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Toddler speach problems?

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, and she pretty much only speaks in vowels. Is this normal? She's an only child and she doesn't go to pre school yet. Should I be worried?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She could have a speech delay. I suggest contacting Early Intervention Services in your area (sometimes called Birth to Three Program) and let them know your concerns. They will have an ST come to your home, free of charge. If your daughter is delayed and qualifies for the program, they will begin therapy sessions; again, for free. You do not need a doctor or an insurance approval for this service. My daughter had speech therapy through EI for seven months. GOOD LUCK!

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter at 2 didn't say much either. Kids all develop at their own pace. Don't go by what the book or pediatric nurse says. Take the necessary steps. 1st go to the pediatrician with your concerns. If nothing physically is found,contact your local school district or state who will put you in touch with a program free of charge that will evaluate your child (it's paid for through tax dollars). In my state (NY)the program is called Early Intervention and is available for qualifying children up until the age of 3. A social worker comes to your home to fill out paperwork and find out the nature of your situation. From there,an appointment is set up with both a speech pathologist and special ed teacher. They both come to your home at the same time and interact with your child. They play,ask questions and observe her playing with toys that they bring. They will also ask you questions about her development,family health history and circumstances surrounding your pregnancy. Once the visit is complete, an evaluation is written up, you and the state are sent a copy. In the evaluation is their findings and whether or not further action is needed (if so,provided by the state free of charge). Usually you are told before the specialists leave your home if further assistance is recommended. In our case,my daughter's receptive and cognitive skills were excellent and was told that the actual words would come. It was determined that she communicated very well by using other means. They were 3 1/2 her speech has improved greatly. Her nursery school teacher says that she is very bright and knows what she wants. Her school also offers evaluation for a small fee ($20.00) which I will do since there were previous concerns.

    Please don't be alarmed at your daughter's lack of speech. Just take the above steps for your peace of mind.

    Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't quite have a answer but I can say my son is almost 4 and I had the opportunity for a government funded program to come into my home and do assessments on my son. It was brought to our attention that he is 1 year behind in speech. They suggested he go into pre-school early and he is on a IEP working with a speech and language teacher and is doing well now. Sorry to make this so long but I would look around in your county to see if they have a FREE program like this. It helps alot. But now the school is also saying he didn't pass his hearing test in either EAR and so we have a appt. for a hearing specialist so this could also be the problem. The pediatrition can't really tell you anything but he/she may suggest some programs to you. You could also have them check your childs ears to make sure there is no excessive amount of ear wax. Goodluck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I only know this because my son is 2 and he is meeting once a week with a speech therapist. I don't know where you live but most states have free services, no income qualifications apply in some, where your child can receive speech.

    Your daughter should be able to say at least 15 recognizable words, not just recognizable by you, but by anyone. She should be using consonant sounds at the beginning of some of those words. Like mom, dad, boy, juice, no, outside. those should be just some of the words that she should say. I would address this with her pediatrician now. Sometimes you have to fight for these things because you want to give her a headstart for later in life. Speech goes to reading, which is a building block for writing and learning in general. Also if she gets frustrated you can teach her basic signs to help her communicate with you.

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  • Imani
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest that you take her to the doctor and have her hearing checked. I've known many children that have had speech delays because of inner ear problems, or partial deafness. I would like to say that this is normal, but there are certain milestones that are ALWAYS reached by a certain time, and being able to say at least 15 AUDIBLE words by the time they are 2 is one of those milestones.

    If she can't say 15 words.. then she has a problem. Most likey it's an ear problem. Wether it's something that can be corrected or not, I can't say because there are many ear problems that can cause a speech delay.

    Source(s): pediatric nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be too worried, my 2 1/2 yr old can't pronounce certain letters and doesn't seem inclined to try. One thing you might want to check is her ears. A lot of kids have speech problems simply because there is fluid in their ears and the sounds are muffled. It doesn't mean they have an ear infection-just a build up of fluid. This can happen from swimming, bathing, sweating, etc. Her doc should be able to look and see if there's any build up. If you are still concerned take her to an ENT and they can perform a hearing test to see if there is a problem.

    Most of the time it's just their way of telling you they'll do what they want, when they want. 2 yr olds don't seem to care if we are worried about their speech, cleanliness, eating habits, etc. Gotta love them for it :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it normal. I was lazy too into talking. But normally being with other kids help. Maybe once in pre-school she'll get more into it. And being an only child doesn't help much. I s there any other kids you can expose her to before she goes to school?

    Also if you are going to speak to her speak in complete sentences. And with the right words so that she starts getting it early.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every child progress differently so I think as long as we continue to encourage them to speak up there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I have friends whose kids can't speak very well till 4 years old. Now they are so talkative...

    If things do not improve at all you may wish to consult a speech therapist for professional opinion.

  • JoJoBa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The way to handle this problem is always talk to her and say words and tell her to repeat the word. You give her something then tell her what it is and sooner or later you will have a very smart two year old. Also read a lots to her during the day and before bedtime as well.

  • my daughter was a late talker herself.she was like that when she was 2 day out of the blue she started talking in reason she was talking like that cause we always got waht she wanted by pointing at it so one day we quit doing that and it took her about a week of whinning and crying cause we wouldnt get what ever she wanted by pointing anymore that she started talking out of the blue one day about 3 months b4 her 3rd birthday.yes her dr told us to have her take speach classes at 2 yrs old cause she wouldnt say more than bout 30-40 words when he said a normal 2 yr old can spaeak i ignored him cause i knew he had to be bs'ing me about speach classes for a 2 yr old.i end up saving a lot of money cause i knew she will talk eventally herself at her own pace.but if you daughter isnt talking more by time shes 3 and a half i would check into that but not when they r 2 though.just give her time she will at her own pace.just keep on talking to her everyday and dont get anything for her if she points at it.ask her to try to say what ever it is instead and name what it is to make sure that she knows whats it is called.

    Source(s): being a mother of a late talker
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