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The Old Testament is full of prophets. Do you think there are prophets in our world today?

In the Old Testament, Amos was a "regular guy" in his time--a shepherd and a wood cutter--but God asked him to "prophesy." What God asked him to do made the political leaders of his time-- namely his king -- very uncomfortable. I am wondering, do you think God still asks people to be prophetic voices? If so, who do you consider to be prophets in our time? Why? What evidence do you have?

14 Answers

  • Rabbit
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whenever God wants to talk to someone, He does. Whenever God tells someone to say something to anyone, that becomes prophecy--telling God's message. We sort of want to use prophecy to mean telling the future, and so I mention that to get past it. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit moved upon many people and others from distant lands who were visiting in Jerusalem heard it. There is a beginning of just one place which mentions God speaking. The Book of Acts is filled with examples of God speaking to people in order to act or speak on His behalf to others. If you ask around in churches today, rare will be the church where no one has ever had some special word at some special moment that he or she would not have otherwise known to meet the answer or need of the moment. It still happens and it happens surprisingly often. Usually, it is in little things that help common people with their common needs. But then that is just like Amos, but without the big publicity, isn't it? Look around and ask, you'll find it still happens today.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that there are prophets in our time.

    I define a prophet as someone who is able to receive and communicate information from what you might call "God", and who does so. A prophet, to me, communicates inspired messages for the good of everyone.

    Prophets don't necessarily predict the future, but I think that this is possible--not in the sense of telling a certain person's future, but in the sense of understanding the general flow of events in humanity as a whole: evolution and enlightenment, that kind of thing.

    I don't pay much attention to who might or might not be prophets these days, and I'm not convinced that many of the OT prophets were indeed communicating information from God. I'm open to the idea, though.

    A prophetic message shows people how to live better. The general state of things is usually bad (i.e. people are doing it wrong), so prophets have a lot of "change your ways" messages for everyone. They can seem condemning, but they can also point to the way out of the current problem.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm a prophet. I certainly don't speak or write what I consider to be inspired messages all the time, but at certain times I think I do.

    You ask for evidence. The proof is in the puddin'.

  • 1 decade ago


    I know a lot of prophets that are chosen exactly by God. Ive seen Him as He chooses.

    Just go to any christian church, God always puts a prophet in his churches.

    Time has come, the time has come, when old people will dream dreams, and youngs will have visions (or something like that), so really, go to a church, (a christian one), and go to someone, and ask him that.

    Also, I can think of one prophet with an email, well really two, but they are married, and if you know spanish, contact them, they will help you:

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. (and no, I'm not

    Prophecy literally means to "forth tell" (not 'fore tell' as so many interpret it...)

    There are many people today who "forthtell" the message of Christ. There are still many people who God uses specifically for that purpose...To proclaim his message as He wants it said. Proof is in Acts 2:17

    "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation." 2 Peter 1:20

    ''In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Acts 2:17

    we are in last days, btw. (and have beens since Christ first came to the earth...he was part of last days prophecy being fulfilled. Many ppl don't cue into this fact.)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that there are prophets much like IN the Bible I think that God use people today much like he did back then only now the world is so corrupt that is it hard to know who speaks from God and who speaks from man...........there are many false prophets in the world and now it is harder to tell who is real and who is not

    I know that my preacher has things reveled to him before they pass. I also believe that God still talks to people in an audible voice,that people can speak in tongues and that there is interrupters of the words being spoken

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are persons that operate in the prophetic aspect of the five fold ministry. I personally believe from experience, that The Holy Spirit may use you as He pleases in any aspect of ministry, as it is Him doing the ministry. All we are are willing, he does the rest. All ministry can be confirmed by two or more witnesses, and all outward ministry is for confirming what God has spoken to your spirit about.

    Source(s): Experience
  • n9wff
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ephesians 4:11

    Jesus gave to the church, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

    This was to be done UNTIL the unity of the fulness of the knowledge of Christ is revealed.

    This hasn't been fully accomplished yet. Hence, these are still present and needed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I think so but wonder why things are so different today. When the three witness's appear during the seven years that would be something to see but I will be gone from the rapture.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes there r prophet today ,but u must be careful that they r not false prophets and u can tell by if what they say corresponds with what the bible says

  • 1 decade ago

    Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) was the last prophet of Allah.

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