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Christians: how should I answer this? Aman I know is dying and he said?

I WAS born with a conginital defect that manifests in a prsonality disorder. It is the reason my father never could hold me, or say 'I love you' , and the reason my other family members made fun of me and lied to me to avoid having me hang with them. It is the reason I occasionally say things wrong, and the reason I offend people without trying.. It is the reason I have had trouble with obeying the law and the source of all my grief.. I hate my life, myself and, sometimes, even God who made me. I cry often from the emotional pain it has caused me and all those I love. I wake up every day of my life in physical pain because of it, and It is the reason I took drugs so long.. I have asked God thousands of times to heal me, yet I have it still. Now, my youngest son has the same thing. How horrible a thing to give to your own son.So, when Isaiah wrote ,"by his stripes we are healed",and Paul wrote ,"we were healed". And Jesus said 'all you who are weary and heavy laden",were they lying?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no ,healing isn't just a physical thing,sometimes it is referring to emotional or mental there are alot of people who live with physical pain daily and yet choose to follow Jesus,in fact Paul was believed to have had a physical ailment yet served the Lord no matter what

  • Bob L
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, the scriptures do not lie.

    They also tell us that rain falls on the just and upon the wicked.

    While the man did not a blissfully wonderful childhood, I can't think of a single person that did.

    We all grow up with problems, difficulties, hurdles to overcome, and some people seem to have more than their fair share.

    Not every actor plays on Broadway, some play off-off-off Broadway in theatres that are small, old, poorly equipped, and sparcely attended.

    Still others must do their acting in Summer Theatre groups in rural locations.

    But given what each of us has, we can still play out our lives to the best of our abilities. Difficulties in the past should not hold us back from the future. We cannot change the past, but our future is built upon the foundation we lay today.

    The rejection and sense of loss from the man's childhood is tragic. But now his son has the same condition. This is a child that the man can relate to, and love unconditionally. He can avoid the mistakes and lack of affection given to him, and build a better father-son relationship than he had himself. It starts with a simple "I love you." for his son.

    The lives of this man and his change can begin a new path, if the Dad wants it. Then neither will ever feel alone and rejected again.

    DIfferent? Perhaps, but new life has to start someplace, sometime. Encourage him to make it here, today.

    Source(s): Better choices lead to better relationships. The best relationship to start on with the son, is with Jesus, the Son of God. Reconciliation starts today.
  • Cal
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, they were not lying. By your own admission you haven't been a Christian, because of your affliction. There are people out there with more problems than you. Have you ever tried praying for them or just for yourself? You seem to hate everybody. I feel sorry for you, but stop being poor pitiful me and do something to make God want to help you. If you don't believe he'll help you, call the 700 Club and ask for prayer and ask them to send you the DVD "12 Miracles Touched By The Hand of God. And Miracles can be yours. I guarantee things will be better for you. May God bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    No they weren't lying. Our idea of healing is almost always a physical healing, and staying here on Earth. Those that trust God and Jesus for their salvation will see healing in God's way and in God's time. We just need to trust him, that he knows what we need and when we need it. If the healing your friend will receive is the healing that comes from eternal life with God, then so be it. God still heals people on Earth, but some he chooses to take home for the ultimate healing. I hope your friend understands.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it is all a lie. I'm surprised you found a mate with such an affliction. Didn't any doctors tell you that you might pass this along to any children you have? When your genes are so badly defected, it is wrong to intentionally procreate, in my opinion. Accidents do happen and I understand that could be the case. I would see a specialist to try to find something to help you and your son with this problem. God will not magically drop the cure from the sky, don't even bother asking any further, he's not listening. Help yourself, seek out a professional to fix your problem if possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not the body that is healed by Jesus' "stripes" but the soul. The ability to unburden yourself of your sin and guilt is more what they are speaking of. As for whether they were lying, that is a matter of faith, since Christians place their faith in God and the Bible which they say is God's Word. Perhaps the disease is a test? Something to overcome in this life so that one would be stronger in the next, whatever that may be?

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would definately offer to pray with him and for him. Also point out the fact that maybe there is a bigger reason for this, now that he has been through it he can help to make sure the same thing does not happen to his son. He has the power of helping his son be ok with the illness and overcome the obstacles he had too.

  • 1 decade ago

    All of us are given personal challenges to overcome in this lifetime. Look at Job. He was a good man and he was sorely tried. He remained steadfast and in the end he was rewarded. Job of course was rewarded in his lifetime, some of us will receive ours in the next estate. Jesus understands your suffering because he felt your pain in Gethsemane. Because of what you have been through you can now help your son. That is a blessing. Try to find answers that will make his life easier than yous has been.

  • 1 decade ago

    This poor man needs to be healed spiritually. He needs to take his heavy load to the cross and leave it there.,not pick it up again.Since his son has the same thing he needs to be a spiritual leader an example. Pray with him, help him to give it all to Jesus. May peace abound.and May God bless you for being so concerned.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you take responsibility for what you have chosen, and you ask God for forgiveness, he will heal your soul.

    We all face challenges. I faced many myself, and I used to blame the choices I myself made as a result on things that were outside of my control. When I stopped blaming, and started taking responsibility for my part in it all, I began to realize that I wasn't as much a prisoner of my circumstances as I had thought. And when I realized I DID have choices, and that sometimes I made awful ones, I also realized that I had a choice about what I did from there on out. When I went back to God and asked for mercy, God gave me mercy and began healing my life.

    Paul was not lying. But you have to listen to what else Paul said. Nowhere was Paul in favor of attributing one's own choices to other people or to circumstances.

    This is not a pat answer. I have been through a lot of awful stuff and a lot of grief in my life, and the journey to accepting responsibility for my own choices was long and difficult.

    If you go to God in humility and ask him for a clear vision of who you are, and you ask him to save you, he will.

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