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When you pray to Jesus or a saint, isn't that putting someone else before GOD?

I don't understand why I have to go throught all these other PEOPLE to get to GOD, when he states that "you shall have no other gods before me". How, then it is ok to pray to someone other than god, such as jesus or mohammed?

Don't give me the trinity crap, for once I agree with the muslims. God doesn't need a partner to be god. Wasn't the trinity INVENTED by the catholics to convert the Irish, who (in typically wonderful Irish fashion) resisted and called ******** on the trinity?


T73: 1. didn't Isiah raise the dead? If not him someone else DID? 2. You MUST go through Jesus, but CAN ALSO... WTF?

3. IF Jesus is the son of god, then god is from alabama and nailed his own MOM? (no disrespect to alabama)

ddead_alive: Where does it say JESUS IS GOD?

How did GOD DIE? He is immortal!!! right? how can he DIE. Who ran the universe while god was on earth in jesus?

I'm not trying to be an asshole, but really didn't you Christians ask these questions BEFORE you decided to believe in Jesus?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you are absolutely right it is wrong to pray to anyone other than God himself!And I will not give you any answer to do with the trinity because it is man's c reation as you said and not from the Bible. People around the world have heard something about Jesus Christ, even though he lived 2,000 years ago. Yet many are confused about who Jesus really was. Some say that he was merely a good man. Others claim that he was nothing more than a prophet. Still others believe that Jesus is God and should be worshiped. Should he?

    It is important to know the truth about Jesus, because the Bible says: This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you , the only true God, and of the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ."(John 17:3) Yes knowing the truth about Jehovah God ,and about Jesus Christ, can lead to everlasting life on paradise earth.(John14:6) Furthermore, Jesus sets the best example of how to live and treat others(John13:34,35) Jesus is Jehovah's most precious Son-and for good reason. He is called the firstborn of all creation(Collossians1:15). There is something else that makes this Son special. He is the only-begotten Son."(Colossians1:16)This means that Jesus is the only one directly created by JehovahGod. Jesus is also the only one whom God used when he created all other things(Colossians1:16) Then too, Jesus is called the Word,"(1John 1:14) This tells us that he spoke for God,no doubt delivering messages and instructions to the Father's other Sons, both spirit abd human.

    The first born Son equal to God, as some believe? That is not what the Bible teaches. As noted earlier, the Son was created. Obviously, then,Jesus had a beginning, whereas God has no beginning or end. (Psalm 90:2) The only-begotteen Son nevereven considered trying to be equal to his Father. The Bible clearly teaches that the Father is greater than the Son

    Mathew24:36) Jesus observed God's laws(John8:55)The Bible teaches that God is greater than Jesus(John14:28;1Corinthians11:3

    The Son Jesus Christ was created(Psalm90:2) Obviously, then, he had a beginning, whereas God has no beginning!reationand,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your right there is no trinity!

    We aren't to pray to saints! Saint is just another word for christian.

    If you'll read John chapter 1 you'll see that Jesus is God. In fact Jesus is the God who is our creator. John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17. Also there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12 . Verse 10 lets you know that Jesus Christ is that name.

  • Ranto
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you have a point about the Trinity -- though it has nothing to do with the Irish. The trinity has been around since the first century.

    Catholics have a lot of faults -- but unlike Protestant Religions, the inability to understand logic is not one of them. Catholics believe in the teachings from the Bible -- but also in what is implied by them. The trinity is the only thing that allows them to have one god -- but three manifestations of god.

    The Bible refers to God the Father and also to the Holy Spirit. Now if you also believe that Jesus is God -- you have a dilemma. Either there are three beings that make up God (as the Mormons believe) or these are three manifestations of the same being. Since the Old Testament makes the claim that there is only one God -- Catholics are forced to believe that these three manifestations are of the same being.

    Hey -- it doesn't make sense to me -- but at least it is consistent with the Bible.

