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What Is your Outlook On Abortion?

I want to know what People Think, without going at each others Like wild animals. So If you Can tell me why people shouldn't Get One Tell me why. If you think they should be allowed tell me why. Or if your like me and think they should only be allowed to women who were raped than tell me what you fell. Please do not pick on each other about this I Just asked this to see what other people Think. I am a teen mother and I speek on behalf of other Teen Parents and I want to See what other teen parents and older parents or people without children think. If you have had an abortion Please tell me your story and feelings.....Thank you all


I know This isn't the place for this But Their are Real parents here and I want to know what you think. So please don't get Mad and again thank you and god Bless you all

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My mind set used to be that having an abortion was only okay if you had been raped. I mean, if you were being responsible and not doing anything wrong, and some sick bastard raped you and FORCED a child in you, then it's not your fault! You didn't ask or try to be a parent, you were made to be one before you were ready, and that's not fair or right! I think you should be allowed to have an abortion after that, but preferably before it has a heartbeat. Now my feelings have varied a bit. I think that there are a lot of people out there who are immature enough to have sex and not know/care about the consequences. A lot of teen girls I know have gotten pregnant, and they were flat out just too stupid or too immature to be mothers, and now their children are suffering for it! And their are SOOOO many children in the world without homes, there is now way we can keep adding more and expect that there are enough people to adopt them! If you can abort the child while it is still just a couple of pairs of chromosomes combining, and not yet a human being, I think it can be okay. If you are poor and would have to raise the child in hardship and poverty and crime, or if you are not mentally ready or responsible, or if it was forced upon you, I think it can be okay. If you have christian beliefs, then I think it is understandable to believe that a child, in many of those cases, would have a better life in heaven, then suffering down here. And if you are not in a position to raise your child properly, then if your grows up to commit crimes or hurt people or commit some sort of injustices, then they risk suffering in hell! If, under the circumstances, you think it is better to abort it rather than bring it in to the world and have it raised poorly, and possibly have a child who could ruin its own life for here and in the next life, I think it is okay to do so.

    That is my personal belief.

  • helly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Always an emotive subject, but ultimately it is the woman's body and she has the right to decide what happens to it. Unwanted pregnancies can happen for a number of reasons, and not just through irresponsible behaviour. Contraception often fails - women can become pregnant whilst on the pill, or using condoms, and not know about it until it is too late.

    Sometimes there are medical reasons for abortions - danger to the mother's health, or when a baby is so severely ill it would not survive or be severely disabled when born. People in those situations should never be judged. It is an appalling decision to have to make, and it's a decision you live with for the rest of your life.

    Your point about only being allowed for women who are raped is a little too simplistic. And even in rape cases, there is the morning after pill if need be. Whatever leads a woman to decide to terminate her pregnancy, it is ultimately her choice, and nobody else's business. People who campaign for pro-life are ignorant busybodies who have no idea what another person's life or situation is. They have no business dictating what a woman does with her body. Unless prolifers are willing to take on and raise every unwanted baby and every severely disabled child that is born against a woman's will they should shut up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, good question and you're right, it's still pretty taboo with a lot of people. I'm so pro-choice. You just don't know until you're are put in a situation. As a young teen I was always very anti-abortion, then I started messing around with guys and the inevitable happened. By the time I figured out I was pregnant, the father was already involved with someone else, getting engaged and they were expecting too. (He was much older than me). I was 15 and couldn't even comprehend having that baby. I know people are going to jump on me about this, but that's how it was at the time. I was depressed as it was and a big mess. I just don't think people should condemn other's when they really don't have a clue how they would react in the same situation. I still wouldn't say I'm pro-abortion though, I just think that women should have the choice.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    I got pregnant with my first child when I was 14 and chose not to abort him. I am really against abortions, no matter what the circumstances are surrounding it. I believe that all children are here for a reason and to have an abortion and murder a child is just wrong to me, no matter what the circumstances are surrounding the conditions by which a mother got pregnant.

    If she feels like she really can't have that baby due to rape, etc. There are so many people that want children that can't have any I feel that they should give the baby up for adoption. The percentage of people that get raped and actually get pregnant from that rape are real slim, the majority of people having abortions are people using it as a form of control. They don't want to take the responsibility to make sure that they don't get pregnant, and then when they do they decide that they don't want the baby for various reasons.

