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Can all you people who believe in evolution prove your theory-absolutely and positively give undeniable proof?

I don't believe there is any such thing as real proof, but give it a try.

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no proof. It's a belief system. We've got man today. We've got apes today. There is no missing link (although the evolutionist himself/herself is probably going to be the closest thing to it). LOL

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The funniest thing about this question is that makes it sound as if it's possible to "prove absolutely and positively" that the world was created by God, and that everything in the Bible is true. There is scientific evidence for evolution. There are still some holes that need to be filled, as far as I know, but it sure beats the hell out of creationism, which has (regardless of what anyone says) no scientific proof whatsoever. If you don't understand that, then I don't know what else to tell you...

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a tall order. There's a fair amount of prerequisite knowledge required so that you can even understand the proof.

    And it only highlights what I mean by "Faith is the path of least resistance". You're expecting some nice pat little answer and it's really not as simple as that. It takes some time and study to understand evolution correctly. Most of the religious are too lazy or too stupid to try.

    Of the answers that are given here, although some will certainly try, they are not going to satisfy you because you're simply too ignorant.

    I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. You want to understand evolution? Start reading, or better yet, get up off your couch and go to school.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't prove it to YOU!

    The difference between believing evolutionary evidence and believing in God is that evolutionary evidence is collected and evaluated by scientists who fit things together logically. You have to be able to understand enough of the science that they use to know whether or not they are lying to you. Once you learn enough about the process, you can decide if you trust the evidence that they present, or you can go out and search for it on your own. The proof that you seek is up to you to find. I can't find it for you. That would be like me telling you that God created everything 6000 years ago. For you to believe it, you would have Blind faith in me when I say that.

    Do you believe that everything is only 6000 years old? Or do you believe some science that says the earth is millions (billions?) of years old?

    If you don't believe that the earth is only 6000 years old (biblical translation by biblical scholars), then you don't believe the literal word of the bible. If you don't believe the literal word of the bible, then how can you believe the people who wrote it knew everything that God wanted to write down perfectly? When you consider that the bible has been modified to fit the political desires of kings and popes over the ages, and that it has been translated through languages that don't always have the right words for another language's meanings, you start to see the problem with using it to argue against scientific evidence which is defined by solid, real things that occur in nature.

    The rest is up to you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe in evolution as the origin of life. No one knows the origin of life. You only believe you know. Evolution through natural selection is a fact though. There is plenty of evidence to support it. Try reading about it .

    You see that thing in front of you? It's the information super highway. Google it or yahoo it.

    Oh and you can't learn about evolution from your religion as your comments prove. I have read the bible.

    Obviously you don't believe in real proof because everything you know is based on belief.

    The only proof of gods is other peoples beliefs and books written by believers.

    Why do you think believers always say "You've got to have faith". They never say "You've got to have facts"

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is my philosphy on the whole evolution vs. creationism debate. There is no absolute, sound proof. The most intelligible people in the world once believed that the world was flat. We're always finding out new information, whether it is through scientific research or a spiritual journey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you show proof for anything other than evolution? The evidence is overwhelming. The same people who do not believe in evolution also believed the earth was flat at one point, was the center of the universe etc...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Ive were given one for you. The be conscious translated as day in Genesis, means era, or era of time in Hebrew. The order of the introduction corresponds to the order expounded in evolution. i imagine evolution has been proved. yet the position did evolution come from? This universe and each and each of the biochemical forces that gradually made extra complicated and smart existence is an coincidence? the position did the coincidence come from? I even don't have any difficulty with evolution. Does it worry you that introduction, because it is in Hebrew, parallels the perception of evolution yet is thousands of years older?

  • John
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not possible...


    There is no evidence that proves Atheistic MacroEvolution (without Intelligent Design)...

    I used to believe in Evolution. However, over a period of time I have grown skeptical of the claims of Macro*Evolution... this is largely due to the weakness of the evidence for Macro*Evolution, and the fact that the evidence, rationally interpreted does not support the overarching claims made by Macro*Evolutionists...

    For scientific and intellectual critiques of evolution, see .



  • 1 decade ago

    Faith Is Needed

    Since it is not possible to scientifically demonstrate either evolution or special creation, faith is required to accept either teaching. But faith in the right thing is not wrong. The Bible says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). A British wit once described "evil lution" as "the substance of links hoped for, the evidence of fossils not seen." How right he was!

    Broadly speaking, people fall into one of three categories:

    Creationists: Those who believe that a supernatural Being (God) made the universe as recorded in Genesis chapter one. The Church of God International, along with millions of Bible-believing Christians and Jews, falls into this category.

    Evolutionists: Those who believe that the universe came into existence billions of years ago and that life on earth evolved of its own accord by some inexplicable power. One does not have far to look to find many who hold this view.

    Theistic Evolutionists: The theistic evolutionists attempt to integrate the two doctrines. However, the doctrines of creation and evolution are so strongly divergent that reconciliation is totally impossible. Theistic evolutionists believe that God was involved in the creation, but that He took thousands-perhaps millions or billions (do we hear "trillions"?)-of years to do so. Although many hold this view today, such syncretism reduces the message of the Bible to insignificance. The conclusion is inevitable: There is no biblical support for theistic evolution.

    Does It Really Matter What One Believes Concerning the Origin of the Universe?

    It matters a great deal what we believe concerning the origins of the universe and of life itself because if the universe and life on earth evolved over billions of years, then:

    The Genesis account of creation and the hundreds of Bible verses that refer to the creation are pure fiction. In other words the so-called Holy Bible is, itself, riddled with the very thing it strictly forbids: lies, suppositions, and superstitions.

    Virtually all the Old and New Testament writers were deluded-because they all believed in the creation. This would include all the prophets of old, all the apostles, and even Jesus Christ Himself.

    If life on earth evolved of its own accord, it would mean that man is not accountable for his actions to a supernatural Being, and that we could make or break so-called "moral laws" with impunity. After all, "if there is no God, there cannot be a Judgment Day. So why bother about moral behavior: let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die."

    In the final analysis, if evolution is true and the Bible is false, there would be no sin, since there would be no God, no Lawmaker, and no laws to break. It follows that, if there were no laws to break-and the Bible defines sin as "the transgression of the law" (1 John 3:4)-there would be no sin. If there is no sin, we would not need a Savior to redeem us from the penalty of breaking those laws (Romans 6:23) and Christ would have died in vain. In short, evolution is a complete denial of everything the Bible stands for.

    These are the inevitable conclusions that will flow in the wake of a society that rejects the basic teaching that God created the universe. The matter of origins is very important because society's behavior and destination depend upon it. In his book, Evolution or Creation? (page 2), Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., confirms this point. He writes:

    "Each person needs, more than anything, a sense of his own identity and personal goals, and this is impossible without some sense of his origin. What a person comes to believe about his origin will inevitably condition what he believes about his destiny."

    Lenin is quoted as saying that religion is the opiate of the people, but the truth is that evolution is the opiate of the atheist!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is directed at ernest(777?)

    you said that without god or the bible we wouldnt have laws or morals. yet how many people do you see walking down the street thinking "what the hey if theres no jugment day, why not kill that guy". i dont rely on some sort of external morals, i do good things because i like being nice. not everyone does good things or be good people because they just want to get heaven. im nice because i want people around me to be happy here on earth no matter what their religion is.

    and to regarding the question:

    as others have said, a scientific theory doesnt mean its some crazed scientist's far out thought. a theory is generally accepted in the scientific coummunity.

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