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Educated part 2?

Ok. A PhD or GED doesn't make one educated. DOesn't anyone think about an issue before they formulate an opinion?

Example: Someone you love tells you that Black people have inferior intelligence to Whites, but are better at physical labor (which was believed to be true for a very long time). You're from a small town and don't have exposure to many Black people.

Why don't you hop on the Internet and see for yourself that Black people, are, in fact, as intelligent as anyone else?

The list goes on and on:

Gay people shouldn't be parents because they'll spread their deviance to their children. Asians are smarter that everyone else. If you touch a baby bird, the parents will abandon it because they'll smell humans (BIRDS CAN'T SMELL). Goldfish have a memory of only 7 seconds.

Why would poeple rather be hateful because of their beliefs than educate themselves and admit that, mnaybe, they're wrong?


So I said Internet. That was an example. You can go to a library, talk to an expert, take a class. Any mode of education!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are so pointedly correct that I'm afraid you may have hit the Icicles tendon of the doctrinal infused, dogmatic believing religious that occasion this board. You may find your answers populated with sarcasms and snide remarks. It is amazing that we thought the ignorance of hate and misbelief all in the name of God, or the Bible, or Jesus, or to simplify, "by a literal reading of the bible as God's word", (as if it was dictated word for word and scribed by someone using the end of a feather and a rock to write on, SURE????).

    I do in fact have an ongoing relationship with God, and practice they relationship within the Christan Tradition. As Daring and Radical as Jesus was, "I dare you fundamentalistic right religious fanatics to say anything to the contrary, or challenges that statement"!!!! But I belief like you that humankind should research everything they hear and discern the truth. As in the Hebrew Testament of the Bible, we are actually supposed to question, research and prove to ourselves everything; Malachi 3:10 states "Prove me here with..." There should not be those mysteries that you must simply buy into.

    So to answer your question further, it is a simple fact that the Hebrew Bible (often call the Old Testament) was an oral tradition. Humankind did not even have a written language during the early years of the period in which the early books, mainly the Pentateuch or 1st five books, also known by Judaism and Islamic faith believers as the Torah. So it was the story of humankind as they tried to make sense of their condition. It was in the context of a specific socio-culturally bound traditions that many of the Books of the Hebrew bible originated, and were, in fact adapted by different generations to accommodate the changing socio-cultural contexts of humankind. They maintain a central theme that I belief is Spirit filled by the breath of God. The theme is there is a God that is loving and merciful and full of grace for all those he creates. "Whoops"!!! Now that is just too much to handle, no just for the humankind of antiquity, but as you point out, our fundamental righteous doctrinal believing board members. So interspersed was an attempt of humankind to place this into their socio-cultural bound traditions, IN ORDER TO MAKE SENSE OF IT WITHOUT FURTHER RESEARCH. Out of Thisis came the 20th century beliefs of Christianity of:

    Eugenics: Yes, Dr. Stanley Binet was a Bigot and the IQ tests (get it Stanford-Binet test, awe well I didn't think so), and IQ tests were developed to prove the superior intelligence of the "White" (whatever that is) Race.

    So is it not sad, as you point out, that we are not only still relying on IQ tests, but are also reverting to adapted IQ tests in the Public Schools of America by Edit of the Right Wing fundamentalistic dominated Bush Administration.

    Male Superiority: Need I really say more, except for the fact that many fundamentalist are still rubbing the ink from their bibles as they thumb so fast through the pages after the Episcopals elected a Female clergy as head of the denomination.

    Jesus was God: The trinity was man made in @400 A.D. to help the Pagan Emperor Constantine, and the New Christian Church of Rome make sense out of the guts and determination of Jesus.

    Why they could not see that a person could become Spirit-filled and broadcast a RADICAL MESSAGE OF "GOD LOVES EVERYBODY". I leave the references for this below in the interest of space and time.

    The Salk Vaccine: The mainline of the doctrinal church fought to get legislation passed the outlaw the "Unnatural abomination of science intervening with the will of God". Bottom line; we would have no vaccinations, and no anti-biotic today if the Christians of the 1920's and 30's were successfull.

    Now they have the audacity to want to sentence all people to a lifetime in a wheel chair after a spinal injury, or deny a method for managing someones Cancer and allow them to maintain a functional life by claiming - STEM-Cell research is a sin, and God will not like that.

    The answerer to your question is "History speaks for itself in hindsight, and History DOES repeat itself, at least with doctrinal fundamentalistic religious believers".

  • 1 decade ago

    People don't have the time to hunt down the answers, and they don't think things are worth it to investigate it.

    For example, I wouldn't touch a baby bird. So it may be a big myth but I'd rather not risk it. As for preconceived notions about people, I just don't put a lot of credence to them. They always have execptions and life isn't fact-based.

    Cost versus benefit, it's not always worth it. Spend your time on what's useful to you. The quest for knowledge is noble, but I wouldn't want to spend my life researching versus experiencing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its called being a bigot. Its source is ignorance. Ignorance sees no need to seek facts. Facts only get in the way of the bigoted assumption.

  • beek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So the internet is our know all to resort to for truth? I agree that one should research and seek to know the truth but for every pro online there is a con. It takes more than that unless your only searching for something to base your presuppositions on.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    are you saying people should believe what they see on the internet or do expiriments try figure stuff out for themselves

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