    You don't have sex until you are ready to become a parent. If the abortion is "medically nessecary" you put your faith in God that everything will work out. There has been many cases where doctors have told women that there was something wrong with their baby and the baby wouldn't be able to survive after birth, they chose to go through with the pregnancy anyways and the babies have been fine. If you draw the line at abortion, when it is OK and when it isn't then eventually that line is going to get blurred.

    Source(s): mom of 4+1 on the way
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had an abortion when I was 18. I was going through a difficult time with my first love and made the decision to abort. All of my friends advised me to do it. I even talked to my Aunt who told me that she had 2 in the past. Looking back I think I talked to the wrong people. I do have regrets but I can't do anything about it now. I wish I would have felt comfortable going to my Mom but I didn't. She was a teen mother and always told me not to make the same mistake she made. I didn't want to disappoint her. I sometimes wonder how differently my life would have turned out if I'd kept the baby. I miss my ex sometimes and wonder if we would have worked things out had we had the baby. I sometimes wonder if it was a boy or girl and what it would have looked like. I didn't feel anything for awhile after I did it but about 2 years later I became severely remorseful and depressed. I had the abortion because I thought, like everyone said, that having a baby at 18 would ruin my life. But the thing is... I had the abortion and didn't do anything particularly important. I was selfish and made the decision to end my child's life out of fear. I have to live with that. It's not a nice feeling. But I try not to judge others in that situation. It's not my place. Life is a learning experience and I've learned from it. But I can't take it back.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    read this and then you'll see why i hate abortion, hopefully you'll get the message, i cried when is read this. hope this answers your question!


    Month One

    Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.

    Month Two

    Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.

    Month Three

    You know what Mommy, I'm a girl !! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.

    Month Four

    Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.

    Month Five

    You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?

    Month Six

    I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!! No . . .

    Month Seven

    Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy?

    Every Abortion Is Just . . .

    One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never

    see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.

    Source(s): let's just say its there
  • 1 decade ago

    I had my first child when I was 16 years old and although I was terrified, I knew that I was adult enough to lay down and get pregnant, I should have to be responsible for that choice. With that said...Abortion is still a choice. It is a very hard choice, but still all women should be allowed to make that choice. There are many different reasons that some one might contemplate abortion. I do not knock anyone who has done it, or is thinking about it. I just say this...Remember that it is not something that you will ever forget about and you can't take it back. Ever! It is a decision that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. You might also get depressed afterward. I am now 25 and pregnant with my third child, and although it seems like I am going crazy sometimes, or there isn't enough time or money, I wouldn't change it for the world!!

  • Maber
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'll start out by saying I'm pro-life, so you know my stance from the beginning.

    In response to your question about being raped, my main concern about bringing this up is that it's simply unfair. Rape abortions account for less than 1 percent of all abortions. If someone wants to play the rape card, then they need to be ready to say that rape is the only instance in which abortion should be allowed. However, because no one who is pro-choice is willing to say that, bringing up the rape issue is practically null and void because it is simply so small a population sample.

    As far as the other 99.5% of abortions, here is my personal opinion: I absolutely agree that it is a woman's body and therefore a woman's right to choose. A woman can choose to have sex with whomever and whenever she pleases. After making that choice, the woman can live with any consequences resulting from her decision. To say that abortion is okay because "it's a woman's body" is a double standard. It's okay to have sex, but you don't have to take responsibility for the consequences of that decision? I have a cousin who doesn't eat eggs because it's unethical - the killing of a potential chicken - yet she is pro-choice. Does anyone else see how this doesn't add up? It's a woman's body and a woman's right to choose, and once you make that choice, you should live with the results of that adult decision instead of erasing your responsibility.

  • Dj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am against it, b/c, in my opinion, the life of a person shouldn't depend on whether he/she's wanted or not. How can it be a baby if you want it, and "fetal tissue" if you don't? It's a terrible tragedy for a woman to be raped, and made pregnant. But, why is committing another tragic horror justified?

    Abortion is legal after the heartbeat is detectable. How does something not alive have a heartbeat, like you and me? Mothers should be more informed b/f getting an abortion. Many women, if they could hear their own child's heartbeat, or know that they're already developing fingernails, etc, would not be able to go through w/ it.

    Good luck w/ the people not attacking each other on here. I hope people on here can be mature, but I'm sure there will be at least one putting the "thumbs down" on all the answers they don't like :)

    Source(s): And, what a shock, looks like I was right :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personal choice. It's not a decision I can make for anyone else. Every person should have the right to make the decision for themselves.

    I would email my story to you, but I won't put it up here. I firmly believe that abortion should be kept legal and those who don't believe in it don't have to get one.

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