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Why are you Republicans still drinking the Kool-Aid?

Ok Republicans, I want to know why you still think it's ok to be in Iraq, why bush continues to lie about not knowing who leaked the CIA official on retaliation, not doing anything about the Katrina situation when it was evident he knew and didn't care, and giving the top 5% tax breaks?


Whining and telling the truth are different. You're showing me you can't answer the question. Same with stating Bill O'Reilly (cheater) came up with the statement. Give an answer and not stupid comments...

Update 2:

First of all Nighthawk, everything was fine until you went to name calling. Couldn't find anything else to say simpleton? Wilson said something AFTER, I REPEAT, AFTER she was outed by the Vice President's people. Get that in your mind. Also, the tax break you are talking about? It put us on the brink of a recession. As for Clinton, yes he did all of those things & got in trouble for it too as he should. Why isn't bush getting in the same trouble? Answer that one O Intelligent One....

Update 3:

One more time: There was NO EVIDENCE of biological weapons found. Wilson didn't find any, CIA operatives didn't find any, and the UN didn't either. Get your records straight please.

Update 4:

I listen, and I also pay attention. Why are the people that I know of did not get a tax break who are also poor? You have, several haven't. Walk out the backdoor of your home for once and take a look around.

Update 5:

Turntable, Reagan tried the "give tax breaks to the rich so they will spend" as well. It's called "trickle-down" economics. Know what happened? They kept the money. It never "trickled" anywhere. They spent on each other, and no one below them reaped anything.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, 5% of the people make something like 90% of the GDP, so naturally, they should bear the burden of taxes.

    Scooter Libby recently testified that Bush authorized him to leak the info under an executive order that declassified the info... a technicality because there was no rhyme or reason for him to do this other than to silence what he felt was a political enemy. He wanted to go into Iraq that bad that he would out a CIA agent, her dummy corporation and all the operatives foreign and domestic that did business with her.

    Hopefully, the democrats can pounce on these events and win some seats in November and the Whie House in 2008.

  • 1. It's okay to be in Iraq for several reasons:

    A. Because biological and chemical weapons and the materials used to make said weapons were found.

    B. Because we can't pull out until the government is stable. We made the mistake of pulling out of Vietnam prematurely, and three million lost their lives as a direct consequence of that act, and of the growing Communist regime.

    C. Because Hussein was not a teddy bear, and we need to stick around to make sure that no one like him can be in charge again for awhile.

    D. Because it was long overdue. Read your history, you'll see why.

    2. How is President Bush lying? He is simply not answering the questions, which is the smartest thing to do until all the evidence is on the table. I know, "smart" and "Bush" shouldn't be in the same sentence, right? Ah well. Besides, it was not a "leak". A leak is defined as when CLASSIFIED information is disclosed. The information was declassified, and Plame was no longer a covert operative at the time of the "leak".

    3. Hurricane Katrina was not the responsibility of the federal government. It was up to the state and city government of Louisiana to take care of their own. I think it's also a good idea to remind you that the local government in Louisiana REFUSED federal aid the day after the hurricane, because they said the damage wasn't that extensive. Then of course the levee broke, and President Bush gets to take the fall for it.

    4. How is it possible that only the "top 5%" are getting tax breaks, when my husband and I, who are towards the bottom, have been paying much less on taxes, and are receiving a larger refund? How does THAT work? Please explain it to me.

    All of this said, I don't think I need to tell you how derisive your "question" is. I also don't think I need to mention the fact that most people who share your stance on politics close their ears and sing at the top of their lungs so that they won't have to hear the other side of things. So I'll leave you alone now. You can put your hands over your eyes, or your fingers back in your ears if you like.

    Edit: I'm not really a Republican officially. My voter registration card says I'm not affiliated with either political party. I vote however and for whomever I feel will do a better job, whether they're Democrat or Republican.

