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Why is marriage so disposable nowadays?

I believe marriage is forever. Only in cases of Adultry, abuse, and abandonment, should one ever divorce. People today seem to "grow apart" which sound so selfish to me as these people don't seem to remember that they made a committment. I met a man who divorced his wife because she had a hormal imbalance or something. What happened to "in sickness and in health" and the idea that a man will leave his wife for this reason when probably down the line, he would have gotten sick and she would have ended up taken care of him since men seem to get sick at an earlier age than women. Everyone suffers in a divorce, each person has less material possessions, less time with their children, and they have to make adjustments to their finances. It is scary that someone will leave their spouse for some small reason just because they can. People used to stay married for life and I am sure they had their share of problems too but they didn't take the easy way out.

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Marriage is forever. I think so of it has to do with the declining morals in our society. Not many people take marraige seriously. When I get married in dec. it will be until death do us part.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because times have changed. Divorce is now acceptable, it's a way of life for some. Years ago, a wife had no rights if she was with an abusive man. I know, I watched as the police came into my mothers home after my dad beat the hell out of her and they just told my father to keep the noise down that the neighbors were complaining. NOW, the man would go to jail no matter what. Wish it would have been that way for my mother. Plus she had 6 kids, a 6th grade education because of quitting school to work in the cotton fields to help support the family. Those days are over. Now women are educated, they can make it on their own if they have to. I feel the morals of today have gone in the trash. I don't agree with staying with someone if he or she is abusive, etc. etc. But I do feel that now days couples are quick to shout DIVORCE before they consider trying to work through the problems. Marriage is work, a lot of work and most people don't realize this until after they have married. It's a lot of give and take and compromise. Unless you know you can do this, you should never marry. Use to be years ago, if you said, I'm divorced, people looked down on you, today......... it's the norm. Very sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    there r so much wrong doing in the world these day an time has change dramatically most people are just in it now for the material gains sometimes or if not material lustful gains an in the end it hurts everyone involved sometimes it may be that they also want younger mate to make up for the times elasped during there young age an they think having a younger partner might also make them feel an look younger besides that hollywood stars are portraying a very negative effects and have to be held liable at some point we all want to be like them there are so many different reasons i could give but i would only try to give the one that would make people want to stay together

    1) they love one another

    2) they care deep about how each other feels

    3) the love of there many

    i could keep on going cause that's y i got married an i have no regrets

  • xoxo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think some of it has to do with the legal system. Long ago, the aftermath of divorce was worse for the divorcees and it was looked at very unfavorably by the public. In the courts, you had to have serious reason to breakup the family.

    Nowadays its different and easier. Many states have 'no-fault' rules, where you can get divorced for whatever reason you want. Even superstars divorce after a few months.

    Also, if a woman marries a man with money, she has less reason to worry about divorce than a poorer woman. Remember she isn't guaranteed anything while IN the marriage. But afterward she is guaranteed half of everything, plus court-ordered alimony and child support for years to come. Not to single out women, but I've heard that 75% of divorces are actually woman initiated...for whatever reasons.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree.

    Some folks have no staying power.

    I work at my marriage & yep we believe the In sickness & in health Vow, more than most.

    Praps they enter in2 Marriage 2 soon & it's far 2 easy 2 get divorced, now days.

    I've been married 4 over 19 years & the best advice I can give some1 thinking of getting Wed.

    R U Sure U want 2 spend the rest of UR life, forsaking all others, 4 richer or poorer, in Sickness & in Health 4 ever more?


    Not until a few Years time when U're bored with working at it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we live in a disposible world. nothing is made to last and the old is torn down to make way for the new.

    History is not stuyed and people live in the moment and noone looks to the future except to get richer or pritier or more famous.

    I have never goten maried because I have never found somone that can see the real things that are going on around us every day. no one that wants to stay the long term.

    Marage on first night (so the girl can say she was maried when she gave her verginity away) and devorce on the first fight.

    Why even bother with the marrage. Just sleep with the person and then when you fight all you have to do is move back to your own place and move on.

    If you choose to hitch up make sure that you are ready for the long pull.

    The vows that I remember are as folows.

    Do you take this man / woman to be your weded husband / wife ti have and hold in sickness and health, in good times and bad, to love honnor and obey till death do you part.

    Now the vows are do you take this person to sleep with and have sex with and to devorce at the first disagreement

    and once devorced take them for all you can get so you don't have to ever work again.

    Bull S H I T

    Love Honor and Obey till Death do you part.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think most people don't go into a marriage expecting to divorce, however I do believe we can be remarkably dense about choosing someone to marry. Sometimes we're in love with love, "in wedding" (kind of like being in heat, but you want to get married), hoping to have some good trait of the spouse rub off on us, afraid to be alone. And I think that some people have the need for instant gratification and if they aren't instantly and constantly entertained, they go looking for the next "great thing."

    I think it helps to remember that there is no "Happily Ever After" --- there's some happily and a lot of ever after. If you respect the person you married (and that spouse respects you), if you truly like each other, and if you can laugh, you can get through most anything in life.

    But, I don't believe in staying in abusive relationships. If a person does make a mistake in choice of spouse, it's better to leave than to spend a lifetime in danger.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. Lots of people don't take marriage seriously. The reason you go against the word of God don't be suprise when things go wrong. You right people did stick together years ago, with more children, not very materialistic like most people today. This always the signs of time the love will grow cold. If you looking for a lifetime husband you must make sure he is a godly man.

  • Dr NO
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My view is that most people get married for the wrong reasons, most of which are mostly physical appearences, sex, money, or other stuff.

    What is funny is that most think that, whatever reason they are using to get into marriage, the call "Love".

    I agree with you that marriage is for ever. You have to love the other person so much that you are willing to accept all of his/her flaws, and attempt little changes, in order to make everything go smoothly.

    I've been married for 20 years now, and I can say that, even though it is not easy, it is a fun, rewarding adventure everyday.

    Source(s): Life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    In my personal opinion, marriage hasn't changed, it's the view on honesty that has changed. So many people that pretend to be something their not. It always catches up with them. I always had the same views on marriage, but I'm divorced now. I did try to make it work, but after I was married my husband turned into someone I didn't recognize. He was controlling, mean and mentally abusive. How do you love someone that you don't even know anymore? I couldn't and didn't.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    marriage is just a status thing, people do not take time to know each other and share dreams and such. the laws have made it so easy to just leave, instead of working it out. people are always looking for ways out when it doesn't go there way. commitment means nothing. I am in the early stages of my marriage and it will be for life, we are both hard workers in this union,and we both modify when needed, and above all we do talk, a lot.

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