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What do you think? Did Jesus existed before NT?

Since Jesus is the part of the trinity so it will be right to assume that he is the one who genocide this planet during the great flood, send deceases to Egypt , command Israelites to wipe out every one from promised land ( including children’s and females) . And gave all those 10 commandments and promises to punish any one for breaking them by death?

AM I right? Than few centuries later he changes his mind and preaches about peace , of cause with introducing eternal hell to most of the population of this planet. Did Jesus existed before NT?

20 Answers

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    Well for one thing, you have to get over the thinking that the trinity is real. Even the catholics, who believe in it with the most zeal, have it written in their own encyclopedias of religious beliefs , taht it is purely a teaching of man and not provable in the Bible. There is NO Mention in the Bible of a triune godship consisting of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is a purely pagan belief that was brought into some of the early branches of the christians churches as they made religious 'bargains' with pagan religions in order to bring their followers into the 'church'. It was a way of saying " We'll do this thing that YOU do, if you'll come and play in OUR church and do these things OUR way" . It was wrong of the catholic church to do so, it corrupted the true christianity that Jesus taught us and has since done nothing but to confuse and drive away many who would normally be loyal followers of Christ.

    Now, for the Isrealites and the Egyptians that you mentioned. The holy spirit was what God used to bring his wrath down upon the Egyptians for not allowing his chosen people to go forth in order to worship him. When they then further cracked down on the Isrealites and demanded even MORE work out of them and treated them even more cruelly, then God brought more anger upon them. Each of the plagues that he brought upon the Egyptians was a deliberate slap in the face for Specific Gods or Dietie that the Egyptians held in the highest of esteem. ( They had a god of the river Nile that they worshipped and God made the river turn to Blood, thus showing up their god as useless against the god of the Isrealites..see? ).

    The god of the Isrealites, Jehovah , is not a god of meanness or hatred. He is actually a god of Love and peace. He created the Earth and mankind with the pure intentions of mankind living on earth forever in a paradise. Though Satan has thrown a wrench in the works for a time being, Jehovah's original intentions are still there and WILL be fulfilled because he CANNOT tell a lie. Imagine it... OUR world, the planet Earth, all cleaned up , beautiful again with all of its surface clean and healthy and full of life... and taking care of it are all the people of the world, since Abel...caring for the animals and the planet, teaching those who have been resurrected and have never heard of Jehovah, about his loving ways and the great promises he gave mankind and thta he fulfilled! Picture it-- Satan the Devil and his Demonic horde are GONE, no more, burned in the symbolic lake of fire ( meaning Jehovah has completely destroyed them and they are gonnnnnnne)!

    there is no sickness, no death, no crime, nothing to fear. Even the animals are nothing to fear. You can let your kid play with a cobra if he wants to, while you lounge around and take a nap with a Lion!( “the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand.”—Isa 11:8, 11, 12.) Peace is EVERYWHERE.

    This is the promise in the Bible. if you would like to learn more, just email me and I would be more than happy to give you more information about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since the Trinity is now, always has been, and always will be what it is, yes, you could say that Jesus existed before his incarnation. The only difference is that he had not yet come into the world in a way in which we human beings could understand with our 5 senses.

    As for the rest of your question... you have to remember that the NT and OT are collections of writings over several centuries. Not all of it is history - there are myth/allegory, poetry, law, and teaching documents in there as well. Not only that, but they are all written down by humans who have been known to make more than a few mistakes. God is God is God... yes, the God of the OT seems to be a more angry God than that of the NT, but that has as much to do with context as anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    God existed. Jesus is God, a part of trinity. So, apparently, yes. The God in OT is different, he is mad on people because soon after creating the world they are against him. That's why He punishes them. But after some time of people's waiting for a Saver, their prayers, etc - God agrees to send His Son. AND! At the beginning of XX century he gives a message to polish young nun - He does not want to be seen only as JUST. He want to forgive, be a listener rather than a ruler, be helpful, etc.... And , what's more, I would say that He still exists!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Jesus did exist before the NT, He has been and always will be. Second, you have not read it all have you only pieces and the pieces you want to read. Try Matthew 10: 34-42. The peace Jesus spoke of is the peace that is to come.

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  • "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

    "The same was in the beginning with God." John 1:2

    "All things were made by Him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:3

    Jesus was the Word, The second person of the Trinity, and existed before all of His creation.

    Source(s): Holy Bible KJV
  • daisyk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I believe He was the God of the Old Testament (acting under the direction of God the Father).

    I think what happened wasn't a big change of mind. It's a issue of a lower law, and a higher law. The Israelites weren't ready to follow the higher law at the time (remember when Moses told them to get ready to meed God, and they didn't want to).

  • 1 decade ago

    no, your not right, you see, you take the ugly and leave all the pretty. IE. Great Flood=get rid of sinners(we all se how well that worked) desieses=punishment to pharoh for ignoring god's will

    and BTW: assuming isnt a good thing to do because, just like what just happened, it makes an AS$ out of U and ME

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. The books of the New Testament were written after 70 A.D. long after he died. He is believed to have been born in 4 B.C. Therefore he existed before(and only before) the New Testament.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, He is in the name Elohim, Father, Word & Holy Spirit.

    Yes, yes.

    He didn't change His mind. The payment for our sins was planned at the foundation.

    The OT used sacrificial lambs for remission of Sins. In NT Jesus is the sacrifical Lamb of God for remission of our sins. Once & for all.

    Yes, you can find Jesus throughout the OT if you ask God to show you & you obey God.

    Your question sounds like it is accusing God rather than be open to hearing anything God would confirm to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, He did. He has always been just as The Father has always been. In Genesis 14, He was the eternal priest, Melchizedek. You are a fool for the hate you spew, and your refusal to see the truth.

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