    To add to what I have already stated, I feel that you should know (in case you didn't already) that it is within the president's authority to choose which information can be declassified, and which can't. The vice-president has also been granted this authority.

    Therefore, the CIA "leak" was NOT a leak, and was perfectly legal.

    You've been answered, but it's not enough? What more would you like to know?

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, we started it, we need to finish it. Bush is not lieing about the CIA leak because he never leaked it. Read a newspaper, you will find out that her own husband outed her as a CIA agent before anyone else did. I agree, he should have done something about Katrina, but the first response should have come from local and state governments. They should have gotten off their *sses and used those school buses to ship out people but they said "NO" and just let people stay. They didn't even order a mandatory evacuation. Finally, EVERYONE got a tax cut. Its just simple math to figure out that not everyone benefits the same: 1% of $1 Million is WAY more than 1% of $20K (that's just an example but I'm sure even a brainless liberal can understand it). Not to mention the fact that the tax cuts have stimulated the economy and cut the deficit by a huge chunk. This is all over the news, and the democrats know it. That's why they're attacking the tax cuts. It works and they know it. By the way, were you drinking the kool-aid when Clinton lied while under oath? What about the whole sex-scandal. Or how about when he let Osama get away (reports are that he was offered Osama by the Saudis but had to reject him because of "no legal standing" even AFTER the first WTC Bombings). Speaking of terrorism, did you drink the kool-aid when Clinton was banging his intern while the terrorists attacked us in 1993 (WTC bombings) and the 2000 USS Cole Bombing (That was under Clinton's Administration). Do you even have a brain to comprehend all that (I know, big word. Don't let it give you a headache). Our way works, you just won't admit it. Even though you trash tax cuts, you democrats STILL find ways to avoid paying taxes. Just look at George Sorros keeping his money in an offshore bank where his money cannot be taxed.

    EDIT: OK, let me put it to you this way: The tax cuts have generated the biggest income tax return in a long time (bigger than any in the clinton administration). Unemployment is lower than the average unemployment rate of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Not to mention that the DOW was above 11K until this conflict in the middle east with Israel and Hammas. How do you conceive that as a recession? I don't get it. The economy is booming after 9/11 (Haven't you noticed that interest rates go up when the economy is booming to keep down inflation?) and you dems won't accept it. Also, there were WMDs found in Iraq. Granted they may not be as good as they were when they first built them, they could still kill thousands. The dems buried this in the papers. Finally, Bush isn't "being held accountable" because of 2 things:

    1. He has done nothing wrong. Everything he has done from the wire tapping to the war was well within the legal law. Your own PHONE COMPANY knows more than Bush knows about you're calls. He's only tracking people who call specific numbers.

    2. If he did anything wrong, the dems cannot do anything because of the republican-controlled congress.

    I just don't see how you can comprehend that we're on the brink of a recession with this fantastic economy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Iraq...found wmd...and training book linked to osama...besides whether you like it or not...i would rather fight a war against coward who have no uniform in another country than in our own country...can you imagine what would happen if they started attacking in America...the ACLU would try to defend them from being profiled...liberals don't have a clue on how the real world works...just the fantasy world they want to have...

    CIA do you know the do you know he is not lying except your hatred of him

    Katrina...legally the federal government can NOT go into a state for aid or anything without first being asked by the state government...the state did NOT ask for help until it was too late

    5% tax cut...the economy has created more income for the federal government with tax breaks than it did during the Clinton years...if you give tax breaks to people who have money they are more likely to spend it...why do you think many people from around the world who are rich invest in America...high taxes for them...don't be jealous of the rich people...we all play our part

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My God, do you really think it is US who is drinking the kool aid, or you michael moore believers?

    Why are you condeming the President for a state government failing to do their job?

    Do you understand that giving those tax breaks was merely bringing the 'top 5%' down to the same percentage of taxes? Why should 5% of the people be responsible for 80% of the taxes in the country?

