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Is premarital sex wrong?

It seems that my editor thinks so...and I am trying to rationalise with her that it's not. So wanna hear what the rest of you guys think of this issue...

55 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey, do you buy a dress without trying it on?? Of course not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it definitely risks the chances of pregnancy, which makes the risks of abortion higher, and children being raised by unfit parents, which in turn damages society.

    Also, don't forget the HIVs that goes around. It's not that the act of sex is wrong, but that a lot of people that practices sex before marriage (which comprises a lot of young people) really aren't responsible adults. Sex can result in a life being born, lives ending (through diseases) and therefore is a big deal. Yet most young people today seem to be sexually active first, then realize what to do with the rest of their life. On the other hand , those who wait for marriage tend to be more responsible individuals (with obvious virtue of patience intact). Obviously not always, but in general I think this is the trend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why is it so important that you want your Editor to believe what you believe. You believe in pre-marital sex for as many reasons as your Editor probably doesnt believe in pre-marital sex. You dont have to prove anything to anyone. It is a moral issue and you probably will never get your Editor to believe in pre-marital sex. Your Editor also should not judge you for your moral beliefs....we are all very different, and who's right? Both of you are right simply because of where youve come from. Beliefs are based on a lot of things that happen during your life...Its about upbringing, education, the crowd you hang around with and you trying to rationalise your beliefs to her will not work, because he/she has been conditioned to think a certain way a lot longer than you have been working there.

    We live in a multi culteral society and we have to be tolerant of each others beliefs....the same as you have to be tolerant of your Editor's beliefs and he/she of yours. Its about repecting peoples different points of view.

  • 247
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The Bible (Word of God) says to flee fornication. It's in there with good reason. When you participate in pre-marital sex you become one with the person. You physically invite this person's body into yours it transfers and unites, choices, lifestyle, spiritual weakness/issues to you. It unites you with whoever/whatever they are. This become part of you forever or until you've been set free through true repentance and forgiveness of your sin.

    That's why NO one forgets their first.

    The world's concept is that... There's nothing wrong with it.. Sleep with however many people you like, or you that a person should try things out prior to getting married because you never know what you're going to get or if you'll even like how that person is with you sexually. This NEVER brings about the joy that can be shared between two people who waited until marriage to be one with each other only. If everyone waited and remained pure prior to marriage there would never be a comparrison between people. There would also never be an occassion to feel dissatisfied (nothing to compare another person with) or I've had better.

    Premarital sex allows for the breakdown of a persons morals, attitude, spirit, sense of self worth and view of how precious, extraordinary, and beautiful sex really is. In fact it cheapens it, makes it ordinary and mundane. Sex within a (ordained by God) marriage is holy and absolutely amazing.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Ok somebody pointed this out to me before. Think about the past, what was the average age for people to get married? People got married a lot younger and they had shorter life-spans. The average for getting married now is like 25. In the past it was around 18 or 19. For them marriage wasn't that far away. But for our generation it can seem like a lifetime. So why wait that long? But for certain people they believe in waiting and if that's what they want, then hey go for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. premarital sex is not wrong. unedrage sex IS. But if two people our in a stable and happy relationship who has the right to say what is wrong, if its right for them. Sounds like your edoiter has a stick up her *** about marriage in genaral, prob she got an unhappy life of her own so enjoys judging everyone elses. Times have changed

  • 1 decade ago

    Someone way back in the beginning put a label on our species, that label was humans,it actually separated us from all other animals, I believe that we are animals, of a different species,mating should come natural as soon as maturity is reached. marage is a institute made by humans lots of us choose never to enter into it,but still manage to have success full relationships, monogamy is something chosen by the individual,when they enter that state.

    so right or wrong,every individual has to make there own mind up on that question, whats right for one person can be wrong for another, basically it should be down to the individual to choose for themselves. ( this is a crazy world really. ) lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    For most Asians it is wrong but for Western people it's ok. If you were raised a Christian you should not get into premarital sex. But as an individual, my opinion is not to have pm for this is the best gift you can give to your partner to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    In this day and age - no. In the sixties and before - yes. I think it's better to find out if you're totally compatible before marriage. What could be worse than finding out AFTER marriage and not being able to do anything about it?!

    Whilst I agree with premarital sex it should, perhaps, only be done by couples genuinely in love and not just 'one night stands'. I think you know where I'm coming from here!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sex was ordained by God within the relationship known as marriage. Sex outside of marriage either Adultery or Fornication is a sin. Gird your loins and get something else to occupy you till you are married OK ? God will bless you richly if you do this

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi tell you a joke, hope this will cheer you up. It goes:

    -Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said.

    -When did you first notice this problem?

    -What problem?

    Hope you like it. Be happy everyday.

    I need to go to level 4. Help me and vote for me and I will vote for you also! Thanks! :-)

    One more joke:

    A guy calls his vet and says "What should I do with my cat?Vet says "What do you mean? Guy says "I had a leak in my lawnmowers gas tank and the cat drank the gas. Then the cat began to run around and around the yard, climbed a tree. then fell out of the tree stiff. Vet says "Is the cat dead? Guy replies "nope he ran out of gas.

    Just be yourself and care for the people around you. When you love and care for the others, others will also show you the same love. Just don't give up!!

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