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Lv 5
Davey asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

My sister-in-law out of the blue decided to claim my family is crazy. How is this justified??!?

So basically, one day, she just decided to tell my mom that she never wants to come to our house ever again. She told my mom and dad that she was embarrased to have them as in-laws, and that her brother and sister's in-laws are far better than they would ever be. She said that our family is wrong, and that my parents, who have been married for almost 30 years, have a bad marriage. She told my mom that it's wrong for her to go on shopping trips with her friends, and that my dad going on business trips is wrong. She believes that you have to live together 24/7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i think she needs to learn the notion of trust. I don't understand where this is coming from, but my brother needs to stand up for his family. We're not the perfect family, but we're not as crazy as she's making us out to be. We never have fights, and never have we questioned our love for each other. What's worse, is that my 2 year old niece, and my nephew who's on the way are going to be hurt by this!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL if you hadn't mentioned the 2-year-old neice, and the insinuation that your dad works, I would swear you were my brother-in-law, and were talking about me.

    When you first get married, you have to assimilate into another family, and when that family is very different from the one you grew up in (as almost all in-laws are), everything they do seems insane. It wasn't tactful for your sister-in-law to say those things, but it's understandable. It takes time and effort to join a family that isn't your own.

    Try to talk to your brother (calmly). Don't say in the conversation "your jerk of a wife needs to watch her mouth" or anything of that nature. Just say that you and the rest of the family are hurt by what she says.

    I don't know if this helps at all, but it's more than possible the kids won't be that affected. I can't stand my inlaws for the most part, but I'm VERY careful to not expose my kids to my attitude about them. There's not a lot you can do about her opinions of you, but your family does have a right to their grandchildren/neices and nephews. Letting your sister-in-law know that your family shares a strong love for her husband and children may make a difference. Even though I don't think demanding your brother to stop the claims made by his wife is a great idea, I think you'd be well within your rights to respectfully talk to your brother, and possibly even your sister-in-law, and remind them that you love their children. I had a particularly difficult relationship with one sister-in-law, but the fact that I know she just worships my kids helps me to work harder to keep that relationship intact. On a personal level, we still don't get along that great, but we've worked out a relatively calm relationship consisting of my sending pictures and stories about my kids to her.

  • 1 decade ago

    It might not have been "out of the blue" for your sister-in-law. A lot of times, a person will let issues fester until the situation can become so overwhelming, that they react in an extreme manner. It sounds like she's had some issues with your family and finally got it all out. I don't know your family, so I can't say who's right or wrong or if it even applies here. But it sounds like there needs to be more understanding on both sides. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, she's a strange lady. Maybe she's jealous of the closeness, feels like an outsider? Definite insecurities there or maybe it's raging hormones. Either way, she and her husband are due for a long chat. Good luck.

  • geisz
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly it is stable that your on yahoo solutions using fact some thing is telling me which you have questions for a reason and that i can tell which you're nervous extra desirable than something by your questions. think of that this is who needs to be a millionaire and your final lifeline is to ask the objective industry. A. blame God and manage it B. blame your mothers and fathers for raising a nut case C. blame your self for not being closer D. Get her psychological supply help to are making your very final determination to be to ask the objective industry. Over ninety 5% say you ought to get her psychological help. you're saying D. very final answer! You win the interest. this is a similar which comprise your sister. The purpose industry you spot right here says which you ought to get her some psychiatric help. God is a huge component to her therapeutic technique yet theirs some thing she has interior herself that wont enable circulate of her. No offence in spite of the fact that this is a demon interior her as properly. pay interest to her existence-type and what she watches. observing issues that are demonic can invite issues into your place. additionally, their must be fake teachings at her church, seek for God in the process the bible your self and in case you desire understand-how and circulate on sites like youtube with a view to ascertain issues. Your sister is on a course to destruction and in her case she ought to dedicate suicide and its very a threat that she's in denial for her brothers dying yet for the main section i think of this is a demon and it has to return out. Matthew 12:40 3-40 5 talk approximately what evil spirits do. i understand you do not study the bible yet this is definitely what occurs to human beings whilst demons enter into their physique. you ought to heavily examine how shes residing. I additionally think of you ought to examine out her to ascertain if she follows what the text textile of scripture is asserting and its connotative which skill from God says.

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  • Alison
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Who knows....

    I hate my in-laws with every ounce of my being and have been estranged for 13 years. We have a 3 yr old now that they never see but yet they can't understand why....*sigh* yeah right!

    The in-laws never really see anything they do as wrong- That's why they were cut out of our lives.

  • Moma
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Consider yourself lucky that you do not have to

    suffer her presence.

    Your brother is a moron for letting her dis your family like that.

    *dont shut the door on your brother though,

    eventually the witch will go on to greener pastures.


    I hate people like that !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like my sister.

  • 1 decade ago

    She's an Idiot yes he needs to staind up for his family and she is probably jealous

  • 1 decade ago

    I would tell her thank you, that she fits right in.

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