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Aren't straight people going a great job of destroying the sanctity of marriage all on their own?

I mean, look at the way things are. People get married on reality tv shows to people they barely know because other people they don't know voted on it. Divorce is at an all time high, do I have to remind you guys of Slutteny Spears' wedding in Las Vegas that was annuled the next day? People are getting married for all the wrong reasons, for money, for prestiege, for just being able to say they are married.

Really, people, how could allowing gay people to get legally married really make things any worse?

It's like "It's ok to get married to somene you've never met on tv for a million dollers, it's ok to marry someone you're not in love with for money, it's ok to force someone it to marriage by getting pregnant, and it's ok to get married six or seven times and divorce them each after less than a year, but God forbid someone get married to someone they're in love with that just so happens to be of the same gender, because that will distroy the sanctity of marriage!"



Oops, typo. That should be "doing," not "going." Heh.

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I completely agree and have said the SAME thing! I was starting to think I was the only one thinking it!

    I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the Bible says that homoexuals are wrong and going to Hell, but if that be the case then would anyone be allowed to marry?!? I mean, come on!!! So women who get pregnant before marriage shouldn't be able to marry either, right? Or anyone else who sins, which from what I understand of the Bible is EVERYBODY... (except God and Jesus of course...)

    And another reason is because two people of the same sex "can't properly raise a child" well I know a LOT of heterosexual couples who can't raise a child properly, does that mean they shouldn't be allowed to marry? What about single parents? If there's only one person, how can THEY raise a child properly? Because ONLY a heteroexual COUPLE is capable of raising a child properly... I don't think so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, there are a lot of divorces. I think Hollywood has set

    the example for this kind of thing, making it look like the normal

    thing to do. Concerning Christians, there are divorces, but

    most marriages that have lasted fifty years are of Christian

    persuasion. They still have the better record, my friend.

    Concerning gay people getting married, families would then

    go down the tube and families is what has made this country

    great through all the years of it's existance. That's the reason.

    God made men and women the way they are so they can

    copulate and make children to carry on life....but should we

    all be gay, it wouldn't take long for there to be no more generations and life would simply end. This is not the way God

    intended it to be, so it must be wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    This government website I was on once was listing statistics for divorce, and the lowest divorce rate was among atheists, while the highest was among evangelical Christians. Allowing gay people to get married would be a good thing, although a "sin" to the Christian Right. And the Christian Right has considerable power in politics, so liberalism isn't too popular.

  • Becca
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It was 55 hours later, but there's no need for nitpicking. Anyway, I do think that for all those reasons you mentioned, gay people getting married will not make it any worse than it already is. Straight people seem to have forgotten what marriage all about. Maybe the reasons so many people are opposed to letting gays and lesbians marry is because they will be reminded of what it is all about, and they don't like it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people the marriage is sacred that do it again and again and again. I they really wanted to preserve marriage they'd ban divorce. Or maybe do something really crazy like look at what really cause most marriages to end....hint: it doesn't involve homosexuality. But in the end it's easy to fan fear of gays for votes. **sigh**

  • I'm still waiting for someone to explain how their marriage is ruined by allowing gays to marry. Here in Canada we've had gay marriage for a while now and still people get married.

    Obviously the doom-sayers have no clue what they're talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you...marriage is not sacred anymore. I do however think that being straight has nothing to do with the divorce rate. It really just falls down to boredom, weakness, lonliness...people today need to feel wanted and loved and they think that marriage is a way to fix all their problems...I am married...and I am straight. I married my hubby because we have similar interestes, similer goals for life and we can understand each other without fighting.

  • SB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You got that right, Girl Wonder!

    Sanctity of marriage -- what a laugh! Jessica Simpson & Nick? That series they had, and now look at the mess. Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown? "I Will Always Love You." Give me strength.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i really cant think of much to say that you have not already said.

    but every time that this comes up i feel that i should remind people that we are supposed to have religious freedom in this country.

    I am an Ordained Minister.

    and if I want to officiate at a wedding ceramony for a homosexual couple that should be MY RELIGIOUS RIGHT. not to mention their RIGHT AS HUMANS to seek happiness and their religious right to be married.

    Congress should not be legislating MORALITY.

    and it is not the business of anyone what someone else is doing in their own DAMN house.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's the real reason they want to deny gays the right to marry. They're afraid that gay marriages will outlast the straight ones.

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