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What are Chrisitians so scared of???

In July I was at the biggent anime convention in the US and every year there is a Christians convention in the same convention center. The Anime con out numbers them like 500 to 1.

Anyway, my friend and I were at Starbucks in the hotel across the street when we hear these two women talking about extracting the devil from all of us. And one of them laughed about how she broke this kids constume. It was shocking. My friend and I kept listening to their proposterous converstaion. about how all these 30,000 freaks are all going to hell. Then one of them was talking about she spent $300,000 on something and the other said, "yes, but thats not getting you into heaven."

So heres my question. How on Earth could they possibly judge us? If they took a second to stop and ask what was going on around them instead of jumping to these ridiculous conclusions. And they consider themselves good Christians?? Breaking someones costume, they probably spent alot of time and money on.


I wish now that I had said something. So they wouldny have been so close minded. Knowing that we were't devil worshippers but that we were more or less celebrating japanese culture.

Update 2:

Wow I just read that. I am the worst typist in the world. Sorry guys. I was kinda rushing though that.

Update 3:

Also this isnt the first time I have run into "Good Christians" who are judgemental and prejudice. This was just one experience

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People fear and dislike those things that they do not understand.

    The failure to understand is usually due to two reasons.

    1. Laziness: They take someone else’s ideas and make them their own. Usually it is the pastor that sets the agenda. If he/she can create a siege mentality in his flock they will more likely be more faithful to thre pastors cause.

    2. Willful ignorance: Many people will just make their mind up about something based of a cursory examination. I don’t like how most of those people dress so what they must be doing is wrong.

    Also once you can convince yourself that a group of people are evil you can easily justify mistreatment of them because god does not like them either.

    Kind of sad isn’t it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because you had an experience when you heard two women talking, who obviously were not acting very Christian, you just assume that all Christians are afraid of something? First, lets not categorize all Christians because of 2 ladies. Second - they are not afraid, but they are just wrong because they are talking down on someone else. They did something cruel and they didn't have a Christian attitude. They would be the ones that needed to get something out of the conference they were at.

    How do you know they were there for the conference anyway? They just could have been at the hotel too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christianity is a breeding ground for hate. I am not saying that all Christians are this way, all I'm saying is that it is the nature of the religion. It can easily be twisted because of the irresponsibility of those who created it, with thoughts of punishment if you do not believe as they do. For those who are already filled with hate it is the perfect religion, because it allows one to be hateful toward the sinner, because this religion calls everyone a sinner, so weather you be a Christian or not, you are left open to attack by the hateful Christian, if you are not doing what they think is Christian. Perfect, perfect hateful religion that breeds more hate. It's sad too, because some Christians, are not hateful people and they do not say hateful things until they start talking about their faith, these people don't even realize that they are being hateful.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    My first question is what is a biggent anime convention? Now as to the women you over heard it is obvious to me that they have not read their bible because they are sinners which need to seek forgiveness for their talk and their lack of walk. Meaning they needed to not talk at all. That is why Jesus told us to love one another, and not be critical. Take the thorn from your own eye before you can take if from your brothers. (that statement should be directed to the women)

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  • Smiley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First off they aren't true christians. We don't have the right to judge and those who do judge are not following Christ's teachings. And you are correct...those people are afraid of something. Looking in the mirror may be it. It's easier to point out other people's sins, and not look at their own.

    *I'm typing this while my 12 year old is practicing her Anime drawing.*

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is a shame about what you witnessed, but not everyone, just some. are not as they proclaim to be. God knows whats in each of our hearts. I just feel what I beleive works for me. God is 100% in my life I can't imagine living without him to guide me every day. as to being afraid, well it would be loosing my faith. that would scare me. if that were to happen iI would be dead. just remember this the devil is on this earth rooming everywhere.

    I don't have all the answers this is just how I see things.

    God bless you and I hope you get the answer you are looking for.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Christian, I know that I am a sinner and human. I don't always make the correct decisions. You are correct, we should not judge lest we be judged. They will also be judged, so just let it go.

  • LP S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hey, I don't judge you. I love anime. God gave us power over all evil spirit. So, I'm not afraid. I let God do His Job.

    Luk 9:1 "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

    Source(s): King James Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sigh.HAve heard so many things like this.And wittnessed them, too.I suppose they are driven by fear. Fear of their own religion.Shame.

  • 1 decade ago

    organized religion = power and domination

    they judge you because they are self-rightous hypocrites.

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