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lobo asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Illegal Immigration?

It seems there are at least three contentious issues with this subject. Would like to guage feelings on these three items, please no BS, YES or NO

1. Should there be an amnesty program

2. Should there be a guest worker program

3. Should we build a fence along our southern border

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. No. If you came here illegally you should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship. It was done once before and it did not work then either.

    2. Yes. I believe that anyone (with obvious exceptions) should be allowed to come to this country. And if you come here with documents all the better.

    3. Yes. Whether it is a physical or technological it needs to be done. As long as there is a way for people to sneak into this country they will try.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, illegal immigration is not able to be boiled down to just those three issues. The first issue is the source of the immigrants. The government is Mexico is a huge part of the problem. The country of Mexico is not poor, nor are most of the people that live there. Many US companies have created great jobs and opportunities for them there. They do have a different standard of living than we do in the US but they are not nearly as poor as other countries. The biggest problem is that the government has chosen to send their socioeconomic problems to the US rather than dealing with them in their own country. Basically the official, and by official I mean that they are very open about it, Mexican welfare program is to send them to us to take care of. Now that you understand the cause it makes the three questions much harder to answer.

    1.Should there be an amnesty program? I do not believe so. They should have pay some type of price to become a legal citizen of this country, as did our forefathers, and the current legal immigrants.

    2.Should there be a guest worker program? Yes! If there were a guest worker program the immigrants would be able to be accounted for and they would be guaranteed basic worker rights, things like minimum wage, etc. Not only that they should be taxed on their income like other Americans, as they have a huge impact on our government programs, like health care and education.

    3.Should we build a fence along our Southern border? I wish that we did not need to though it seems like that we do. The boarder is so open that it is a danger to the whole country in other ways than being invaded by Illegal immigrants. Don’t forget drug trafficking, people trafficking (slavery still exists today), and terrorists threats.

    By the way I hope that this is your homework assignment!!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Should there be an amnesty program- no because you will be telling then that it's ok to break the law

    2. Should there be a guest worker program- yes but only in aguculture

    3. Should we build a fence along our southern border- yes and also electrionic mines too

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not like the idea of an amnesty program, but it seems like there is no other solution for the millions that are already here. As for the last two, I would say yes to both.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. yes, really no other choice what would it cost to find, verify status, go through the legal process and then deport 10-12- million people.

    2. no, we already have one their called E-1,H-1,HB-2,L-1,M-1 visas and some others. The HB visas are for unskilled laborers, these are all temporary type non-immigrant visas that allow foreigners work in the U.S.

    3. yes,this should have been done after the first amnesty program

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Yes. There are many people already here who work well within work parameters; they need help to legitimate their presence, though.

    2. Yes. It is known as a work VISA. See the website below for information.

    3. No. We should make efforts to make the "line" more defined; however, a fence seems to be irrational as a choice. We did ask Russia to "tear down that wall". Why would we then build one? It would only represent another obstacle to "get over".

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No. Giving amnesty to those who commit criminal acts only leads to them performing more criminal acts expecting amnesty.

    2. Sure, why not? If they want to work here, and we want them to work here, lets find a way to make it possible. But legally.

    3. Yes, we should. Anything that will stem the tide of criminals is a good thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Only for those that are qualified. The government has guidlines for that.

    2. No, there already is a visa program for that.

    3. No, that will not solve any problems. They will find a way around it.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.) NO, NO NO NO NO NO AND NO! If you are illegal pack your S**t you are on your way out!

    2.) NO

    3.) HELL YES, a big thick wall that no one can get through with controlled entry points and patrols along the wall.

    I think so any way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes yes yes

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