  • 1 decade ago

    I was a die hard Republican until the last few years caused me to ask many of the questions you brought up. Why is King George still in power?

    Have you noticed that since the two oil men have been in the white house our gas prices have gone through the roof.King George wants to let the illegal immigrants stay because it helps out big business by driving down the wages of the American workers.

    Hell no, I'm not a Republican anymore.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    YOU got that wrong, It's the stupid brain-dead DimocRATS who are drinking the Kool-aid. I must be rich because I got a real nice tax break and I only make $40,000 a year!!! That broad was not a CIA operative, but a pencil-pushing clerk and her husband,

    Wilson, outed her to Kovak and Newsweek!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Official Story" of 9/11 is the REAL conspiracy theory. There is no doubt that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were orchestrated by the criminal elite of the U.S Government. Also, there is no evidence that suggests that the official story is true. The FACTS all lead to the TRUTH and that’s what I'm trying to give you.

    A few things to consider:


    (Early 1960s proposal to JFK that we hijack our own aircraft as pretext to invade Cuba, drafted by the highest-ups of the U.S Department of Defense at the time. When Kennedy saw this document he was appalled and fired then Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Louis Lemnitzer. Just a U.S example of false flag terrorism as pretext to further the political interests of the U.S Government.


    (Signed by G.W Bush to specifically back off FBI/CIA from Osama Bin Laden's Brother)


    (The building that was 300 feet away from the twin towers that mysteriously collapsed onto itself on 9/11. There were buildings closer to WTC twin towers that were damaged much more severely that stand to this day. It was not hit by any aircraft.


    It just so happens that there were drills ON 9/11 that were carried out by NORAD that simulated planes going into WTC towers and the Pentagon…(There were also drills in London during the 7/7 bombings simulating the same exact event) Coincidence? I think not.


    This is the only proof Osama was behind the attacks and it obvious the video was manufactured propaganda. For one, even though the video is grainy and of low quality, it’s obviously not Bin Laden. In the video he is writing something on a notepad with his RIGHT hand. Bin Laden is LEFT handed. A gold ring is also visible on his ring finger. Gold jewelry is forbidden for religious reasons.

    Osama also said that he never attacked us. He said that it would have been against his religion to attack a group of people unprovoked.

    OFFICAL STORY: Fire from within the WTC buildings weakened the steel within the structure causing it to collapse...No building with a steel frame structure ever fell because of fire… Not to mention lease owner of the WTC complex Larry Silverstein said himself that he "pulled" the building...A common demolition term for "demolish".

    It takes weeks and weeks to plan a demolition. I guess Silverstein had a demolition team go into WTC7, Analyze the structure, unpack the explosives, set up the charges, and demolish it in about 8 hours. All during the biggest national crisis this generation has seen.

    How about all the witness testimony saying they have heard and felt explosions within the WTC towers?

    I could go on and on...If you decide to call me dumb, moronic, or Un-American be my guest. Just realize that personal attacks on me only give me more weight in the argument. Do your own research...Realize that you are losing your liberties more and more each day...Just look at the Patriot Act, The Patriot Act completely skews the constitutional rights of citizens.

    Pass on all of your knowledge to your friends and family. Enlighten everyone you know.

    For the sake of Liberty and Freedom it is imperative that you take this information under your wing and spread the word as your patriotic duty. DO NOT BELIEVE ME…Do your own research like I have. Look up these documents. Put the puzzle together.

    Uncovering 9/11 is the only way we can stop this war on humanity (A.K.A terrorism). Help save the lives of the American soldiers that are being wasted at the disposal of the New World Order.

    It’s about time to wake up America...Before it is too late.

  • Joe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You won't get a straight answer from a Republican. They lack the ability to utilize a rational thought process. All they know how to do is get angry and insult you. They are the "Bush flock of sheep". They can't think for themselves, and only believe what George W. Bush tells them is truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The kool aid thing was coined by O'Reilly, definitely not a Democrat.

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