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Lv 5
Q-burt asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why are Democrats suddenly accusing all Republicans?

Of child molestation?

Have they forgotten so quickly?

I think they have...

Lets Start with Mel Reynolds, Democratic ex-congressman and convicted child molester. Likening a prospective threesome with an underage Catholic schoolgirl to hitting the Lottery, he now works for Jesse Jackson's Operation PUSH advising kids. He was pardoned by Clinton in 1999. Why did Clinton pardon Reynolds, because the Rev. Jesse asked him to? Yea, Jesse Jackson is a great moral reverend.


California State assemblyman Mark Leno (D) argues that “sexual offenders merely need better economic chances from society in order to reform themselves”. What the hell? Better economic chances?? A guy rapes a four year old girl and he should be given better opportunities? He later said "If you deny them secure housing and deny them an opportunity to get on their feet and get a job and to be able to move forward for themselves and for their own children, they're more likely to re-offend, not less likely. I think that's common sense." OMFG! Let’s let these guys get set in and create a “sanctuary” to hide in and give them a front!

Update 2:

Now John Garamendi, Democrat runner for Lt. Governor, Used Peter Yarrow, a Convicted sex offender and registered Democrat, to raise money for his campaign. Yarrow was pardoned by President Carter. Why on earth would anyone pardon a child molester? That just does not make sense. Yet, there go the democrats.

The close friend of Clintons and Democratic contributor Jeffery Epstein molests children for years then Democratic lawyer Krischer not only tries to get him timed served, but he barely even pursues it...

Update 3:

Indiana Sheriff Brad Ellsworth (D) leaves his state to campaign for the house seat and his officers release a sex offender by mistake. Why is this guy not attending to his duties as sheriff? The state pays him more that 110K a year to keep crap like that from happening, yet here he is off doing what’s good for him and poorly managing his deputies.

Democratic judge Edward Cashman sentences Mark Hulett to 60 days in jail after he raped a six year old girl over four years. This scumbag is back on the streets already hope the Democratic party is happy with this one.

I don’t think I should go on. My goal is not to rub it in as much as it is to remind those Democrats who so readily forget that this kind of scum sits on both sides of the fence.

Update 4: above...

This guy may have sent out a dirty email, but I don't see a single Republican Pardoning Convicted Child Molesters.

Your agrument is pwned....try again

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Excellent question backed up by copious research. Great job!

    I think both Republicans and Democrats ought to stop pointing fingers whenever someone of the opposing party gets caught breaking the law. In a perfect world they should be working together to figure out a way to keep all these criminals out of public office. But then they would all be out of jobs...

  • kifer
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i'd communicate about that when Congress licensed the conflict in Iraq, it develop into almost unanimous on both fringe of the aisle. besides, why whine about 12 billion a month even as the liberal managed Congress spent and borrowed us right into a 14 TRILLION greenback debt even as elevating the debt reduce two times and borrowing almost 50 cents for ever greenback spent? I said yet another answer falsely declare that "Obama's funds cuts 4 triilion" from the nationwide debt. it quite is a load of you understand what. It demands an develop in spending, a modest one compared to the uncontrolled spending and sparkling examine the lib managed Congress gave him, yet an develop though. At a time even as individuals are out of work, no longer looking paintings, have run out of reward and reductions, and performance no destiny promise of ever looking a properly paying job with reward and in a continual season of minimum econoomic boom, why rehash a similar, drained, previous, argument? i'd communicate about that repub and con resistance to the charges libs tout as "help to first responders" fairly regularly have various beef coated and that the repub managed homestead has banned earmarks. If our elected reps favor their charges so undesirable, they ought to have the common sense and decency to positioned a sparkling bill b4 their friends fairly of a beef weighted down bill they understand will fail and attempt to apply it to score political factors off the opposing party. even with the indisputable fact that, i understand it quite is in simple terms too a lot to ask of a bitterly partisan Congress and human beings which consists of the asker. lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Blah blah blah. That's to both sides. Ignorance...however, if the same thing happened to the Democrats....then the tables would be turned. Its feed off of another persons misfortunes...sad, but true. ANYTHING for political gain. Simply the truth....

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not - nor do I know anyone who says that all Republicans are child molesters.

    However, Republican leadership has known of this since February and did NOTHING about it until it got to the press.

    The President's spokesperson said "There are bigger things than naughty e-mails."

    Naughty e-mails? If an adult were to talk to my son in the way this Congressperson talked to this kid, believe me he'd be in jail - and I'd slap anyone who simply called it "naughty e-mails."

    The disgrace on the party isn't that one of theirs did wrong. It's the fact that they tried to hide it and that the President's spokesperson says it's no big deal.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'great moral reverend' .. I thought that what's you christians believe? forgiveness.. or maybe christianofascists believe that all misdemeanors should be dealt with by hanging, flogging and castration. The problem here is hypocrisy, MAJOR HYPOCRISY.. This fool was lecturing us about Internet security for our kids whilst badgering a young boy... The Republicans talk about morality whilst hiding a pedophile in their midst for over a year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    uh oh you are fixing to get cussed out and hate mails for telling the truth Here comes the crying and whining from the democraps

    I see the lying wonder anthony is still at his---lies

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you ask me both party are to blame. we should have religions leaders like Jesse Jackson giving his opinion on the country issues. You ever heard the saying polities and religions don't mix.

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for listing all of that...I think that Democrates need to be reminded of that saying "those in Glass houses should not throw stones"...

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm not accusing all republicans of molestation. Rediculous. The house leadership knew about that pedofile and did nothing!

    I'm saying that a few Republicans on here, on their questions and answers.....DEFENDED Foley, and stood up for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just goes to show there are sickos in every group.

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