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Can one be a Christian and still be opposed to war?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Blessed are the peacemakers,

    for they shall be called children of God (Matth)

    Now who is the peacmeker i think you can tell me.

  • 1 decade ago

    A very interesting question that has a very complex answer:

    First off, Jesus was a strong advocate for peace and understanding. Nearly all of his teachings revolve around that principal. However if you look objectively into history you will find that nearly all wars that have ever happened have started because of religious differences, or in some cases an attempt at mass genocide of an entire religion (WWII). Many sects of Christianity nowadays have unfortunately strayed from what Jesus originally taught and unfortunately there are many people today who believe that war is the only answer to the tensions and problems in the world today. I personally believe that Jesus would be mortified if he were to see the attitudes and beliefs of many that call themselves followers of his word.

    Another interesting fact is that as long as there has been religion there have been those that believe "If God be for us than who could be against us." That saying has been responsible for the deaths of countless soldiers and civilians throughout history.

    Source(s): As an Agnostic I have always considered it my responsibility to be educated and informed of all religions.
  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't the question the opposite? All Christians are opposed to war.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure. You can be a great general and be opposed to war.

    War should be the last recourse when other means have failed.

    I know of no part of the New Testament in which Christians or Christ or anyone associated with him advocated war. War is predicted in Revelations, but not advocated.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Peace Patriot,

    Nice name by the way. i believe that one can be a Christian and also opposed to war. Though part of being a Christian is understanding that we live in a world that is fallen and has been affected by sin.

    James tells us that wars come from our evil desires to get what we want, and so it should not surprise us that there is war. Revelation reveals to us that in the end all the world will gather together to battle against the Lord at Armageddon.

    And so being opposed to war and being for peace is great. But we also have to recognize that war is inevitable. The Bible in fact uses the language of spiritual warfare often and we are reminded that there is war between the believer and Satan.

    So being anti-War is great and shows a great desire for peace- but Jesus did not always bring peace without the sword at times and we have to not be so naive as to ignore that...

    Hope that helps,


  • 1 decade ago

    Your question is actually asked wrong. If you are Christian then you should be opposed to war. Jesus was an advocate of love and peace. Not war.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Was Jesus ever at the head of an army?

    Just because many Christians support war doesn't mean that Christianity is about war.

  • The short answer I'd give to your question is "yes," but I'd also like to point out that neither political party in the U.S. has a lock on WWJD. Jesus wouldn't kill unborn babies (so He must be a Republican) but He also cares about the poor and hungry (so He must be a Democrat). I think we spend way too much time arguing over which party is more righteous and end up doing nothing as a result.

  • Jesus (aka George Bush) says that if you don't support the war you are an evildoer and you will not get a tax break.

    It's only natural for Christians to support organized mass murder.

  • CJunk
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Maybe based on some verses in the new testament, and the general overview of it, but not if your views are in line with the teachings throughout christian history.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are with war your are not Christian.

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