    As for this crap about praying to Saints -- this is one of the great misconceptions about Catholics. Protestants who complain about Catholics almost always complain about things that aren't so. Catholics do not pray to saints. They ask the saints to pray for them. This is a huge difference. Protestants then say "But I pray directly to god." So do Catholics. They don't avoid praying to God -- but they also ask Mary and the saints to pray for them. When I ask Protestants if they ever asked a friend, parent or grandparent to pray for them -- they always say 'yes.'

    To Catholics, there is no difference between asking someone wh ois alive on earth and someone who is alive in Heaven to pray for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible actually says nothing about a "trinity" as such while several times within it Jesus is quite emphatic to say that he is NOT God. The concept of the Trinity was created in 329A.D. by the Council of Bishops and made an "article of faith" thereby condemning doubters to damnation. Don'tya just love this Christianity thing?!

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  • 1 decade ago

    God doesn't really exist, he was invented by primitive minds as a way of explaining the universe and providing reassurance to people living under adversity and fearing death.

    However the assertion of the divinity of Christ is one of the principle objections to the Christian reigion held by both Jews and Muslims. The concept of Christ as God's "son" is derived from Graeco-Roman Pagan theology which almost completely supplanted the original "christianity" of the Essenes and the Gnostics under Constantine. (the name Jupiter, which we associate with the head of the Roman panoply, was original Jove Pater: God the Father. There is a curious parallel here between the name Jove, which the Romans pronounced yo-vay, and the jewish secret name of god,Yahweh, which suggests that at some point in history they were the same figure). The origins of the trinity also lie in pre-christian thought, although some of this is gnostic in origin.

    The reverence of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints was introduced as a way of bringing pagans into the fold of the burgeoning roman church. In place of a goddess figure, worshipped by some pagans, they could now worship the mother of Christ, and the panoply of lesser gods which existed in most pagan religions and which took care of day to day worries and concerns like prowess in battle and obscure skin complaints were replaced by a more Christian-acceptable company of Saints.

    Source(s): "The Gnostics" - Elaine Pagels "The Jesus Mysteries" - Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy "The Christians" - Bamber Gascoine "The Bible" - various authors (including God, apparently) and multiple editors and translators) and almost every history of religion ever written...
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, you are vastly confused. The Bible states clearly that you must go through Jesus, but you can also pray directly to God. Muhammed isn't anyone to pray too, nor Mary, the Pope, or Budda.

    Only Jesus came as the son of God and laid his life down for our sins. He was resurrected three days later. Where is Muhammed and the rest, or yeah, DEAD! They never raised the dead or healed the sick. The Bible is not that complicated!

  • 1 decade ago

    We Muslims believe that God is one; which is different from the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity. We believe in one supreme creator of the universe who is nothing like man and nothing like anything known to man. He created beginnings and ends and He created our human needs and limitations. God has no beginning or end. God has no human attributes.

    For a Muslim, worshipping God remains a matter of faith in something that is way beyond our human understanding; yet something we can feel in the stream of every moment and see in every place.

    We pray (to God directly) 5 times a day and we don't have any so-called 'holy men'. We believe that man is imperfect. Just think about it; were they right to call Grigori Rasputin a holy man??

    We go to our "olema'a" only seeking advice. We pray to none but God and without 'intermediation'.

  • riedel
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    because we study the Scriptures and locate how very Biblical praying for eachother is. purely because a Saint has a particular love of a few thing specially, like music, doesn't cause them to a God in any respect. even as contained in the international did God say only to wish to the daddy? He did not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is God. God has three personalities in one; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. It is hard for us humans to understand but that is the way God wanted it. But you are right about praying to other saints, gods, and whomever else people might pray to, but praying to Jesus is not putting Him before God, it is praying to God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus is the Great Intercessor, sitting on the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and me. We are to pray to God in Jesus' name, and no other, because if it were not for Jesus' blood shed for us there would be no remission of sin, and therefore no reconciliation to the Father. When you say "putting someone else before God" you imply that the person is expecting someone other than God Himself to actually answer the prayer. In which case, that WOULD be idol worship.

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