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markus asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Why can't I pull it all together?

Can anyone? Life can be so overwhelming sometimes. How do people stay afloat? How do you stay afloat? comfortable? How do people manage to live this life?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like you may have anxiety and/or depression issues. I would suggest seeing a counselor or psychiatrist to help you manage these feelings. I do recommend if you see a counselor to see someone who works with psychiatrists, in case your anxiety issues require medication.

    Life is inherently full of change, and in order to enjoy it you have to accept that. I understand how hard that can be, but really that's the only way to be "comfortable" as you put it, rather than needing to try to control everything. The more you trust yourself, the more you will trust yourself to handle these changes (good or bad) in a way that is healthy for you. If this anxiety stems from something, it's also important that you work through that (for example, a bad childhood).

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Who can pull it all together? Anyone that says they do or appears to is telling you or themselves a lie. We are human - we falter and get up again. That's the whole point to life. You keep trying, keep dusting off - every scar, physical or emotional transforms you to the person you were meant to be. The difference is - do you wear your scar with pride or scorn?. You stay afloat because you have to - it's that lovely built in survival instinct. Life is overwhelming - there is so much that comes at us 24/7 that it's hard to focus on or remember the things that matter. It's not about the biggest and best things - it's about the people and the pursuits that bring you joy......I took a look at your 360 page - great nieces and Tom Waits on the list - a little blues when I'm blue always helps - sometimes you have to embrace it to let it go.

  • 1 decade ago

    We all have to take the punches and blows that life deals us.

    The best bet is to roll with the punches, and get up again as fast as you can.

    Know that this is normal in life, so don't dwell on it.

    Always be on the lookout for what life can throw at you. And take pre-emptive measures wherever and whenever you can. But some blows are unavoidable and unpredictable.

    Live within your means, and set yourself realistic goals. That way, when you do not expect too much, you will not get disappointed, or your disappointment will be managable. This does not mean that you will not achieve greatness. But you can try to attain a high goal in one step (with a high possibility of failure) or you can attain the same goal, by breaking it down into many smaller goals and focusing on each small one, until you get to where you want to get.

    Do not lose sight of your achievements. I am sure that if you look back and focus on these you will find many more then you originally thought you had. Let your past achievments give you courage as well as your past failures give you added drive to try harder.

    Best of luck. You will stay afloat :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, deep breaths. Relax, now, take a look at what is frazzling your mind. Write it down if it helps. Now, see what you can deal with. For example, if you have too many bills, are there any that require immediate attention? If there are some that are really big and they are things like utilities, then you can call and make payment arrangements so that you can pay less and pay it off over time and keep your service. What else is on your list? Do you hate your job? Put a resume together and post it on Monster or CareerBuilder. Are you disorganized? Go through your house and throw away or donate anything and everything that you don't need or want. Usually, when I feel overwhelmed, I wallow in it for a couple of days, then I do just what I've told you. I find the best way to deal with life is to deal with it. Even a start can make me feel better because I feel like I'm controlling my life and my life isn't controlling me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some days, it's one day at a time

    sometimes, it's one hour at a time!

    THINGS COULD BE WORSE-----believe they can and sometimes does. Some people to be born under a lucky star, they have talent, money, and things just seem to fall into place for them. But, I bet even those people feel just like you and I do.

    I manage what I can, I have to learn I can't always do what I need to do or what I want to do. COMPROMISE-with myself...

    I wear floaties to keep afloat, and 1 of them has a small leak! Life is overwhelming, but I look forward to better times, and I know when I am having one of those days---there is a better time yet to come. Soak up the good times, times when things are just about as perfect as they can be, and fill your heart, soul, and mind. Focus, that yes, you too-will experience it again. Life is tough! I am not a perky person, never have been, and never will be, they get on my nerves! But, I do feel better when I helping someone, it usually doesn't help my life's stink, but if I can improve theirs, then I do feel like it's worth getting out of bed that day. So, I am not Mother Theresa by a long shot, but that's how I manage....knowing things could be worse....and compromising..and helping someone who's worse off than I am....and there is people that are worse off than even you! Believe it or not.........

    ps....wonder where I can get a patch for my floaties, I think I just got another leak.....

    God bless us all...........

    Source(s): mostly miserable for 44 years poor folk born with a plastic spoon instead of silver luckiest number is 13 Friday the 13th is my best day
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    By working hard and getting a good education or if you don't have a great education find a job that will pay you decently and will provide you with benefits like health insurance. Also look for a job that promotes people for doing good work. To relieve stress in your life find a hobby that helps you take your mind of every day life. I myself collect sports memorabilia. It is a good investment and later on in life it will increase in value. I also go too lots of sporting events and take pictures. I am lucky to be living in a town with a major university and i go too all of the baseball and football games. If sports don't interest you then find something else that will. I hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    Break it down. Pick it apart. Take one thing at a time. Only then can you begin to pull it all together.

    Do I sound Zen? Sorry. What I mean is, you can't deal with your whole life at any one moment. No one can. But if at each moment you're dealing with some aspect of it – working on it, improving it, making it manageable – then your life will begin to seem more and more in your control. That doesn't mean there won't be chaos, and surprises, and failures and frustration. But those things are part of the fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to laugh more....and get a hobby you really do love.

    Basically, take time to stop and smell the roses. Hustle and

    bustle life can get overwhelming unless you give yourself

    permission to slow down and ENJOY life. Not just work, work,

    work. That makes people miserable after awhile. And read the

    Bible.....that gives me strength. I give all my worries or whatever

    to God to take care of, if I can't do it. Faith, Hope, Love, all these

    things we need. The road in life is a curvy one, we never know

    for sure, where we will be tomorrow, plans change, life always

    changes. It never stays the same. And God's love for us stays

    the same. He is faithful to us, as long as we are faithful to him.

    Source(s): Life experience.....
  • 1 decade ago

    Because I put my trust in God. Tell you the truth, there was a time in my life that I wanted to just give up my life and end it right there but with the help of my faith, I found reason to live and find pleasure in everything in life. No matter how sweet or sour things get, you just have to make the most out of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give yourself away, don't sit around thinking about it, just go out and love with abandon. Read a great book, and then read a book that comes from a completely different point of view, be challenged, and look at life through the eyes of as many different people as you can.

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