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I am 19 and I have A 9 month old daughter named Faith. I have my tounge Pierced It has been in for about 5 years now, I just got my Lip pierced 6-24-2006 at A place Called Read em & weep Here in cincinnati,ohio. I like my piercings and my daughter doesn't mine them either she just loves me the way I am. My family doesn't love my lip piercing but they will live. Have 10 tattoos. in weird places one on my foot and one inside my lip of A blue star.

  • When Will Morning sickness Stop?

    I am Now 16 weeks Pregnant with my second child and the morning Sickness is Killing me. I haven't been able to gain the proper amount Of weight due to the all day sickness. With My 1st child a baby girl The sickness stopped at 9weeks. I have the tummy pooch going on but From junk food it seems to be the only thing that won't come back up. I have tried everything And I am Not kidding I even tried some meds my ob had me on They didn't work. Prenatal pills Ha I can't keep them down. So How do you stop This crap Please Help :(

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What Is your Outlook On Abortion?

    I want to know what People Think, without going at each others Like wild animals. So If you Can tell me why people shouldn't Get One Tell me why. If you think they should be allowed tell me why. Or if your like me and think they should only be allowed to women who were raped than tell me what you fell. Please do not pick on each other about this I Just asked this to see what other people Think. I am a teen mother and I speek on behalf of other Teen Parents and I want to See what other teen parents and older parents or people without children think. If you have had an abortion Please tell me your story and feelings.....Thank you all

    25 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any thoughts?

    I want to have a school opened for teen parents. This school will provide daycare and on one teaching with students of any age and race. Did you know about 65% of teen mother who get pregnant whilr attending school do not return to school because of the harsh things they are called. No the school I would Like to open would Be for teen parents. I want these parents to come form broken homes and even normal everyday homes just to prove that not only girls get pregnant that come from broken homes. I do not and will not encrouge teens to run out and get pregnant. This school is my dream I got pregnant at 17 and Now am almost twenty and have a 1 year old daughter. Do you think this Is a good Idea?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • We have a daughter & would now like to have a boy, and.......?

    We have an almost 2 year old daughter and would like to have a Boy this time. I would Like to know if there are any postions that are better for conciving a boy? I also have another question When is the best time to concive a boy? Thank you all for your answers and god bless!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My School Homework Need A answer?

    Okay the Question Is "What Passengers at the bus station study to see when their bus leaves?" It has to be a 9 letter answer....It has me stumped

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Sounds stupid But really need help!?

    I have a daughter who will be a year old this month and I am having some of the same signs of pregnancy that I had with her. Here is the gross part (Sorry) This moring I went to the restroom and when I wiped I noticed a brownish discharge on the toliet paper, so I wiped again and one very tiny strand of googy bllod was on the toliet paper. I am 6 day's late on my cycle, and I am eating weird stuff like marshmellow fluff, peanutbutter, and jelly, I dreamed of It 1st than ate it. Could this be a sign of pregnancy? Oh and my brother in laws baby was born 9/3/2006 at 1:12 am 5 pnds 12 ounces Kayli mae So very very cute. Am I pregnant tho?

    30 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why Do people Judge other people?

    I was always told god is the only one who can judge us. So why to people judge other people weather it be there eye color hair color or skin color we are all the same inside and out. Don't we all bleed the same color don't we all cry tears? Why do people Judge?

    Please do not answer this question if you are going to be rude or judge Thank you

    15 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • should I stay or should I go?

    My husband is driving me crazy and I am going to have a break down I am scared I am going to hurt him and I mean it. I don't know if I should stay with him or leave him. I look at other guy's and think damn he is cute, and I wonder if I should cheat or stay where I am unhappy.

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • should I stay or should I go?

    My husband is driving me crazy and I am going to have a break down I am scared I am going to hurt him and I mean it. I don't know if I should stay with him or leave him. I look at other guy's and think damn he is cute, and I wonder if I should cheat or stay where I am unhappy.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My new place need advice?

