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I'm feeling lazy today. Can I be a Creationist just for the day so I don't have to think?


to "Lazy": You obviously don't know anything about me. And they wonder where the "Judgemental Christian" stereotype comes from.

Which takes more thought? . . . Hmmmm . . . 150 years of scientific theory that continually improves upon itself, or 2000 years of "Well, I guess that's just how God made it".

Grow a brain, come back when you figure out how to work it.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first its a day , then a week, before you know it, you'll be writing checks to pat robertson! DONT DO IT MAN!

  • 1 decade ago

    Heres what I don't get: just why is it creationism and darwinism are supposed to be opposing? creationism or the "big bang" does not argue the existance of God because the nature of the idea requires a preciseness of an extremely talented and intelligent being. Darwinism or "evolution theory" requires life to begat life which even if it started in the ocean is ever more complicated than we can comprehend, doesn't that imply intelligent design? The fact of the matter is the two ideas compliment each other. Good underhand shot at the ignorant/scared/easily offended though. Kudos!

    Source(s): P.E.&T.
  • 1 decade ago

    It bothers me to see someone embarrass oneself so easily... it's obvious that you have not studied creationism or evolution because, if you did, you would easily see the parallels between the two.

    Please refrain from being "lazy" and giving in to the general misconception that creationism is simple... it is, in fact, more complicated that you can comprehend, and any REAL science furthers our understanding of the complexity of this creation.

    I don't mean to discourage you, however. You must know that there are many other youngsters like you that have fallen victim to our society's indulgence in ignorance. It will take a lot of time and a lot more reading, but you will at one point understand the complex nature of creationism, which is always backed by REAL science, not mere theories.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't it funny how these so-called "Intellectual" athiests claim to be so smart and open-minded when they lack common sense and are so close-minded that they would not examine the facts? Somehow Christians always get the bad rap for being ignorant, prejudice, and hypocritical, but between me and you, which one of us is acting like they're 3 years old,and which one of us is approaching this insult in a civilized, mature manner?

    God bless.

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  • 4x4
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    that way other evolutionists wouldn't have to find out that you came to realize that intelligent life emerging from the proverbial primodial soup as well as getting all the myriad of cosmic conditions perfectly in the right order so as sustain human life--all happened by chance, is just as hard if not harder to digest as the concept of an Intelligent Designer.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can be a Christian whenever you'd like. Simply ask Jesus into your heart and viola! Saved! It seems too good to be true but He IS waiting for you Kenny (spade). He has special plans for you. Why not find out now what His plan is?

  • 1 decade ago


    Actually, why don't we trade places? I'll be the atheist, and I'll start being a jerk to every Christian ever.

    Sorry for the generalization, the "rudeness", or whatever...I'm just real tired of Christian bashing. I hate seeing my Brothers in Christ called names because they have faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a creationist, you still have to think...

    As an evolutionist, you have to define what you believe, then find evidence...

    No rest for the intellectually lazy...

  • 1 decade ago

    It would indeed be a rest from thinking, so I'll permit you one day as a creationist. Don't make a habit of such immature behavior, or your Daddy may spank you.

  • Indigo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, your brain will rot and melt out your ears and it's too expensive to replace, and open minds are rare to find and even more pricey.

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