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Why are people so rude to people of size, especially women, they don't know why, but think it is by choice?

I have a condition called Lyphadema and so far no one can help in 1 years time went from a #200 person to #4oo+ person, no doctor in my area has any answers. But there alot of rude answers from MORANS!


Thanks for site on lymphedema, but that isn't what I have they thought that first and did all the steps nothing helped. But you see I've had 5 major stomach surgeries and now they say the pumps are not working (cut ). But thanks for good thoughts.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why in the hell would anyone choose to be 400 lbs? That's just not using logic. People fear what they can't understand. Scared humans are the most dangerous things on earth. Ignore it. There's nothing more you can do. I'm sorry for your hurt and pain. No one deserves that. Don't give up hope, you can be whatever you want if you have the right attitude. The only ones who don't know that are the selfish and the ignorant. They aren't worth your tears. Be happy and know that all things are possible. You may not be able to be a runway model, but you can be a good person. That beats most things most of the time. By the way, I have a friend who has gained a lot of wieght because of a medical problem. She is one of the most beautiful women I know. She's not thin, she's not perky, she's not healthy, but she's interesting, funny, smart, and probably has more sense than anyone I know. I personally think that being like her and being able to be all that in the face of everything she's going through is the most anyone can hope for. I can only hope that if I ever have anything terrible happen to me, I can be so graceful and generally amazing. I hope this can help you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people can not handle people who are different than them in any way, and this includes weight. I am 220 right now, working on losing weight, but because of a health issue am having a bit of trouble. (I was a size 10 before the health problem, then everything went haywire after my first major surgery - with 2 more needed after that). I have a lot of support from family and friends, but there are a lot of cruel people out there as well. As I struggle to do what I can to change my size now that I have been through 3 major surgeries (not related in any way to weight loss) and just got the green light to begin exercising at Curves and take to the walking trails, I know it will be a struggle, as people do say rude things even at 220 - and the looks are pathetic too. I really feel badly for you at 400+ as the comments must be horrible as well. Hang in there, look for a doctor who will understand and give you some guidance. Here is a site that had some great insight into Lyphadema (also spelled lymphedema). (I myself have swelling mostly on my left side with leg, ankle and arm). Best wishes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look I'm under 30 years old and over 300lbs. Some people just don't see it the way we see it . Some people may stare and look and point and they may call us FAT but they don't know the meaning of FAT . FAT means Fabolous And Thick . I haven't developed Lyphadema. I know what you're feeling because people have done it to me.We won't be the first and we won't be the last. Just remember we have things no skinny girl can have. 1. the strength 2. the junk in the trunk 3. the attitude of I don't care what you say to me or about me. If you need some support u can e-mail me and I will get with you. Because I know how you feel.

  • M T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think some people are rude because they are under educated and have been raised if they are fat they are lazy and eat too much. I agree too many people out there have no compassion or understanding for overweight people. So many diseases and medications cause sudden weight gain. I believe these morons fall in the same group of race bashers. Good luck to you I hope you find a doctor who figures out what is going on with you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because people are nasty and they don't consider the fact that someone is that way for a reason beyond their control. They will automatically think that you over eat or just eat a lot of fatty foods. Your weight is beyond your control, but as long as YOU feel you are beautiful, that's all that matters. I don't mean to be so blunt, but screw them!!! Don't drop your self esteem because of them.. Just remember that people who are insecure with themselves feel better when they put others down. Their only power is your reaction!!! They may be beautiful and slim on the outside, but their insides are all rotten.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are a lot of self centered, thoughtless, insensitive jerks on yahoo but you can't let them get to you. Just consider the source. Remember most of them are teenagers who think the world revolves around them anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    You just answered your own question..people are ignorant and for the most part stupid as a stump..I don't like most people and I cannot stand people who make fun of in your case. There is an answer somewhere and it will be found..hang in there and good luck..

  • Greg
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Some people want to feel good about themselves, and the only way they can do that is by putting someone else down. Don't let it bother you.

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