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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is Joe Lieberman embarrassing himself by running as an Independent Democrat?

Sen Joe Lieberman just lost the Democrat primary in his home state. He plans to now run as an independent democrat. Is he embarrassing himself? Why do our elected "leaders" think that they are irreplaceable? Is it greed (power = $$$$)? Is it egomania? What is it?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was told to GTF lost but his egomania can't take it! Greed and egomania have ruined our politicians they're all Flim Flam Men now!


    They make speeches about they must have taxes, and every politician knows what is being done in Alaska. Alaska Pays all their residents with earth rights and doesn’t tax their residents. This makes the politicians liars!

    They make speeches to get elected and make promises about what they will do for us. They say nothing about getting every dime of lobby money to do what big biz wants that’s opposite what they promised you they would do. That makes them cheats!

    They stole your grandmother’s retirement money from SS. Now you face getting nothing for your SS payments. That makes them thieves!

    They tax us, but they know the foreign companies pay no taxes on the goods they sell here. The goods are sold then bought on paper in a foreign port to skate the tax laws. Thus eliminating their profit on paper to cheat the US out of the taxes they owe. This makes them backstabbers!

    They take lobby money to put earmarks and pork in every law that passes their desk. Then they do photo ops, a news clips to promote themselves as doing something good for us and America. So they corkscrew us!

    They make back room deals and give our tax money to foreigners who build factories with our money. Then they write laws that send our jobs overseas. This makes them dirty dealers!

    So lets total all this up. They lie, cheat, steal, backstab, corkscrew, and dirty deal. HELL their Flim Flam Men! Just like in the George C. Scott movie “ The Flim Flam Man”!

    They are called the “ Honorable” Senator or Representative. Hell Flim Flam Men have NO honor what so ever! They’re crooks, criminals for God’s sake!

    The BBC has film of ALL of them going in and out of Abramoff’s restaurant. That’s THE place in DC to get loaded with lobby money. The BBC has been running this story, and trying to get the US media to run it too. The US media refuses to run the story.

    It’s time to take America back! Get registered! VOTE! Vote for anyone that’s not a Democrat or a Republican. They have ALL the power and ALL the control. They must bear ALL the responsibility for their gross mismanagement, abysmally poor judgment, lies, cheating, thefts, back stabs, corkscrews, and dirty deals! It’s time to put THEM in the unemployment line!

  • 1 decade ago

    Mr.Lieberman is not embarrassing himself.What is embarrassing is to actually be a Democrat right now.Lieberman is very liberal except for one issue National Security.He chose to vote for the war and so did several other Democratic senators yet,these same senators are not being demonized by like him.Lamont is a billionaire who really has no kind of experience in anything other than being rich.What is going to be embarrassing is when Lieberman actually wins as an independent.I wish move on and others would shut up .Why would someone run against Bush's policies when Bush is out in two years anyway?I think the extreme element of my party are out of touch with reality.I am just gonna sit back and watch Lieberman win and laugh in Lamont's supporters faces.The only reason they want Lieberman to back out is they know Lamont can't win as long as Lieberman is around.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's because he thinks he can win. Going independent might even boost his ratings. Many democrats disapprove of him for his multiple support of Bush, not just with the war. Even with the lost of some of his party's support, the Republican's challenger is pretty weak, the good people don't like to run in a state that's has long been predominantly Democrat, i.e if you Republican, it's a joke if you run. But with Leiberman, I'm sure many Republican's see a possible "pseudo" victory with a Leiberman win. Who knows, with his party leaving him, Leiberman might just change parties after he's elected, after all he is an independent now.

  • 1 decade ago

    not at all, I'm betting that Lieberman wins the general election there in Nov. remember, he lost by less than 5 points, now, less than 20% of registered demorats voted in that election and there's only approx 35,000 registered there as demorats, almost twice that many are registered independent voters,and I predict that he'll get about 2/3 of that vote in the fall.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe its because he's not a puppet of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Its a strange idea that a man dedicated to public service "embarrasses himself" by aspiring to the highest office in the land.

    What's your plan?

    Source(s): Not a Dem.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that it will be the Ds that are embarrassed when the man with Joe-mentum gets re-elected by Moderate Ds, Inds and some Rs. Then he will caucus with the Rs because he was rejected by his senate colleagues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really ,He feels he is the best at what the job requires.

    What will be humbling is after he wins as and independent then caucuses with the democrats that has worked against him and called him names

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Democratic establishment embarrassed themselves and gave the republicans a boost by defeating him. He is the most sensible level headed ex-Democrat around, and I hope he wins. I think he will.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think joey Lieberman is embarrassing himself by running as an independent. He is in total denial about the people rejecting him. On an interview I hear him say running as an “independent democrat”! Joey, you can't be both! He just doesn't seem to realize that turning his back on the people he misrepresented didn't work for him.

    Our Elected EMPLOYEES seem to think they know better than the people who elected them!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's stupid people that end up with alot of money, which in turn, breeds greed,power and egomania. Joe is an idiot. They all are. But, it doesn't matter cause our vote doesn't matter, we don't matter. It's all about the bottom line.Hopefully Nader will knock his stunts off too. I hate Bush.

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