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Charles Barkley is no longer Republican?

I just happened across this. Had anyone else heard this quote?

Do you think other celebrity Republicans will leave?

What about Britney Spears? (Okay, that's a joke... Her own music videos are too deep for her, so I don't trust that she understands anything about politics)...


Forgot the quote:

"I was a Republican - until they lost their minds."

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its simple. The Republican party used to be about smaller government, efficiency,balanced budgets and a strong defense force. Bush has expanded government with a useless Department of Homeland Security (Sounds like Comittee for State Security to me!!), this ill thought perscription plan,an education plan that causes teachers to teach the test instead of learning, and massive deficits. As to a strong defense, if all your forces are saturated with Iraq and Afghanistan what are you going to do if North Korea,or Iran or god help us China decide to go on an all out offensive? And helping India with nuclear technology is a bad idea also.

    As my mother said"This is not the same Republican Party I joined when I voted for Eisenhower in 1956. Whatever it is I don't like it!" 50 years of loyalty pissed away by an ignorant,arrogant,pedantic silver spooned child of privelige!

    Source(s): News, papers,the Economist, Time,more common sense than anyone in the White House has!
  • 1 decade ago

    Charles Barkley and alot of Americans are waking up to reality...we have a failed Bush administration in the middle of a civil war in Iraq...unemployed Americans...illegal immigrants taking our jobs away...and a world power bent on world domination...any questions??

  • 1 decade ago

    You think ol Chuck is gonna vote for Hillary the Hag?? Cmon now..Mellencamp hasnt had a decent cd out in 15 years, so who cares about him.Enjoy your 10 minutes in the news John..

    Furthermore i could care what any celebritie has to think or say about politics..Look at all of the one's who backed Kerry's dumb azz...didnt help him much, now did it ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans seem to be waking up to their own reacationary nightmare one seperate mind at a time.

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  • C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Another example of "Yea for my team" politics.

    The country does not matter, as long as my team wins.

    So sad, but so true.

    One day we better start voting on the ISSUES instead of this stupid stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    The dems can have him.

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