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Here my question Jesus never built the church..........?

So why do People builting Church and I never once see Jesus was ever in the church... and why do we have to pay church to built and keep it safe? why do we pay bishop???? why do we pay for everything??? Jesus never ask for money or built church.... so tell me more about that??? that bugs me ever since i went few different church and all i notice that Jesus never built church. or go in church but goes to people home. or outside land.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    christianity today is not the religeon of jesus,it is rather the religeon of men of religeon,who aim for authority and making money.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Temple require money (offerings) to maintain IT and the priest hood according to the Mosaic Laws.., laws handed to him from God. Jesus attended the Synagogue and kept the laws faithfully - he was the Law.

    Non the less -Jesus held HIS church among the people. the PEOPLE are the Church. We modern peoples have confused these buildings you see as the Church and many kids today believe thats THE Church - a building you see where people gather to pray and sing and so forth. Not so.

    THE Church is and always has been from the beginning - THE SAVED people of God. The WHOLE world wide body of Christ (all saved people) Not the building. Early America understood these buildings are for Church (people) meeting places. And building a Church meant, to build a place where people could worship and add believers to the Church (gain more followers of Jesus).

    Much understanding has been lost and not preached. Churches met from New Testament times in each others homes, sometimes renting buildings to accommodate more people than a typical house could hold. And these funds had to come from somewhere - and required cheerful givers - AGAIN - they knew that the Building was not THE Church. THEY were THE Church.

    Can you imagine 100 people or more trying to crowd into your house, or scattered on the typical lawn in anyone's neighborhood? Wisdom is justified by her children.

    Also I might add - people met in the open during the cool of the afternoon for services, something very few Churches (people) today practice.

    Pastors and Deacons should not be paid a salary UNLESS they are spending half their time and effort to their ministry in the Church services and upkeep. If they are Full time especially and they should be visiting the sick and needy as well as attending to the duties required of Church services and upkeep.

    People requiring a Church "Meeting" house need to also help in its upkeep by donations, help clean and repair the building and so forth (common sense stuff people would do in a secular club or organization).

    THEN There are the Needed Missionaries. They need funding because rarely can they get the moneys needed to go to a foreign country, eat, serve the Lord by establishing Church buildings (called Churches because of the People, not the building itself).

    Jesus commands us to give from our hearts to Lord - and doing these things are all a part of it, just as much as you taking a hamburger to a starving homeless person.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The biblical meaning of church is not a physical building. It is a group, the church is the people. The church can be outside or in a neighboors home. Now days since we have huge buildings to put the church we need money to pay the bills & the counselors and to support for the Kingdom of God so everyone in the church should pitch in money. Everywhere Jesus went he was a place to sleep, it was given to him.

  • The "church" is comprised of the body (the people) and not based on any structure but with any institution peoples salaries need to be paid as well as the upkeep of the buildings. How else do you think people would live and keep the buildings clean for our use. While he never asked for any money (true) people did give him food and clothing and lodging. Jesus did however say to Peter that he would be the cornerstone of HIS church and upon that rock (Peter) the church would be built.

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  • cindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Jesus commissioned his apostles to go out and spread the word.

    To Peter Jesus told him point blank to go out and build the church of which Jesus himself was to be the cornerstone.

    Paul was sent forth to spread the word and to keep it flourishing where it had been accepted.

    Of course all of these people would need and want a place to get together to worship as had been done in temples before this.

    IT is the same building , we now call it a church instead of a temple.

    Jesus did give us guidelines, however, on the care of our pastors, he states that we must meet their needs (not wants or desires) We are told to make sure that they do not have to worry about a roof over their head, or food in their stomachs.

    So, yes in this world money is needed to support the church. It is not needed to over decorate and pay homage to our own desires on how it should look.

    We are also told to care for the true widows and the children. If you can afford to take care of one on your own, then by all means do it, but most of us need to come together and pool resourses to be able to do this, and we use the church and the money given to do this.

  • sassy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church.. the church is not a building, but the people."

    The buildings we worship in are indeed referred as churches. In some areas, being outside is not something that can always be done. Our homes only provide just so much room. Did you know though, that we do have bible studies in our homes, and sometimes ever outside.

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    But for the first thousand years of her history the Church was essentially one. Five historic Patriarchal centers--Jerusalem; Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, and Constantinople-- formed a cohesive whole and were in full communion with each other. There were occasional heretical or schismatic groups going their own way, to be sure; but the Church was unified until the 11th century. Then, in events culminating in A.D.1054, the Roman Patriarch pulled away from the other four, pursuing his long-developing claim of universal headship of the Church.

    Today, nearly a thousand years later, the other four Patriarchates remain intact, in full communion, maintaining that Orthodox apostolic faith of the inspired New Testament record. The Orthodox Church and her history is described herein, from Pentecost to the present day.

  • Damian
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Jesus went to the temple as it was his custom on the Sabbath day (Saturday) so he didn't build it but others did and he still went there each Sabbath. He also said give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and if you don't work you should not eat. Also, the Apostles sent letters to churchs not to tell them not to keep church or build churchs but to keep the faith and stay strong. We gather in the building but the people are the church. Nothing is wrong with believers putting together to erect a building to gather together Hebrews 10:25

  • 1 decade ago

    Because being a Christian is not about going to church, the coulda shoulda woulda's, now people go to church to be lifted up, encouraged because the world can be exhausting. Now in the NT Jesus talks about the new command of love if you loved God, loved others as you would yourself then you wouldn't commit the Ten commandments or do anything to harm anyone right? That is what we are to do, if you want to go to church or youth or whatever and support your church you are free to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was not recorded in many homes . he Would go out of the City on a hill . you are right And neither did Paul he rented a House to teach in. the word Preach should have been translated Teach. Church and the Word was a way of establishing a religious organization. that was of great monetary value to them as it is now. Jesus also did not go knocking on doors, He waited till God sent them to him. So J.W's don't think you are off Scot free for invading my privacy. the word Church was from the word Eklessia meaning the called out of God Collectively every where, not Denominations.

  • 1 decade ago

    First I hope English is not your first language. Your right. Don't pay if you don't want to. But You better be going to the Temple on Shabbat like Jesus did. He also didn't have a home, a house, a car, a boat or a place to lay his head. I will pay for my congregations bills and building. You continue to pray in the rain, wind, the heat, and cold. Not to mention sleeping on the ground. Good luck and God Bless.

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