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My mother in-law is getting meaner...?

Ever since my husband and i got married last year, she has gotten meaner, She is now rude to me in front of their family members, to the point that they are uncomfortable.

When I say something to my husband, he blames it on the sister she hangs out with.But that sister is always nice to me. His family basicly likes me, they support our marriage and the relationship I have with his child. But his mom just gets worse and worse, I hate going to functions cause I know she's gonna hurt my feelings or tick me off, I HATE IT !!!!

She was never like this till we got engaged, then it was down hill from there, I even had to ask her POLITLEY to leave my home because her rudeness upset my nephew so bad that he started crying, because he thought he made her yell at me.

What can I do to get this back on track, without a confrontation(she's never in the wrong). I'm afraid it will destory my marriage.....HELP

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, mother in laws suck. Is he a mommas boy, she probably thinks you're not good enough for him. But here's the reality of the situation. You are both adults, talk to her, go have lunch somewhere. Bring up the problems you have, and don't do it with your husband. You have to show her that you are strong, you can take care of yourself, and you're not going to put up with her bullying. If it dosn't work, at least you tried to negotiate with class, and maturity. My motherinlaw has been trying to take our daughter from us forever. She is the definition of bi*ch. Just fight with class, lady good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a similar situation with my mother in law as well to the point on one christmas day to ask her to leave. Confront your mother in law when she makes these nasty comments, try saying things like "I am sorry you feel this way about me" or something like "I would like others to share their opinion on what you think" She might start backing off she knows she is hurting you and making you angry and by doing that she knows she is going to cause problems between you and your husband. Please don;'t let her do this, I did my husband and I are still trying to work it out!

    Good Luck with it all

    Source(s): Personal Experience in this feild
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm sorry to hearken to approximately your situation; although, i'm extra disillusioned to hearken to that your husband is backing his mom in this remember. a guy would desire to consistently decrease back his spouse, except there is a few thing approximately your situation that has no longer been thoroughly defined. you would be able to desire to set the record right now along with your MIL that her habit is out-of-bounds. it is your place, and you place the regulations. you could with politeness yet firmly tell her that her techniques would desire to alter, or she will circulate away. If she thinks that's mean, then it fairly is her situation. you would be able to additionally decide to look at some marriage counseling, as a results of fact it fairly is troubling on your husband to be appearing like a "mama's boy".

  • 1 decade ago

    "What the problem is woman? You see this? I got five fingers that make a nice knuckle sandwich!" Just playin! I would say go to a conselor with her or flip the tables on her by agreeing with what she does, do everything she asks, and agree to everything she says. See how your husband reacts. If that doesn't work, start acting the same way. Fight fire with fire

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  • 1 decade ago

    TRY to think of what she possibly could have against you!

    If that doesn't work have dear husband POINT BLANK ask her what her problem is with you!

    If she continues with the nasty talk in your presence, give it right back BUT with a SYRUPY FAKE SMILE! OR agree with her with that same fake smile!

  • 1 decade ago

    you won't be able to do anything without your husbands support, then you and he need to sit her down and give her an ultimatum... either play nice or don't play at all. If, and only if your husband backs you this should work

  • Only a complete loser would post such a qustion on such a site, resolve your own problemes and ask your friends or family, because they really care about you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think you need to be straight with her and ask her whuts her problem towards you...i mean she has no reason to be rude to you expecially infront of family members i would of been cussed her dont need that from her and shouldnt let her be like that towards you,so basically confront her about the lil sitution.......hope i helped

  • 1 decade ago

    The best advice is to write a nice long honest letter to her explain to her that you find her behaviour unacceptable and rude then tell her that she wont be welcome to visit unless she apologises for her behaviour.

  • 1 decade ago

    tell your husband to stick up for you. tell him to have a conversation with his mom to figure out why the hostility and to ask her to stop. other than that I plum ran out of ideas...

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