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Which man would go to heaven?

Two male babies are born, one devotes his life to humanitarian efforts and does all he can to help others and is an atheist. The other lives a life of hatred and hurting others then finds God and repents. Who goes to heaven? If you say the second man, then why would you want to worship that God?

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if the second man goes to heaven, god is an egomaniac. if the first man doesn't, god doesn't speak the truth. and if god is really all-forgiving, why is there a hell?

  • 1 decade ago

    The second, because he found God and repents.

    Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one will go to the Father's house except through Jesus.

    We cannot get to the heaven by our deeds and thoughts. Only by the mercy and grace of God. Wages of our sin is death, but because Jesus died for our sins we can have everlasting life if we accept that gift from Him, repent and follow Him.

    Saul was a Christian killer, bad bad man. He found Jesus, and repented...He became a very favorable man to God. There are a lot of stories like that in the Bible. God can wash our sins away. You cannot make it to the heaven by your own rules and your own good works, or Jesus would have died for no reason. If there was any other way than through Jesus Christ, God would not have let Jesus to suffer like that.

    I love my Lord and Savior, and I will worship Him forever. I want to be with Him after I die, that is why I want to worship Him. As we have a lot of choices and you can follow the people in this world, I chose to follow Jesus, because what comes to the eternal life, there are only two choices:hell and heaven. What is your choice?

  • 1 decade ago

    God is a loving and forgiving GOD, and a jealous GOD.

    Jesus said that no one comes to the father but by me.

    By being an atheist he is denoucing that GOD exist.

    The Bible says that your good deeds will not get you into heaven.

    We are all born into sin and deserve death, I would rather serve a loving and forgiving GOD, and acknowledge that he is who he is.

    There is a need to be born again. Just because this man has devoted his life to humanitarian efforts does not mean he had evil thoughts and has acted on them in private.

    If it was all about what "we" could do, our "good" deeds, then we would not need GOD would we. Hence that GOD is a jealous GOD, but he loves us and wants what is best for us.

    The man that repented will go to heaven, the Bible tells us that we must repent. Romans 10:9

  • 1 decade ago

    The second man, because he repented. The first man never repented of hid atheism. I am glad to worship a God like that because I know that he will always forgive me if I am truely penitant. The man that devoted his life to humanitarianism was a materialist - believing that this life is the only life which exists. He ignored all of the signs and wonders which God used to call him to repentance.

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  • NeoArt
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Long preface:

    OK, I am only speaking from my own truth (notice I did not capitalize it) and my own experience. I have had two direct experiences with The Ineffable Light. Life-after-life things.

    What I got from those is that 1) we are incredibly loved and accepted, 2) part of that Light is in us, 3) God (or whatever you wish to call It) does not mess around in human affairs. The Light is indifferent to our activities pretty much.

    And if you think about all the stuff that is apparently evil in this world and how little praying seems to accomplish, that really does make some sort of sense. Mostly what I pray for is acceptance (and that is for ME to accept what is going on.)

    Finally my answer, both men in your example are going to be taken into The Light. Both.

    Why then live like the first, doing good? Because it feels good and it helps the world. Maybe because it helps the reintegration of God. Yep, that may be what it is all about: reassembling God.

    Good question, at least for me. Thanks for reading it. I think you already know what our Fundamentalist brethren will say.

  • 1 decade ago

    The man who repented. Good works does not get a man into heaven, not even bad works. Salvation from sin is not dependent on our efforts beyond recognition we are in sin and asking forgiveness from God in Jesus name.

    Sin can be viewed as a type of genetic disease. We have it from birth and pass it onto our children as our parents did with us and not by a deliberate act. It has been so from the time of Adam and Eve who sinned against God. It doesn't matter if it came with the forbidden fruit they ate of or if God simply adjusted their genetic make up as a result.... they still contracted sin by disobeying God.

    They then passed it on to all generations of mankind. But Jesus came as a cure. While doing good things for people is important and a plus - Salvation through the cure (Jesus) is still necessary to cheat death and live forever, and inherit our birthright that Jesus purchased back by his own blood offering.

    I really do not know how much plainer I could make it, for you or anyone else to understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would let both into Heaven... and think it over 10 times whether to let the second one in, or not.

    He should prove to me really hard that he has become a good person..... and I wouldn't care which God he uses as an excuse for being full of hatred and hurt!

  • 1 decade ago

    We run the risk of sounding like a broken record but Jesus said NO MAN COMES UNTO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME! From what I can ascertain about the scriptures this point is never contradicted anywhere. What we do is neither here nor there. We are bought with a price. I can honestly tell you that I understand the second man more than the first. Good works are from our heart and our mind. But our salvation is a GIFT---we don't have to work for it. We just have to accept what Christ has done for us. WE have to rely on HIS MERCY---HIS COMPASSION---HIS LOVE---HIS GENEROSITY! I am a sinner saved by grace. So I know how the second guy feels. I can understand it and rejoice with him that GOD HAS FORGIVEN HIM. And we can sit and praise God for our salvation. I am saddened by the other man's lack of faith, but I rejoice as do the angels for every lost person who finds Christ in time.

  • 1 decade ago

    IF the repented man does indeed accept JESUS/GOD then he goes to Heaven.

    I worship THAT GOD simply because HE is THE GOD!

    If GOD is THE GOD nothing else matters.

    better read the funny story below!


    Saint Peter at the Golden Gate ~

    A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates. St. Peter says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done, and I give you a certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get in."

    "Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her, even in my heart."

    "That's wonderful," says St. Peter, "that's worth three points!" "Three points?" he says. "Well, I attended church all my life and supported its

    ministry with my tithe and service." "Terrific!" says St. Peter, "that's certainly worth a point." "One point? Golly. How about this: I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans."

    "Fantastic, that's good for two more points," he says. "TWO POINTS!" the man cries, "At this rate, the only way I get into heaven is by the grace of God!" "That's right! Now you've got it!" said St. Peter.

    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through Faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) HIS Grace!

    The above story is theologically "a disaster" but it does drive home the point - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO DO ANYTHING TO "HELP" SAVE OURSELVES!

  • 1 decade ago

    That's one of the biggest things that bugs the heck out of me about Christianity. I live what most (even a Christian) would consider a good and moral life, yet they say I'll go to Hell because I don't believe in God. If he exists, then He is not a fair and just God I think.

  • Bob L
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In truth, the atheist worships mankind and puts all his efforts into man.

    The horrible sinner finds God and goes to heaven because God forgives him while he is alive.

    I worship God because He forgives me when I blow it. Why wouldn't you want to worship THAT kind of God, when the worship of man promises nothing for eternal life?

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