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should I stay or should I go?

My husband is driving me crazy and I am going to have a break down I am scared I am going to hurt him and I mean it. I don't know if I should stay with him or leave him. I look at other guy's and think damn he is cute, and I wonder if I should cheat or stay where I am unhappy.

19 Answers

  • Lisa R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    move on if your having thoughts like that its unhealthy

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are unhappy why stay? you will be very miserable and something really bad can happen so dont let it get out of hand. better alone and happy than whit a husband and unhappy. who knows you may find a Mr. out there somewhere.

    Calm down and review your options and put things in a balance and see which side weighs more. Do you really love him? are you most of the time unhappy or happy? are there children involved and if so how will they be affected? these are some of the questions you might want to ask yourself and take it from there I did and I left him and have never been happier... I'm even engaded to a wonderful man that completes me and who loves my children.

  • In your situation, the last thing you need is another guy in the picture. You first need to work on the problems in your marriage before the cute guys make more problems for you.

    Try wearing a pair of dark shades so they don't see your stares.

    If your unhappy you get a divorce and move on you don't cheat or bring others into your marital


    If your in a relationship that beats you down to a mental break down, I suggest you seek psychological help and try to rebuild your esteem to demand better treatment and a healthy environment for your mind, body , and soul to grow. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cheating solves nothing. Yeah it sounds like fun. It gives you a moment of gratification but you will still have to face the husband at some point.

    Be mature and confront your husband. If that does nothing than it may be time to part ways. I know that is easier said than done but why remain unhappy and why delay the inevitable?

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  • 1 decade ago

    So you’ve discovered life as a young mother and wife and can't handle it? GROW UP.

    I know I'm going to sound like your family but your "about" page made me wonder where your heads at. Look in the mirror....

    Pregnant at 18 and sounding like you’re more interested in tats and piercing than making a marriage work or giving your kid a life. You say, "I like my piercing’s and my daughter doesn't mine them either she just loves me the way I am." OMG honey she is 9 month old. She wouldn't mind if you shityour pants and had boogers hanging from your nose SHE IS 9mo old. I'm sure the local fast food place will be able to give you work because if you came to me with your lip tongue and face covered with metal, I would have to laugh in your face. (Sorry kid but that’s not discrimination) One more thing, you should talk to other women that have a kid and see how great their prospects are for finding a GOOD man. You had better be model beautiful, worth a great deal of money, have an education that will take you farther than the nearest McDonalds or have some great redeeming quality that would be able to attract a good man. Don't think for a minute that what you have between your legs is more important to a man than what you have sitting between your shoulders. Sorry honey but your just going to be another divorced single mother giving the booty away to try to hook another guy.

    I don't feel sorry for you or your husband but I do feel sorry for your daughter Faith. Get yourshit together so she can have a future and quit crying about how bad you have it. You enjoyed the fuckyfucky now live with your decision and do the right thing. Either that or give up your child to someone that would make HER the center of their world. You did pick a beautiful name for her and I hope for her sake she can rely and have Faith in her mom and dad to do the right thing for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same issue. Sometimes I can stangle my husband, and there are other days we can get along. We both look at opposite sex, at the mall, stop lights, restaurants. But we never cross the line. You should talk about it. Tell him what is bothering you, you'll feel better and clearing the air takes a load off your shoulders. Before you decide to leave him try to work at the marriage, and if all fails you can't say you didn't try to save the marriage, good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't cheat. You only end up hating yourself for it in the end. If your unhappy, leave, life is too short to be unhappy. Sounds like you have a lot of anger for your husband. If you don't think counseling will help, then.... time to move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok. u need to do something. to save him AND urself. staying w/ someone without truly loving, trusting, and respecting that person doesn't show Anything except selfishness. talk to him, and try to figure out what is going wrong. what are ur expectations from yourself as a wife? what are ur expectations of ur husband? what are ur expectations for ur marriage? tell him this, and then ask him what he expects from you, from himself, and the relationship. if u don't have similar goals, already ur on the wrong path. u need to be able to grow and work together for a common goal; if not, u will continue to have a rocky relationship and start disrespecting eachother. if u cannot compromise and learn to figure things out in a healthy, positive, Happy manner, then u need to consider divorce. not because u don't love eachother, but because u don't respect eachother enough to do what is Right for ur marriage. if there is no trust or respect, the love in the relationship sours!!!! if u work on building back that trust, that's great! but if u can't, or don't want to, then it's done. it's matter how long u "stay". do what is best for urself, and for him, which is to allow eachother to find someone who will make u WANT to change, to grow, to learn, to love, and to respect and be respected. it is worth it to find someone who challenges u, makes u better. if u think u can do better than ur husband, then u are already disrespecting him. therefore, figure out where the problem is, and do something about it. if it's not nipped in the bud, then find someone that WILL make u want to stay committed, and not cheat. cuz this is unfair to ur husband, and bad for yourself.

  • 1 decade ago


    It's time to move on. If you strongly feel like hurting your husband, do him and you a favour. If he reacts strongly to it, try your best at explaining that you no longer feel for him.

    Do not cheat on him. If he's a terrible husband, he deserves to know the truth before you cheat on him. Let him go and deliver yourself from a situation that will turn from bad to worse with time.

    But ask yourself, Do you love him? I don't get that vibe from you. If you find other men attractive, it's time to go.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    Cheating is only a temorary solution to a permanaent problem, and it can permanently destroy your life. Everyone likes to look and everyone gets tempted. if your unhappy with your husband confront him and tell him everyhting, whetehr it hurts or not. Honesty is the best policy. Either it will strengthen your relationship or it will destroy it. if it strengthens it youll be happy agian. if it destroys it at least you ended an unhappy realtionship and you dont have to hide your eelings anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok you may have some issues. he's driving you crazy but you want to see other guys. Do yourself a favor. Get seperated and go your own way. Dont cheat. If you dont want to be in this relationship and it sure sounds like you have no feeling for him than do him and yourself a favor and just end it.

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