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If the Pope gives an implied criticism of Muslims for violence, why do they answer with violence?

It doesn't make sense- they should answer with kindness, or at most argument.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Muslim world operates under a shame/honor paradigm. Whenever they are shamed (criticism is levied against their tradition), it is incumbant to regain honor.

    Apparently, there is no honor in kindness, neither in argument. Blood must be spilled for honor to be restored.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree.

    As to the answer, Semites, both Jews and Arabs, seem to have always been this way. It's a way of life.

    They go to buy a camel and they argue and shout and call each other names, but eventually come to financial terms and walk away from each other muttering about the other fellow.

    This seems to be their way of life.

    I see lots of Christans do that too!

    I watched a girl, a white girl, argue at McDonald's the other day over a LARGE OJ. IT seems MickeyDs don't offer a LARGE OJ. What THEY CALL a LARGE is put into a MEDIUM soda glass and she wanted the SUPERSIZE OJ and they had to create a price for her and she argued and argued and argued.

    Well, that's how Semites do everything in life. And they do it loudly, with big arm gestures and sometimes it looks like it's going to come to blows!

    Yet in the End the guy with camel wants to sell it and the guy looking at the camle wants to buy one.

    There are lots of other camels around, so if the guy who wants to buy starts to wander off the camel owner is stuck with the beast for another day or two and some other camel owner will get the money.

    So, they reach truce.

  • 4 years ago

    it fairly is so some distance from the reality it isn't humorous, it really is not what the pope stated in any respect, you may bypass to his internet website and browse it for your self. He develop into having a communicate on the courting of the Muslim and Christan religions in history and develop into reading a letter written over 600 years in the past. it would want to be really effortless for the Muslim leaders to educate the letter incorrect by employing deliver interest to it and then forgiving the previous, attending to renowned from it and occurring to make stronger the courting between everybody of the international. fairly by employing employing the 600 three hundred and sixty 5 days previous letter in this way, and taking it completely out of context and employing it to incite hate and mistrust contained in the international, the Muslim leaders are doing extra to educate the 600 three hundred and sixty 5 days previous letter develop into maximum suitable. Sounds as if the Muslim community develop into in basic terms imparted with a chunk of the recommendations and informed that they were the words of the Pope and did not educate each and every of the reality.

  • 1 decade ago

    you do not live in this part of the world, you measure everything by the way you got it in the west. People there got nothing but their believe. The western society will never be able to understand!

    I do not really care about what this old man said, we are what we are. If you think we are good or bad, terrorists or not!!! what this old man said is a part of an agenda by Bush and extreme right wings in the west to trigger more hate and anger in the Muslim world. He knew well what he said, he knew what the reaction would be. He saw this few month ago when the newspaper from Denmark drew insulting picture of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Unbelievable, they steal the land (Iraq,Palestine, Afghanistan), steal the wealth and oil, kill the people, insult the most precious symbols that these people got left which is their faith! and still think that we are over reacting!! We believe, love and respect Jesus. I say it because our religion has taught us to do so unlike some other low people claim to be civilized

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all Muslims react in violence. Just those that are being herded and gulled for someone's personal agenda. Don't judge all Muslims for the violent acts of a few. That's like judging all Christians for what the KKK does or what some charlatans and cult leaders did (Garesh, Jim Jones, Rev Moon... ).

    If YOU are a Christian, live YOUR faith and do not criticize (Judge not so ye may not be judged) and leave others to their own beliefs.

    This constant need to criticize others and find fault is what has this world in such chaotic and hate-filled times. Leave it alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard the response was peaceful - where was the violence? sigh....

    at any rate, if some were violent, i doubt it was all one billion muslims who were violetn. second, neither having a pope nor having fundamentalist christians or muslims makes sense, so we're already in a completely absurd situation - people arguing over fairy tale meanings they cobbled onto historical and mythical events. third, any that did react with violence are being whipped up, used and abused by leaders who would rather incite anger than solve a country's problems. (for an example of how this works, see bush on gay marriage, bush on liberals, bush on hollywood....)

  • 1 decade ago

    the fact is that the Pope did NOT imply any cricitixm yet Muslims took to the streets. The reason is that those countries are looking for a reason to be mad at the USA, to make their people think everyone is mad at the USA so they can hurt our economy and then promote their religion here heavily.

  • 1 decade ago

    because everything mohammed has brought is 'evil and inhuman' violence is incompatible with god . they are intolerant to other peoples beliefs. this has all been taken out of context with what the pope was trying to say. do you see Christians, taking to the streets, burning effigies of mohammed, no. i just think those people are contemptable to have the audacity to do this, when they caused such a stupid fuss over a few cartoons printed in a paper. then to go on and burn an effigy of our pope, the most holiest man on this earth, with love and goodness for mankind irregardless of a persons faith. if you want respect from the rest of mankind, then they will have to embrace all religions, their feelings of persecution, is self made, show some humanity. turn the other cheek. welcome to the 21st century, as i am sure our GOD. and by that i mean God of all humanity, has also moved along with us. it called evaluation.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is something that the media has overlooked in its tunnel vision -like view of the world.

    They react like they did with meaningless cartoons a few months ago. How many people paid with their lives because of this insanity?

    Instead of stepping up and being "the bigger man" about it, they whine and have tantrums;except these tantrums, because they are made by adults, produce much more serious results than when a child has one.

    Where is the religion of peace when they are put to the test?

    We find them not in prayer and offering forgiveness, but in loud violent crowds and in plots to bomb churches and to attack the clergy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Here words have provoked action supporting the words. The "Cat was let out of the bag" ... "Truth was told" ... and now ppl are in denial about the truth, ppl are acting out in violence (as truth reveled), and ppl are showing their true intentions.

    Please don't turn a blind eye at the truth reveled. Have you ever meet a "Wife Beater"? They are so good at disguising the truth that often the community around this couple is in shock when it becomes public that the man is a "Wife Beater". Same with all violent behavior; perpetrators will often purposefully find reasons to lash out their violence (cartoons) ... at least if the violent one's lash out hatred and damn their immortal souls, let it be over the truth.

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