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kentata asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

How did our society get so many calloused and uncaring people (re: 9/11)?

So many of the posts are from people who are "tired" of hearing about 9/11.

Is empathy dead? Has the value of human life declined to the point where no one cares about anyone else?

It is very sad. Please share some thoughts that will - hopefully - contradict this.

It seems like people are so very selfish now. But also unaware.

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do think that empathy is near extinction I am sad to say...but I think it applies to far more than the horrendous aftermath of 9/11.

    I feel that emapthy has been on the decline long before 9/11, and the events of 9/11 are simply too much for some to comprehend. However, we live in a terribly self centered and spoiled society that really does not encourage empathy. Our current political leaders in the USA do not act with too much empathy, and anniversaries of terrible events such as 9/11 have become little more than tools of political manipulation to our callous leadership here.

    How many photo op's will Bush/Cheney attend today, how many more speeches full of empty words will be given by neo-con politicians and those who support them that are twisted and manipulated to support Bush's policies will be linked to a real human tragedy? How many neo-con bloggers across the internet will link a horrible event to the upcoming mid-term elections?

    All of this media saturation and manipulation will dampen empathy towards victims and their families by those in danger of having little or no natural empathy to begin with I am afraid, and despite the existence of empathy, it's presence is slight and reserved compared to the loud noise of indifference and sheer politically driven manipulation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well here's some history for you.

    During the 1970s, 80s and 90s when the IRA were bombing innocent civilians in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, shooting british policemen and soldiers, their main source of support was the USA especially New York and Boston where you could see posters in catholic churches encouraging people to support the IRA and collecting boxes for people to put money in. The St,

    . Patricks Day parade in New York was a major fundraiser for them.

    Their weapon of choice was the american Armalite rifle of which they had many thousands.

    All this was known to the CIA and FBI and various american administrations but absolutely nothing was done to stamp it out.

    Any IRA gunman on the run could find refuge in the USA.

    So 9/11 came as a bit of a relief in some ways for the british people because it stopped dead the support for terrorism in the USA and it was entirely appropriate that New York took most of the punishment. At last they knew what they had been supporting.

  • 1 decade ago

    I lost 2 friends on that day on flight 93, one was my best friend. I hate the cowards who took him from us.

    Your quote is apt & I don't know why there are so many uncaring people, but they didn't go thru what I did & the familes of the people who lost family members. I have a lot of friends in the city, & a lot of friends who work in should have been in the section that was hit, but for the grace of God.

    It was a horrible time for me & my friends. I won't forget.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is heartless. I cannot fathom not feeling the empathy for anyone affected by this horrible attack. It has effected the world, not just NY, PA or DC and only their families. There are people who undeniably have had their worlds turned literally upside down by these despicable murderers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    People die everyday in tragedies,

    It's not callousness; rather it's that we're tired of something being shoved down our throats day after day and also the city of New York as well as Rudolph Giuliani and others milking the event for profits.

  • 4 years ago

    nicely, I study a psychology/sociology magazine as quickly as that observed this very difficulty. Its been 2 years, so i do no longer remember or additionally understand if i will discover the hyperlink to it. basically what it stated, grew to become into that the rationalization why maximum folk of human beings choose how good a individual is with the help of their visual attraction, and why a individual desires to bypass out with (and at last marry and characteristic childrens) is by using the fact alluring human beings stay extra effective. Now, enable me clarify this slightly. What it skill, is that 2 human beings of equivalent skill and skill, could collectively survive in existence, whilst given the circumstances, yet whilst one in each of them is gruesome and the different is considered alluring, then the gorgeous one would be usually popular. additionally, human beings have an interest in alluring human beings because of the fact in the event that they're waiting to have childrens with that individual, then the prospect of one of their childrens being alluring, are severe. consequently, the child would be dealt with extra effective in existence on condition that he seems extra effective. Now, this is easy human fundamentals. the main user-friendly purpose of guy (human this is) is to stay and reproduce, so human beings do despite it takes to insure that their childrens have the appropriate possibility at surviving. So if alluring human beings are dealt with extra effective, then a individual could opt to have an alluring infant, so as that their possibility of residing is extra suitable. time beyond regulation, human beings understand that what a individual is like on the exterior, won't particularly instruct how they're interior the interior, consequently we are saying "its no longer whats on the exterior that counts, yet whats interior the interior". notwithstanding, the actuality of the difficulty is that human beings with the good seems, would be dealt with extra effective in society. additionally, no remember how no longer user-friendly we are saying we ought to continuously no longer choose human beings with the help of seems, all of us choose human beings with the help of their seems, era. some try this extra suitable than others nonetheless, on an identical time as others do it decrease than others. Its no longer something to be ashamed approximately, because of the fact its human nature. end: Judging human beings with the help of seems is human nature. continuously have, and continuously will.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree somewhat with your statement. But picking at a scab doesn't help it heal.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    my thoughts are down in new Orleans. have'nt every one forgotten theses peoples also

  • 1 decade ago

    A agree. I guess we can chalk it up to 'ignorance is bliss'

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