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Lv 7

Why are Muslims required to kill all infidels (non believers) and dictates it be done by beheading?

Why do Muslims side step this question or claim it isn't true when it is stated in their Qur'an? I am not an Islamic scholar but look these up for yourself.

Quranic verses that dictate violence against Kaffirs (non beleivers). Some may claim these are taken out of context...I say they are taken from their Holy Book.

5:33 execution

8:12 instill terror

47:4 strike off their heads

9:123 murder those of the dis-belivers

9: 29 and fight People of the Book (Christians and Jews)

Source: Is Beheading Islamic

Syed Kamran Mirza


Having read a few of the replies (thank you for your thoughts) I should make it clear that I am not opposed to Muslims or Islam. In fact, I meet a great many Muslims during my 18 months in Iraq, Kuwait and Bahrain. Nice, kind and generous people. My concern is how people (and this applies to all religions) justify the murder of innocent people by citing their religion. When a suicide bomber kills dozens of Muslim women and children, claiming it was done in the name of Allah angers me beyond belief. While in Iraq I saw too many bodies on the streets because somebody was trying to get to paradise by killing innocent people.

Update 2:

This is in response to Logical373's reply to my question. You should read my question again, accurately this time. I never said I was a soldier or in the army. Therefore to answer your Q, I NEVER killed anyone in Iraq.You ask what I was doing there, well I abhor disappointing you, but I was working with a company that provided food to those in need. You are the one BRAINWASHED! You assumed I invaded your country and came to cause injury. Since you accused me falsely that makes you a LIAR. You are also a COWARD. You threaten to kill me if I return to Iraq. You're real brave over the Internet. And guess what, I do plan to return to work in Iraq. And guess what else...I was a soldier, an Officer in the US Army years ago. Unlike you I was a trained professional. I've read most of your Q's & A's and clearly your Q's are stilted and imperceptive while you A's are specous and lack merit. I look forward to the day we leave Iraq. Then your friends the Iranians can rush to your aid!

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are a lot of things God has asked Christians to do that we don't anymore because they are antiquated.

    People conform their religion to the current society/evolution and that is why most muslims don't kill non-believers.

    Don't incite rage. Don't hate.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    First,let me tell u that,Muslims doesnt kill anyone unless he attacks us or harm us first,

    but dont expect that u go to a Muslim country,invade it,destroy it,kill kids and women and innocent ppl,and then expect the ppl there to kiss u and hug uand welcome u,,!!!u should be sooo stupid to think that,,,of course they will hunt u,kill u& cut ur head of ur body,cause u r an INVADER.

    and if u come to my country,i will do the same to u,

    so,dont mix things out

    and let me ask u a good Q,as u say u r a soldier in the us army,and u served in Iraq:

    How many Iraqi ppl did u and ur close friends KILL?

    And what the Fakkk r doing there,in other ppls land,what right do u have to be there,killing,torturing the ppl of the country,and complaining for them fighting u?

    and give ONE time ,that muslim killed anyone without being attacked or harmed first?


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Do not take verses from the Quran verbally, most Muslims do not understand it, they need scholars to explain it to them. When Prophet Mohammed was spreading Islam, as people around him were worshiping statues calling them their gods, he was ordered by God to fight them. The form of beheading is not in the Quran. Fights in 570 (or so) AD , were face to face by sword (like we see int he movies) how can you in the middle of a battle hold a person with hands behind his back and chop off his head? Damn Bin Laden who tarnished the picture of Islam, the result is most of the world are mocking Muslims and say that beheading is a past time.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Islam dousnt say to kill non Muslims. If they did why are there still non Muslims in Muslim countries? Also you dont see Muslim converts killing there families. Dont believe all the propaganda

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  • 2 decades ago

    To answer K's reply: thats why MOST muslim's don't kill none believers. Atleast you're admitting that some do. Meanwhile no other religion that I can recall, does kill nonbelievers.

  • We dont just kill nonbeleivers they have thier relegion we have ours if they nevr went to war they nevr would have died. but at least they fufiled their dream to serve their cousntry. we r not hypocrits idiots who think tht.

    Source(s): Im muslim and proud.

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