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Do you agree with Neal Boortz regarding his comment about people making Minimum Wage?

Go to to read the transcript or listen to the following by Radio Host Boortz:

"Most of the people who aren't teenagers that have a minimum-wage job, it lasts about three to four months, and they're off making more money. I want you to think for think for a moment of how incompetent and stupid and worthless, how -- that's right, I used those words -- how incompetent, how ignorant, how worthless is an adult that can't earn more than the minimum wage? You have to really, really, really be a pretty pathetic human being to not be able to earn more than the human wage. Uh -- human, the minimum wage."

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's really easy to criticize this stuff when you don't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from, or the rent, or the car payment.

    I know many people who have to work for near minimum wage because there just aren't enough jobs around that they've spent years in college to train for (such as computer IT stuff, cause all that stuff's going to India and other third world countries). A capitalist would say "Why would I pay one guy 30 bucks an hour, when for that same money, I could hire 3 indians for 10 bucks an hour, or 6 of them for 5 bucks an hour (and since the standard and cost of living is much lower in India, that means big money for them).

    When old people say they can't go back to school to learn new stuff, you'll probably say they're lazy. But what if they can't afford it? Not every person saved their money, because maybe they had to use the money to pay bills and what not. Again, a rich person won't be able to see this perspective unless they were truly poor at one point before (and by that, I mean they grew up in a poor house).

    The problem I think is that a lot of companies don't care about workers anymore. They only care about making as much money as possible, while keeping costs down as much as possible. And then maybe the only jobs available are those minimum wage jobs, which probably get taken up by illegal immigrants.

    This could go on and on, but my view is, "If you haven't walked a mile in a poor man's shoes, then you shouldn't really comment on it". By "walking", I mean having been in situations where you had to constantly worry about money to pay for bills, food, clothing, etc, not literally walk a mile in a poor man's pair of shoes. They're too "blind" to see what the problems are, and therefore they can't really solve them.

  • Stacy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    LOL. You think useful and experienced people make 10 bucks an hour! What kind of a useless peice of white trash are you, a bus driver or something! Thats less than i made when i was an intern! Listen let the braindead useless people like you fight over the 7-11 jobs who cares, and then if the people who employ 10 dollar an hour employees want to keep their useless inexperienced uneducated white trash they can pay them 12 else they can rehire people. Overall, if your employer you have to compete with wages on every level, raising the minimum wage doesn't really change that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he is scum. There are people who find themselves overeducated or too specialized in a skill to find a job that meets them- and some wind up driving cabs or working as a security gaurd. I see grown adults (of all races) working at Target and Walmart all the time cause their last job went overseas or south of the border. These so-called 'gateway' jobs are often higher stress level and physically demanding than a lot of 'professional' jobs. Boortz will someday lose his job as well as most of those with similar opinions- they should not expect any empathy from others.

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth is painful. I am glad he didn't sugar coat it. Minimum wage jobs are a gateway to other jobs - if you have the desire & drive. Minimum wage jobs are not meant to raise a family on!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Agree. You can make $8/hr mostly by just showing up to any full time job.

    Why can you not handle dressing appropriately, showing up on time, and saying,

    "Thank you for calling Jones and Assoc. How may I direct your call?"

    Who isn't qualified for that?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't really have an opinion. I don't make minimum wage so it doesn't worry me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Harsh, but I do agree. I pay $10 an hour to my dishwashers.

  • I agree completely, even though it took me a couple years to get going with my career. I did survive though!

  • yea lol, i agree

    accept some ppl like who work for libraries or jobs 2 fill there time and not for money...

    but basically yea

  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely agree.

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