    Okay me and my husband moved into our 1st apt together we live on the bottom floor and my grandma and brother moved on the 3rd floor. We know of one drug dealer living there that doesn't bother me. We seen a cockroach tho, and that makes me sick, the hall smells like human piss, my apt doesn't. My husband broke down and cried last night because he doesn't want our daughter living there and he wants to move. I think anything can be made better, and the apt isn't unliveable, So what should I do? I've already unpacked and put our apt together I don't want to have to pack and unpack again. I love my husband but this is ripping us apart. What should I Do

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My new place need advice?

    Okay me and my husband moved into our 1st apt together we live on the bottom floor and my grandma and brother moved on the 3rd floor. We know of one drug dealer living there that doesn't bother me. We seen a cockroach tho, and that makes me sick, the hall smells like human piss, my my apt doesn't. My husband broke down and cried last night because he doesn't want our daughter living there and he wants to move. I think anything can be made better, and the apt isn't unliveable, So what should I do? I've already unpacked and put our apt together I don't want to have to pack and unpack again. I love my husband but this is ripping us apart. What should I Do

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it fair to my ten month old?

    I want another baby now so that my daughter will a brother or sister close to her age. Is it fair to her to have another baby so soon. I love kids and I want to think of my daughter's intersest

    before I have another. Do you think it is too soon? I'm 19 and my husband is 21.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you help my cousin?

    My cousion is 5' 3" and weighs 175 pounds and She really wants to know can she look like those little preppy chicks as she say's. Any Ideas as to what she can wear or buy to look the way she wants. She likes the store deb and dots but she just can not seem to dress the way she wants. I tried to help her but it didn't work we ended up fighting in the middle of the mall. Oh just another fact she has large busts. Please any ideas? she wants to sexy cute keep that in mind, but not with her belly showing okay help help

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Why are you all worried about what people think of you?

    I t seems like every time I turn around someone is saying omg I have to have those new boots made out of cat hair because paris hilton has them omg she thinks they are hot. Why? Why do people have to follow in other people's foot steps can't you just have your own style and wear what you choose to be happy in reather or not paris hilton or nikki hilton is wearing them?

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I think my brother in Law hates me?

    My mother in law tells my brother in law everything I say or do and somethings make him mad. I feel as if I have to tip toe around them both. The fear of him hating me sucks because his g/f is Carring my daughters 1st cousion and I am scared he wont let them see each other. What should I do. I don't Talk about him or his g/f like gossip about them I just voice my oppion about things and I feel like I can't even do that ariund either one of them for the fear of the action they might take. Please help

    13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I am 19 and I have A daughter and I need advice?

    I am 19 years old and I have a ten month old daughter named faith and she is so mean, she straches and bites and pulls my hair. But that I could be less worried about ya see I have 2 face piercing and I feel as if ppl look at me as if I am A bad mother to my daughter, But I do everything by the book with my Daughter. If you see me would you think I was A bad mother Just by 1st Glance?

    25 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My 11 year old brother!?

    I just found out my 11 year old brother is smoking pot and ciggs, latley he has been hanging around ppl who do dope(crack coke) what should I do? I have tried to put him in A program but alot of them won't take him because of his age. My grandma raises him and he is just out of control for her she is 63 and still raising me, and my daughter. Please hlep me I fell like I have failed my family by not Finding help for my baby brother

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • can oil cause cancer?

    I work in a oil changing place with my husband and he says if the oil get's in my pores it can cause cancer is that true, I have tried to reseach it but nothing gives me a stright answer.

    4 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • My grandma always told me That if god?

    My grandma always told me and still does if god wanted holes in my body he would have put them there himself. I had my eye brow top and bottom of my belly and my nose pierced. nOw i have currently My lip line and Tounge and Ears. Am I a bad Kid I 'am 19, And I have A ten month old Daughter, Yes out of wedlock I feel bad enough for that trust me. Thank you All so much.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Please help I have A biter!?

    My ten month old daughter loves And I mean loves to bite anyone she can get close to,she bit my finger and Drew blood and I tapped her mouth and Simply said no sturnly. And I A bad Parent now?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago