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Are you american kiddies ready for the drft?

The military is running so short on men I think the draft is coming back.


must be some of you don't listen to the news!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yup I cant be drefted : )

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, most of them aren't. Military basic training will never be enough to prepare the typical soft American to survive when he or she first faces lethal action. That's why we see so many dead 20-year old Marine Lance Corporals on the TV news.

    Youngsters should be preparing themselves for modern realities by learning to shoot and hunt, by taking courses in the martial arts at least up to black belt level, and other forms of competitive athletics including running and swimming. This should be on-going from the time they first enter school. ROTC is a good preparation where available, and the military holds Eagle Scouts in high esteem. And YES, the draft will be reinstituted if and when necessary. It's unfair to keep sending our young men and women back for three and four hitches (even though some of them are still willing) when others are available.

  • Nat
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    (1) The service branches are currently maintaining replacement rates, which amount to something like 200,000 per year lost due to natural attrition (retirement, end of contractual service, casualties, discharge due to extraordinary circumstances). Contrary to popular belief, there wasn't a huge increase after 9/11 in enlistments.

    (2) The casualty rates from OIF and OEF are nowhere near catastrophic enough to justify the execution of a draft. Even after 5 years in both theaters, the casualties are still less than those of a bad summer in Vietnam.

    (3) Whatever you think, if you can't back it up with empirical evidence, then it's not worth anything at all. And speaking from direct and very recent personal experience, my workplace is not "short on men", thank you very much.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know they tried to say that about 3 or 4 years ago too, but it didn't happen then. It doesn't really matter 4 of my 5 boys are already in the military. 2 Army, 1 Marine, and 1 National Guard. 3 out of 4 are going to Iraq by Jan.,

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is no way the draft will be reinstated for one simple fact: Whoever is elected next president, regardless of party, will take us out of Iraq as quickly as possible. The public is mostly against the war, and a lot are against the Republican control we've had in Congress and in the white house, so the next president is going to pull out to gain approval and show a radical change, give people an immediate feeling that this person will make big changes for America. They will want to change the feelings of nervousness and a sense of dread towards our future that we have and, unfortunately, associate with whoever holds political control.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The military does not want a draft. It won't happen. The most that might happen is a limited activation of the Selective Service program.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, its not. The military has said on numerous occasions that even they don't want the people they would get if there was a draft. You think they want retards like you in there? Have some sense.

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I hope so. I strongly believe that if you want the country to do something for you , you should be willing to do something for your country.If the country is willing to pay for your education then why cant they demand at least 3 years of your life serving in the military. I think it is a great idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope you are wrong and a draft never happens otherwise we will have another influx of Americans up here in Canada, No insult intended, I love Americans as long as they stay IN America.

    Source(s): History.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wish I was young enough to still serve - I would go over and defend my country from the Islamic fascists - np

  • 1 decade ago

    dont think you might get brain freeze and for your information my son is already IN the services, something that a numb nutz like you would fail to understand, and yes he joined in the past year as have MANY others...............

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