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Pro-choice vs. Pro-Hell?

I understand when female is a pro-choice. She is exercising her free will but what the f… is wrong with pro-hell ppl (pro-life)

According to Mathew bad tree produces bad seeds. SO if female decide to have an abortion than she is bad and only bad seeds can come from her. Also most ppl who are pro-choice are normal ppl (agnostics, non-believers etc…). So before hand we know those children’s besides who knows what earthly life they will have for sure will be tortured in eternal hell. It seems that those Christians who scream they are pro-life know that most of those born kids will be in hell before they even born. SO who do they work for, Devil? It looks like pro-life Christians doing part time job for devil. They want to populate hell. Even if few ppl will manage to get to heaven most of those ppl will ended up in hell. Unless Christians are pro-life only for Christians, and not for the rest of normal world. So to be a Christian means to be pro-hell?


Some ppl saying I have twisted logic but regardless what it is, bringing to life person who is not Christian means sending this person for eternal hell, period. You like it or not but that’s the Christian mentality and they can’t escape it. Since Christian will go to heaven they don’t give a flying f… to those who will go to hell so why even bother to scream to be pro-life. Hypocrits.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow, you have an interesting thought process, a little hard to read considering the unusual use of the English language. I digress. I would say that considering there is no "proof" of hell even existing, but there is PLENTY of proof all around us of the living hell of unwanted, unloved children being born every day that really should have been aborted. Don't you think those kids grow up completely f*cked up, and go on to have kids themselves and treat them like crap.because they don't know any better???'s like a vicious never-ending merry-go-round. People are just NEVER going to be responsible and take the proper precautions to prevent pregnancy, that's too much to ask. If you can't provide for a child and give them everything they deserve, like a loving home, proper food, clothing and shelter, NO ONE has any right to bring that child into the world, it's not right, it's not fair, and it perpetuates everything that is wrong with this country, high crime rates, abuse, un-educated people with no chance for any future, and on and on and on

  • 1 decade ago

    Trying to understand the question but this is what I have so far.....

    If Christians are so hell bent on changing the right a woman has to the availability of legal abortions, it will only lead to woman (I.E. rape victims) living a life of eternal hell knowing that the child she bore was the result of a vicious and malicious crime. This in-fact constitutes to her hell on earth. Therefore the Christian's adamant in this pro-life rubbish is in essence (with a hint of bizarre parody) working for the devil.

    Or maybe I missed the mark!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ugh...what twisted logic.

    Actually, if all children go to heaven then you';d think that Christians would be pro-abortion. Send their little souls to heaven before the get the chance to sin.

    Of course if they did do that, there wouldn't be too many people left would there?

  • 1 decade ago

    I could not understand the question till I saw your details. The children won't go to hell they are innocent and pure. They have not sinned so they go straight to Heaven. Abortion denies them the earth life they are meant to experience. And where did you get the idea we only care about Christians where have you been living? Sorry you are not more read,



    .·´ ¸.·★¨) ¸.·☆¨)

    ★(¸.·´ (¸.*´ ¸.·´

    `·-☆ ~*Angel M*~

    Source(s): Just throwing my opinion, sometimes into the shark pool. ~Angels Quotes & Quips Hyp o crites comes from a Greek word! ~ Gus Portokalos
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to think that Christians had no justitifations for being pro-choice. However, most are hypocritical because they claim Jesus' teachings are for peace and love and forgiveness. So stopping the growth of a baby is okay? Now, had they have actually read the Old Testament, God killed little babies for their parents mistakes. In that case, it is okay to kill your baby because it was a mistake.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is wrong on so many levels.

    I'm not gonna even touch that because I know there are a dozen people that are going to be telling you what an idiot you are.


    Then why is anyone born?! Because according to Christians, EVERY SINGLE PERSON is born into sin, not just the non believers. You're wrong.

  • Xtians are all about some Hell. Many will end up there. Might as well get used to it now.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is the most error-ridden, convoluted reasoning I've ever seen. And Im not even a believer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Burn baby burn! What comes around...goes around, and the Age of Aquarius is upon us now. Your people will fall & mine will rise. ; )

    Did you move into your house BEFORE it was done being built? Think about it....

    Blessed Be...the enlightened ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    of course to be a christian is to be pro-hell. they are the only ones that actually believe in it lol.

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