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Why do so many Christians use Luke 16:19-31 as proof that when someone dies they either go to heaven or hell?

You have to understand that this is a parable. If it is a parable, then you cannot use the elements in the parable literally. If you do, then you are faced with serious interpretation problems. the following is a short list of problems that occur:

1. In v.22 we see Lazarus carried to Abrahams bosom. Why his bosom and not the bosom of JESUS who saved him?

2. v.24, Where else in the Bible does it say that those that are in heaven and in hell will be able to communicate with each other?

3. v. 24, Why is the rich man appealing to Abraham?

4. v.24, Why send Lazarus with a drop of water on his finger?

5. Would a single drop be sufficient?

These are some of the most obvious questions that anyone who reads this carefully would ask. So, now I am asking you. How would any preacher reconcile these questions with the rest of the Bible?

Much more could be asked and said about this topic and other related topics.

GOD bless

13 Answers

  • jeni
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Abraham was a very rich man.

    Isaac his son was given all his riches.

    Jacob came to be very rich, as well as Esau his twin.

    Job was a very rich man.

    In this parable, Luke 16:16,17,29,31; is key to truth. Does the bible from Genesis to Luke 16:14; teach any thing in the parable, does the books after teach any such.

    So Jesus is using a religious belief of the Pharisees [ as being false in belief ], as rich like father Abraham, and they ignore Lazarus [ wrong ]. So in all their rich dress and impressive looks before men, they get, as rich men the punishment they think should be for Lazarus, Jesus give them as leaders something to think about.

    Only his disciples as Moses and Abraham and John would see the truth in all this confusion of religious belief, it started between end of Old Testament onto the coming of John and the law of Moses onto Jesus and his kingdom coming as the message of the New Testament. The Pharisees did not know what Moses was teaching, the taught traditions of man. They were called serpents and vipers by those who knew the truth of the word of God. So they were an extension of world and Babylonians beliefs. The reward and punishment of the imaginations of men. The living dead.

    The dead are dead. Psm.115:15-17; 146:3,4; Rev.20:1-6,12,13; 1Cor.15:22; As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

    Abraham's bosom is not heaven. Gehenna or the valley of the son of Hinnom is no more, angels are in tartarus and angels do not die Luke 20:34-36; Jude 6; 2Pet.2:4;

    and Jesus was resurrected out of sepulchre John 19:38-42; acts 2:31-35; sepulchre hell, and David was still there. So Rev.20:1-6,12,13; they are resurrected from where ever a dead person could be, even death itself.

    Source(s): KJV Bible 1611.
  • TJ 57
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Through this parable God opened Hells Door for a short time to allow

    us to see what it is like there. You ask why did the poor man go to Jesus bosom instead of Abraham's. Because Jesus had not gone to

    Calvary yet and the poor man could not come to Jesus until Jesus went

    to him. [Abraham's Bosom was a prepared place for all Old Testament

    Believers to go to until Jesus could come and get them.When Jesus

    shed his Blood and died on Calvary he went into the ABYSS where Hell and Abram hams Bosom were located walked up to the devil and took

    back the keys of death,hell and the grave went across the GULF entered

    Abraham's Bosom and preached the GOOD NEWS to the Old Testament saints and led captivity captive free.Jesus got them ready to go to heaven with Him.]

    Where in the Bible does it sat that the lost and saved can communicate

    with each other? NOWHERE!! Thats why the Rich Man ask Father

    Abraham to go to his five brothers he could not talk to they his self.

    Why is the Rich Man appealing to Abraham? Because he had a rude awakening because he thought that all this hell stuff was a bunch of

    wive tales or LIES.He found out that GOD CAN'T LIE and was suffering.

    Would a single drop of water make a difference? Yes it would because

    the Rich Man would not have been in Hell where there is NO WATER

    just suffering and pain.

    My Lord and Savior preached and warned people about the reality of Hell

    more than any other subject the talked on.He said to Pluck out your eye

    if it would make you sin and go to this place.Jesus was EMPHASIZING

    THE TRUTH THAT IT IS REAL. There is no recoiling needed when you TELL THE TRUTH.

    In Christ in Love,


    Source(s): Gods Word
  • 1 decade ago

    Well Jesus hadn't saved him yet. Jesus didn't die on the cross yet. He was the one who actually told the parable. Parable aka story to help understand truth.

    Lazarus used to beg for crumbs. So here is the rich man just begging for a drop of water in comparison. Also it is so hot, any ounce of water is better than none in his eyes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Preachers, generally, don't reconcile discrepancies in the Bible for the reason you pointed out: the only rational way to do it is to figuratively and not literally interpret the parables. If you allow figurative interpretation of one part of the Bible, what's to stop one from recognizing the whole book shouldn't be literally interpreted?

    Those who do "reconcile" discrepancies in the Bible call themselves "apologists" and come up with very some bizarre explanations for what should just be labeled as figurative expressions, misinterpretations, or flat out mistakes.

    The book "Misquoting Jesus" explicitly discusses these interpretation issues and the reasons for them; avoiding convoluted stories and wild fantastical excuses and using genuine textual criticism. I strongly recommend it to anyone who's really interested in learning more about the Bible and its origins.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That, I don't know as I too believe that it doesn't exactly explain to someone what proof is in the bible that we are going to heaven or hell.

    I've found these to get the point across quite nicely.

    And shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life,

    And they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

    John 5:29

    Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

    Matthew 25:41

    And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthew 25:46

    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire.

    Revelation 20:15

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear fellow member,

    I understand your point however religion is a right as far as individuals are concerned. People may believe whatever they want. I have tons of questions such as yours and I question every book out there written by MAN and not the divine heaven being. Sometimes it makes you wonder if religion was made by man to control chaos and /or money too while they're at it.

    I would just use these questions as discussions to help figure things out rather than question someone's belief frankly. People get upset if we question their religion and what they've been taught growing up.

    Kind Regards,


  • 6 years ago

    The same idiots believe gehenna proves that hells fire never goes out -- JC may have told the tall --But where is the proof it was still in Jerusalem 1983 years ago -- Its a 4000 year old story =The fire has been out a long time --Longer than forever in Christic terms

  • LP S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    How about this one:

    2Cr 5:8 "We are confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord."

    Or this one:

    Ecclesiastes 12:6"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

    7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

    Source(s): King James Bible
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    He says you may desire to obey the ten commandments? the ten commandments are good advice yet i presumed He asked the rich guy if he knew the commandments. bear in mind the Jews have been nonetheless below the commandments till Jesus loss of life and the forgiveness His loss of life presented. you're superb suited that He tells us to sell each and every thing and supply to the damaging. He doesnt regardless of if let us know to grant each and every thing to the poore. it rather is going to for sure be effective if we save back sufficient to outlive. Your factor is taken yet you're a reactionary illogical guy or woman who missquotes the Bible. cool down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is human arrogance to decide and quote form anything to decide what happens to anyone after they die. I do not believe in life after death, but if there is such a thing, isn't that up to god?

    People who do believe in such things should keep their egos out of it and not say things that they in truth have no place in stating.

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