dictator which forces through agreements detremental to other countries but very beneficial to the States.

    China, Russia and even India are fast catching up with the USA and the US economy is forecast to go down severly soon (US forecast). Unless America changes it may slip from first country to third or even fourth!

    To be fair most Americans are so isolated from the rest of the world and what is happening in it they are at a very distinct dis-advantage. The sort of questions asked in Yahoo Answers frequently undeline the lack of Americans understanding of what is heppening in the world and how can you expect other to respect the States when so many Americans run down their own Presidents, politicians, security services and the like?

    America does try to do what it sees as right but it just does not listen hard enough to the opinions of the rest of the world. Hence the agreement on climate change where America refused to take part whilst the rest of the world thought it necessary. (poetric justice seems to suggest America is paying the highest price with the tornados and flooding).

    America has to learn to lead, to listen and reach agreements with people. There are few countries, nationalities, or religions that would not like to see the States assume that sort of role.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Thank you for saying that we should be united as a country, and fighting over our own government. We are practically on the verge of a new kind of civil war. Every American should be standing up and supporting our president. Only that would make us stronger. I voted for Bush, I'm young, and I have my own thoughts, I think many young people are not open minded enough, they hear one opinion, and super glue it in there minds.

    Hey, hotsauceg, have you ever Read the bible? Marriage is between a man and a women, Our founding fathers didn't have to worry about any of that, sure it was going on, But George Washington never said, hey Martha I think I want to leave you for our carriage driver, and marry him, and adopt a child with him.

  • 2 decades ago

    In Kosovo, President Clinton stepped in for at least two reasons. First, no other country was stepping in the stop the killing. Secondly, Clinton and his advicers felt certain that they could convince Serbia to remove their Army from Kosovo and achieve a Multi/National or United Nations peace agreement with relatively little loss of life.

    I am proud of America for its defense of the people of Kosovo. It did stop the mass killing, and I am proud of Clinton for not sending an Army into Kosovo and counting on airpower to do the job. It worked. Also, not one American Military personal died in combat inside Kosovo.

    Compare that to the invasion of Irag by Bush.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Nice try. I like your concept, but we didn't need to go into the war in Iraq. You didn't see nearly this level of anger about the war in Afghanistan. If we would have remained focussed on Afghanistan and finding bin Laden, you wouldn't see so much anger toward the President. Even if the war in Iraq had been executed with a modicum of skill, you might not see things looking so bad. But Bush's people prosecuted the war soooooooooooo horribly that he lost most of his support.

    I don't feel sorry for Bush. I feel sorry for the country that's forced to live with a mistake made in 2000.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am a paralegal, and training to be an attorney. I study government constantly, and the reason I hate bush is because he is the laziest of all the presidents you mentioned. He constantly does stuff to make him appear intelligent, but I honestly believe he got in office because of his father, who was a way way better man i might add. While this country was at war and terrorist threats were high, he was out camping and having a good ole time. In my opinion, he is extremely ignorant and needs to be removed from office.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    ... comparing the current situation in Iraq to ANY of those small deployments is silly... how many people died in all those "wars" you mentioned combined... 100 or so? maybe 200 actual combat casualties...

    This is a bit different at over 2,000... and the thing is... those other operations were mainly in and out... many with U.N. assistance... a year after they started, they were pretty much over...

    As far as Arabs... the vast majority know that we don't hate all of them... but there are groups that do think that, just like there are groups that do hate them here... you see them on here every now and then...

    I think many of them are confused, because they live over there... they know what's going on... they know Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9-11, but we attacked him anyway and let bin Laden go? They wonder why we did that and jump to the conclusion that we just hate all Arabs and that we can't tell the difference between terrorists and those that aren't terrorists...

    ... comparing the current situation in Iraq to ANY of those small deployments is silly... how many people died in all those "wars" you mentioned combined... 100 or so? maybe 200 actual combat casualties...

    This is a bit different at over 2,000... and the thing is... those other operations were mainly in and out... many with U.N. assistance... a year after they started, they were pretty much over...

    As far as Arabs... the vast majority know that we don't hate all of them... but there are groups that do think that, just like there are groups that do hate them here... you see them on here every now and then...

    I think many of them are confused, because they live over there... they know what's going on... they know Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9-11, but we attacked him anyway and let bin Laden go? They wonder why we did that and jump to the conclusion that we just hate all Arabs and that we can't tell the difference between terrorists and those that aren't terrorists...



    let's correct a few things.

    1. you were talking about all the "battles" of the past few presidents... NOT WWII, WWI AND KOREA... so I was addressing those you addressed... sorry for ADDRESSING YOUR QUESTION DIRECTLY AND NOT GOING OFF ON SOME MINDLESS RANT?

    2. Al-Queda in Iraq (as an organization) started in 2004... and had no real links to 9-11, according to a CIA report... and there are VERY few links during Saddam's reign to Al-Queda... it's really easy to find more links in ALMOST EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE MIDDLE EAST...


  • 2 decades ago

    I agree...freedom makes our country great...yet GW is trying to amend our constitution to prevent homosexuals from marrying!! I don't recall our founding fathers noting anywhere that American freedoms applied to heterosexuals only. I guess in GW's mind "all men are created equal" unless they don't conform to good Christian morals.

  • 2 decades ago

    yeah but the great thing about america is that everyone has the right to their own opinion. don't get me wrong; i'm a full fledged bush supporter and i don't dislike people for not liking him. but i have to respect other peoples opinions if i want them to respect mine. yeah it sucks that people dislike us because of the war, but that's an unfortunate side effect. but you have to remeber that you're not a hundred dollar bill so not everyone is going to like you.

  • 2 decades ago

    wow very well said!

    but might i add !

    if you dont like our country then go back to where your from! if your country is so high and mighty then why are you in ours?

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