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When Will Morning sickness Stop?

I am Now 16 weeks Pregnant with my second child and the morning Sickness is Killing me. I haven't been able to gain the proper amount Of weight due to the all day sickness. With My 1st child a baby girl The sickness stopped at 9weeks. I have the tummy pooch going on but From junk food it seems to be the only thing that won't come back up. I have tried everything And I am Not kidding I even tried some meds my ob had me on They didn't work. Prenatal pills Ha I can't keep them down. So How do you stop This crap Please Help :(


I don't Know if any one is Missing this point I already have a 2 year old daughter. I got pregnant at 17 with her I am now 20 years old. I know every pregnancy is diff. But I take Flinstones, and folic acid too. The liquid is Hard to keep down already been to a hosptial no luck with the iv either. Thank you all for your answers.........

Update 2:

Tried the sea-bands no luck. My mom even got me a second one to see if mine was a defect. I have morning sickness it stinks. My two year old holds my hand and says mommy I am here for you I love you. Than she says Oh I am sick Cough cough....It's funny but she is my back bone Be cause my hubby would get sick right along with me

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know. It's awful. I'm almost 15 weeks, and although it's not as bad as it was earlier, I'm still struggling with it. Did your doctor try Zofran for you? It was the only thing that worked for me. I haven't gained any weight fact, I lost 15 pounds during the first trimester. As long as you're able to keep liquids down, don't worry too much. Ask your doctor to switch your vitamin, and take it at night. There are types that are better formulated for women with morning sickness. If those don't work, ask about taking Flinstone's vitamins...the kind kids take. My doctor put me on them because I couldn't keep down any of the prenatal vitamins. You'll need to take a folic acid supplement along with them. Best of luck, I hope you feel better soon.

    Source(s): 14 weeks 5 days with #1.
  • 1 decade ago

    ♥ Its different for each woman and for each pregnancy. Some woman dont get sick at all, some are sick most of the 9 months. If you none of the medicines are working talk with your doctor about other things that you may be able to do.

    ♥ Try keeping some crackers at your bedside & a glass of gingerale. Before you even get out of bed in the morning nibble on a couple crackers & drink a little gingerale. Maybe this will help calm the stomach some. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You can have sickness through the whole pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different.

    If Meds from your doctor are not working try:


    They can be found at Wal-Mart in the pharmacy section with the Nausea and motion sickness meds. For about $7-8 dollars 2 in a pkg.

    The Sea-Band has been clinically tested against nausea and vomiting in travel, pregnancy, anesthesia, chemotherapy and all conditions which induce nausea.

    The Sea-Band is a knitted elasticated wrist band, which operates by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist by means of a plastic stud. Because the bands do not use drugs, they do not cause any of the side effects associated with anti-nausea drugs and can be worn on each wrist whenever you feel nauseous. They are suitable for adults and children.

    The Sea-Band may be washed up to five times with a mild detergent in warm water without losing its elasticity.

    The Sea-Band is sold in drug chains and pharmacies across the world

    You might even try them along with the meds from your doctor.

    I use the Sea-Bands for my travel sickness. I no longer get nausea while wearing them.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of my good friends had the worst morning sickness I have ever seen. She had to be hospitalized many times and had to be on an iv at home just to keep hydrated and meds in her. She lost 20 pounds in the first 4 months of her pregnancy. It took her till 20 weeks before it stopped. Some though never do. Her dr. told her to eat as healthy as possible since she always had problems with the prenatal pills. Try to drink maybe meal replacement drinks (like slimfast) or drink the kids nutrition drinks (I think they market them for the elderly as well). They are in chocolate flavor and maybe it can trick your body into thinking it is not good for you. If it does, you are getting alot of nutrition that way.

    Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had bad morning sickness too- your almost out of the bad part most likely. I used these things called "sea Bands"

    They are wristbands that have buttons on the inner bottom to hit your pressure points. these helped me, but the sickness did not go away entirely.

    I saw these things called "pregnancy Pops" at the store- they are made for morning sickness. I have not tried them, but,hey-its worth a shot! Plus they look like tasty lollypops!

    Good luck, we all ( well,almost all) know how your feeling

  • 1 decade ago

    Go buy the Ginger Altoids, they have helped me out some. They are not the best tasting things, but I'm willing to try anything that might help. The Sea-sickness bands people are mentioning did help some also with my first pregnancy. Hang in there!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone is different. With my first I was sick right up until I gave birth. Now 27 weeks with my 2nd I was real sick in the beginning but it eased up about 6 weeks ago. You just have to find what you can keep down. I found that fruits and veggies stayed down pretty well with me. And for your prenatal vitamin talk to your dr about taking flintstone vitamins I couldn't keep mine down either and he told me to try taking 2 flintsone instead of my prenatals and it worked really good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ice lollies might help and sour/mint sweets. For nurishment try to make natural fruit milkshakes so you would consume all the vitamins and not feel that sick Also crisps helped me a big time. Hope that helps. Also try to have a lot fresh air and be very active, it help when feeling sick I was running till 6 months pregnant and felt as if I was not pregnant at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to say, some women have morning sickness their entire pregnancy. Have you tried drinking ginger ale? I hear that works. I also heard that chewing/eating? ginger root helps too. I did not try any of these things, but a few women I work with say it worked for them. Hope this kind of helped.

  • 1 decade ago gonna say never!!! im 6 months along, and still getting sick.

    soe people swear it goes away after the first tirmester, but for me no such luck.

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