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why are some people so admant in trying to convert people on this website?

It seems like a total waste of time because, when it comes down to it, why would people listen to just anybody who writes anything here? I mean, cool, you think you're going to be saved by Jesus or Allah, or you think that you're going to be in a higher caste when you're reborn, but why do some people just try so hard to convert others to their religion or push their religious beliefs on others? The disrespect that can be displayed on this website concerning religion and beliefs is very juvenile. Any truly mature religious person would respect another person's beliefs. At least, I've seen that kind of mutual respect among religious thinkers (from different religions) who I have spoken with. They disagree, debate and discuss, but never ridicule or force their beliefs on each other. Don't people have the right to figure out what their beliefs are?


In response to Jacob F's comment about how I did not point out the Jews: I didn't mean to point out Christianity, Islam or Hinduism specifically. I was just grabbing examples out of thin air. I'm sorry if I have offended anybody with that.

Update 2:

I appreciate other people's opinions, but it's the way that they go about explaining themselves. I've seen countless amounts of questions stating things along the lines of (again, these are random examples, I don't mean to offend anyone): "Are you saved?" "Do you believe in Jesus?" "What will it take for you to believe?"(<--This one was specifically in reference to Christianity,) etc. etc. I commend those of you who try to explain yourselves more thoroughly than others in your questions. If questions like the aforementioned are posted, but do not include details, I do use the back button. But there are some who answer the questions with five word answers or less (you are going to hell, you're god isn't the right, etc.) and those answers... I don't know what to say about those besides they're really annoying. If you take the time to answer a question, why not explain yourself a little bit further with some logical reasoning?

Update 3:

This may pertain to the question at hand, but here is another question I have: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share the same God, as I understand it (PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, enlighten me on the topic). The three religions have the same patriarch: Abraham, with Christianity and Judaism stemming from Abraham's son, Isaac, and Islam stemming from Abraham's first son, Ishmael. Each religion has basically just given the same god a different name. So, why is there even a feud if the three religions believe in the exact same god?

27 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know, I was watching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. give his speach on freedom at school tonight and as I watched I noticed that the thousands of people there were not only black, they were white. I know that on the internet there are a bunch of religious (mostly Christian) people who come on here to "spread" the word of "God." But I think it has more to do with them than it does with others.

    These people who try and convert you because they know (remember you can't see what a person believes, they have to tell you in some way) are just out to help themselves. I don't think a being such as a god would need any help from mere humans, of any kind. I think these people are so afraid of being wrong that they have to reasure themselves by forcing themselves (in the same way a rapist would) onto others.

    However, there are plenty of tolerant people out there. I'd love to see a coming together just like what happened in the 60's with Atheists and Christians. We can agree to disagree.

    Source(s): Life
  • 2 decades ago

    I agree that we should not force our beliefs on someone who is unwilling. When I type my responses, I try to remember that not only am I answering the Asker's question, but that any number of people will read my answer, so I have to be mindful of that and be gentle in my response.

    As a Christian, I hope that someone will read something that will touch them and help with difficulties in their lives, whether it is the Asker or not. People do have the right to figure out their beliefs. That is the main reason why I try not to be too heavy handed.

    Questions in this forum are not private conversations so we have to keep that in mind when responding. I've read some responses that I wish I hadn't read but couldn't avoid because I was scrolling through the responses. Some people take delight in juvenile and offensive responses which they seem to think are amusing.

    You make a very good point. Thanks for the question.

  • 2 decades ago

    First, they believe they have the Only Truth. It takes maturity to realize that there may be many truths, revealed to different folks in different ways. (Age and maturity don't always go hand in hand.)

    Second, because no one can tell them to shut up here. They CAN pound on their holy books and imagine that their vehemence will actually open some eyes to their truth.

    Third, I believe they are probably as vehement elsewhere, it's just that their peers tell them they're going to punch them in the mouth if they don't shut up.

    Personally, I've always found that telling someone he's stupid, evil and that the Lord of the Universe hates him is a poor way to win him over. <wink>

    I love a heated religious discussion with an open-minded believer of another faith, but this is the last place I expect to find one. (Discussion, I mean.) People who are shouting can't hear.

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree with you 100%, but the thing of it is that in an open forum when you ask a question you open yourself up to the opinions of others. As disrespectful as it might seem when you ask questions on certain topics that freedom gives anyone who answers free reign to express those beliefs even if that includes attempted conversion. Just as they are free to share their beliefs as strongly as they feel necessary a person is free to accept or reject the statement. That is the beauty of the internet you can take it or leave it the choice is yours.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think that everyone has the right to decide what they want to believe in but some people are uncomfortable with things that they cant control when someone has different beliefs they have different ideas on how the world should be, if we all were exactly the same life would be pretty boring now wouldn't it.

  • 2 decades ago

    Because they're aggressive, controlling, obsessive, manipulative, arrogant, intrusive people with no boundaries who have no respect for anyone else's beliefs. They are religious addicts who can't open their minds and think outside of a teeny, tiny box. They can't face their own issues and deal with them honestly, so they spend their lives avoiding their own problems and sticking their noses into everybody else's business instead. They have no lives of their own because they believe everything even remotely fun must be "sinful," therefore they want to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are. No one is under obligation to give them the time of day...I just say, "My religious beliefs are private and I don't discuss them with people I don't know." As far as Jews go, their religion specifically prohibits them from proselytizing. The conversion process is extremely difficult and Jews do not encourage non-Jews to undertake it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The reason people SHOULD use, is because they have found something that has brought some sort of meaning to their lives and they would like to give that opportunity to others. Yet you are right, many people do not go about it with that attitude. The idea behind the sincere people is that someone here is looking for something and maybe they can be the person to give them what they are looking for.

  • 2 decades ago

    i noticed you didn't point out that jews were trying to convert people. i wonder why. anyway from a non religious point of view every religion has its quirks. people who act negatively towards them are probably only concentrating on a few stereotypes based on those quirks. i guess you can say that the religious folk who try to push their beliefs on other only mean well. i guess they want to see other people get "redeemd" or what have you. as far as finding your own beleifs of course people have the right to find out for themselves so long as they arrive at the undisputed truth (which has yet to be revealed). even so we all sometimes (maybe even often) proper guidance.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It all comes down to truth. Not YOUR truth (I dont mean you personally) Their can only be one road that leads to God and many are deceived with thousands of false religions and spiritual tricks. That is why there is a strong urge to convert a person . They believe with such intensity that their particular docrtrines are the only way. You must find the ONE truth, and that should be your goal. If you are diligent in seeking, you will only come to one conclusion. Their are those who are deceived and those who are deceivers. Pray with all your heart to the God of this universe, and he will show you.

  • 2 decades ago

    Isnt that why you come here? To get different points of view? They can try what ever they want. You take what you need and leave the rest behind. Best way is not to take it too seriously and just pick out whatever you are looking for. I will say whatever comes to my mind. You dont have to believe it.

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