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Have you ever just stopped listening to the news, stopped watching tv and stopped listening to the radio?

all together? If so, how did you feel about it?

How long did you stay way from it all? Did your family join in? Did you feel more at peace or did it bother you that you didn't know what was going on in the world?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, great to be away from all the negativity and miss information.

    Plus all those commercials telling you what to buy, what to eat, where to shop and all those infomercials!! I get local news email and look through the headlines. If I see something important then i check it out..

    I got tired of all the entertainment news too.. who married who and who divorced who and what happened, etc.

    If all filled my mind up with garbage..

    I don't think I want to ever turn TV or radio back on.. so many ANGRY people speaking with fear and self righteousness.

    I have had enough..

    thanks for the question..

  • 1 decade ago

    I am tired of turning on the news, and its some teacher having sexual relations with a student, or a baby being kidnapped, or the "war on terror" the problem is, everybody else feels the same way, its just you need to keep imformed so that you keep on top of things so when something different does come up, you can know about it. Like the spinach, not like i eat spinach alot, but if i didnt pay attention to the news, I wouldnt know that people have died from whatever harmful substance that is in the packages, thought I have gone about a month without listening to the news or anything, then people start talking about it, and you are totaly clueless, its a topice you know nothing about and you are left out of the conversation for the most part. We need the news, I would just suggest, if they would take suggestions, that they filter out all the junk. I dont need the words sexual harrasment, or rape, ringing through my house for my little sister to hear, and it happens so fast you dont even have time to mute or anything. My family actually watches the news all the time. If you were to turn on the tv, its on Fox News about 95% of the time. Bottom line is, we cant live without the news, but what we can live without is going into such detail about some of the topics. Not everything needs to be talked about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have stopped listening but only for a short time. I usually just tune everything out especially when I am leaving from work to go home. Where I work, the noise level gets pretty intense and I need some quiet time to get away from it all and that helps me to regroup. To answer your question ... I do feel some peace during the silence.

    On the other hand it does bother me if I am unable to stay in touch with what is going on in this world. Don't want to bury my head in the sand. I get a lot of news while I am on the computer, my home page is set up with news headlines and I get emails for "breaking news".

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I did hurricane relief work for Katrina survivors. The first few weeks I missed TV and radio, but you can be humbled very quickly. You are bitching about TV when some people can't find thier children? After a while, I didn't even miss it. After dealing with people that lost EVERYTHING, you can give up a crappy TV show you used to watch. I remember watching TV for the first time in months, and I was disgusted. The first show I saw was E! and it was talking about Jessica Simpson and she was breaking up and blah blah blah, meanwhile I have to help a family so hopefully they won't eat dinner while they sit on a concrete floor. It puts things in perspective.

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  • WW
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    I never listen to the radio

    I don't read the papers

    I stopped watching TV about 6 years ago now but watched the occasional film on DVD.

    Just me, nobody else in my family could survive without the TV I don't think

    Sometimes I don't hear about events for days after it has happened but if come into yahoo and the news headlines seen I will read it.

    Ignorant I suppose but how often is it good news and it triggered more dreams (I have many dreams in which I believe are events I foresee) the TV and news helped trigger them and they aren't good so prefer not to see ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah.. like now.. for the past few months I've been very busy to my work so I haven't had time to watch or listen to all of the things that you've mentioned.. Yeah, feels good sometimes not knowing what's happening to the world and sometimes I feel at peace.. better to just read books and work!

    Source(s): "Imagine yourself having a string of dates, meeting the perfect lover and having a relationship made in heaven...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Funny. When I stop watching public tv or listening to corporate radio, it's so I CAN find out what's going on in the world!

  • 1 decade ago

    I did. Stopped that 10 years ago... Ok ok, I still watch tv and news sometimes... but not to the degree that I used to. Now I am just another online junkie. 80-90 % online and 5-15 % tv.

  • 1 decade ago

    I stopped about 7 years ago. I find that missing out on most of the bad news is alot better then knowing about it. Stress is the #1 killer, so don't fill your head up with emotional baggage.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but from what I have heard....ignorance is bliss. The world is the same way it was many, many years ago and before the news. People still got raped and abducted people but nobody knew because nobody covered the stories. I am sure we could find ignorance blissful but could also fall prey to something.

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