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Little girls that want to get their way.....?

I have a friend whose little girl is in her first year of school. She is five. A very smart individual and very sweet when she wants to be. Today her mom got a call from her teacher the little girl is pitching really obnoxious fits when she doesn't get her way. What is this mother to do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She's probably feeling very insecure. Sit her down and have a talk to find out what is actually causing the tantrums. She's probably scared that if something doesn't go her way, it will go in a direction that she knows nothing about and is consequently scary. Lots of little kids act up when they're going somewhere new (daycare, school, whatever). Maybe lay out a plan of discussing all the "new or different" things that happened at school today every night at supper, so she can talk through them and feel more secure.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, there is no nicer way to say this, but the child needs to get over it and her mother needs to tell her that as soon as possible. This child needs to learn, right now, that just because she wants something does not that she gets it. There are other people in the class room and she has to get along. The teacher cannot and should not be expected to deal with this child's spoiled temper tantrums all day long. Plus teachers talk, whether you like it or not, and if the tantrums don't stop all the teachers will know about it and possibly have a negative opinion of the child. Mom needs to put her foot down, and from what it sounds like, it's not something she has ever done before. And that is what is really sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    She just needs to sit down and talk with her daughter calmly and reasonalbley she is only 5. I had a similar problem with my 4 yr old in pre- k she is sweet when she wants to be but she doesn't like to listen so she stayed in time out alot!!!. so when i got a note from the teacher i had a talk with my daughter about listening and being a good girl and the consquences she would receive if she continurd to be in time out. she did listen and now when she comes home she is proud to say she was a good girl and she listended to the teacher so I do reward her for that. Kids are just little people so treat them like one.

    Source(s): my own personal experiance
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