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Should we consider changing our national anthem? I'd like your opinion.?

Let me be clear! I love our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. However, I love Ray Charles' version of "America the Beautiful" even more. The music of the Star Spangled Banner was originally "To Anacreon in Heaven," a popular British drinking-song. From the research I've done, it's seems that both the lyrics and the music of "America the Beautiful" is all american.

Yes, I love The Star Spangled Banner. But how cool would it be at the olympics, after hearing constant militant, strident national anthems, to hear Ray tickle the ivory and then start to sing "America the Beautiful"?

I am asking this question in more than one category. I'm interested in seeing if there is a difference in the answers I get in one category versus another. You are welcome to answer this question more than one time but if you do, bear in mind the category. In music answer it as a music question. In politics, answer the question as a political question. Thanks.


I wish some of you would have remembered I asked for political answers to done in the political category and music answers to be done in the music category, some people didn't do that. That's not even a big deal - I mean what's a category amongst friends. In the music section, I'll probably pick a best answer which agrees with my thought that "America the Beautiful" is "musically" a better anthem. But in the political section, I'll probably agree with those who want to maintain the Star Spangled Banner. From a political and cultural point of view, it seems the better anthem. I wish we could adopt both. "America" for mellow, nostalgic times and The "Banner" for more patriotic feeling.

Thanks to everyone for your opinions. You gave me new viewpoints to consider. I never realized this would be an emotional issue.

10 Answers

  • wrkey
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think is should be considered. America the beutiful sings about the beauty of the earth... america is just a 'cut out piece' of that earth. The national anthem sings about the joy and pride that Amercians feel about their country in war and in peace.

    Besides... Francis Scott Key is my 7th cousin. I guess I could be considered bias.

    Hope this answers the question!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just reading the bold print of your question, I was going to suggest that we change it to "America the Beautiful" . Ray Charles does do a lovely version of this song . I think the song in itself captures the spirit of the American people. We need to stop singing about and glorifying war.We can glorify our soldiers and the sacrifices they make on our behalf. But I believe that our anthem should glorify our country and what if stands for,like brotherhood. "God Bless America" would also make a good anthem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the world today there are no better known examples of nationalistic and war related anthems than those of France, Great Britain and the United States. The one common factor that unites all of these anthems is the fact that all three have strict ties to the military. Music is a highly effective propaganda vehicle. Effective propaganda, therefore, relies its ability to be transmitted to large numbers of recipients in order to achieve its goal of attitude manipulation. The idea it contains must be received in such a way that the recipient feels as though his response to it is based entirely on his own thinking.

    The widespread use and familiarity of popular songs enables them to function effectively as mediums for messages. Music is adaptable, so the melodies, beats, and dynamics can be adjusted to reflect its message and enhance its impact on the listener.

    If we are to enter a new age of peace I think they need to change the lyrics so the function as mediums to impact humanity in a positve way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    America the Beautiful would be fine... but our Country chose the present anthem... and it serves just fine... Just keep it in ENGLISH.... the Spanish version SUCKED....

    Ray did a fine job singing America the Beautiful... so did Kate...

    WRKEY gave a great answer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's a very interesting idea; America the Beautiful would certainly get my vote, mainly because the lyrics make no mention of rockets and bombs bursting in air.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well in Australia we have " Advance Australia Fair"

    But we all love the " Matilda".

    We play " Matilda & Advance Australia Fair " at all major games etc..

    I'm afraid that unless George Bush thinks this change is necessary you aren't going to get anywhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's an interesting idea and I'm not against it but I think the country should have bigger priorities at the moment. Just my opinion.

    I like that version, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    "America the Beautiful" is great and combined it with "Land of the Morning" - the result will be more fantastic.

  • arkie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    NOT NO BUT HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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