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I peeked at his e-mail; now what do I do?

He gave me his password to check something on e-bay. I used it & peeked at his e-mail (big invasion of privacy, yes, I sure do know that) I found out that he's still getting e-mail from other women he's met on dating sites & responding to them - refers to himself as single, makes no mention of a new g/f, but mentions his ex-wife. I'm crushed, I feel physically ill about this. Does this mean he's cheating on me - or looking for someone else? Of course, I can't confront him with what I know - since I wasn't supposed to

know about it. Now what do I do? Distance myself from him? Dump him before he can dump me? Pretend I know nothing & go on as before? Would appreciate advice - serious answers, please.


We had agreed to be exclusive & from everything he tells me & the way he treats me, he says I'm "it" - the only woman he wants to be with, etc. So why receive e-mail from other women telling them his fav color, food, etc - like some stupid high school opinion book thing. And these were recent, too - not prior to us dating.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    WOW pumpkin that was a big no-no!! well now that it's done you must face the consequences. let me ask you something? do you really like this guy? is he really worth fighting for? if your answer to these questions were yes, than talk to him. admit that you looked at his e-mail, that you know that was wrong but that now that you saw it you feel feel betrayed. he'll tell you that he feels betrayed too and blah blah blah... try and stay on the subject. tell him you wish to know why his been writing that he's single when his not?. or why he never mentions you? ask him if he really considers you his girlfriend or not? it's better to find out all these answers now(even if their not the answer you want) then when it's too late to fix things.

    good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A. He trusts you enough to give you the all sacred email password.

    B. He is still corresponding with online women

    You have nothing to lose by confronting him. He is an idiot for giving you that password and expecting you not look around. It would be the same thing if you were supposed to watch his house for a few days and found some other chicks underwear in his sock drawer. Ask him why he calls you 'it' but still considers himself single online.

    My guess, he is all about you but is too scared to devout himself and is keeping his options open. He is not dating anyone, but he can still be purchased for the right bidder. He tells you that you are his only one so that he feels safe and has you around, but he still wouldn't mind finding something else. The sad think is this is common, understand where he is and what he is looking for and if you are ok with him not giving you his undivided attention then just let him make the decision and come to you. If you can't deal with that, give him the axe!

    It kinda depends on how long you have been dating.

  • 1 decade ago

    Been here done this. I had to have a "come to Jesus meeting" with the guy I was dating and come to find out he went and met one of these women, while we were "exclusive". I also checked out him puter and found some stuff and I did comfront him. The real problem came after I found out the truth. I no longer trusted him and I tried to make it work, but the trust was gone and it is really hard to get it back. Personally I would confront him and see what he says, he will prolly lie about it, but you know what you saw. Ask him if he is still talking to other women online and wait for the lie, then you have him busted. Good luck in whatever you decide.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, how you feel is a major part in the relationship, you both have to be all in. Not half in. He seems to be half in. It's as if he isn't sure you are the only one for him or the only one for him at all. I would ask him what he thinks about you both together, but don't do it like in a scaring him off way, unless that's what he needs to do, get lost.. But he is in the total wrong for talking and even saying he is single to other women! I mean what if he found out you were still talking to other men, while dating him?! He'd totally freak out! People who cheat will always cheat, and that is sorta cheating.. Ask if he agrees that the relationship you both are in is platonic. If he says yes, and you still think he's talking to these other women, ask him what's up.. I hope this helps, and good luck girl!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ask him if he considers himself single. Is it just you that thinks that you are in a relationship? Coming from a guy that used to do this, it is a problem. Luckily I actually learned from my mistake and I would never do it again. The thing that made me stop.....was seeing how it affected the person that I loved. She was crushed...and I had always thought that I was a better person than that. She moved on, and she deserves better. I am now in another relationship and would never even consider doing it again, because I made myself a promise never to do it again, because I saw how my action affected people.

    As far as a way to bring it up (I'm also a sneaky bastard with lots of tricks)...Send him a joke email or a picture of you two or something from your email address. After a day or so, ask if he got it and talk about how funny/cute it was. Then, wait for a time that he is away from a computer for a while (like in the car on a long drive, etc) and call him on his cell and tell him that you need that email that you sent him because you accidentally deleted it. Ask him if he still has it before you ask for his password. If he says yes, ask him for his password because you are sitting in front of the computer and you told your mom/friend/sister that you would forward it to her right away and you can't wait for him to get to a computer to forward it back to you. Then, when you get into his inbox, ask him who that person is that has been sending him emails....and tell him how it makes you feel.

  • Ade
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some guys want to get caught. I'm floored that he gave you his password. But you asked for trouble by looking in his email. You have some choices:

    1) Forget that you saw the emails. You weren't supposed to anyway.

    2) Confront him.

    3) Casually mention an old boyfriend is in town and wants to take you to dinner just for "old times sake". See how he reacts. If he balks, don't mention the emails, just say, "You NEVER see old girlfriends or talk to them?" Be careful and clever about this, don't tip your hand. And don't get too emotional, you don't know anything for a fact yet.

    4) Most importantly, STAY OUT of his private stuff. It only brings misery.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously he is not really concerned with thinking about you nor is he seeming to feel any regret otherwise he would of stopped recieving and answering questions and e-mails from other women. If he is not willing to cut all that off for you then I think you need to find somebody who will really appreciate you for who you are. Don't feel any remorse for him because if he is still looking for someone new then you are better off without him. He is not showing any guilt about continuously leading other women to believe he is still single, so if you don't want to get hurt anymore than you already will be, you should just let him go.

  • 1 decade ago

    i found out something like that too. he explained there was nothing, and i beleived him for a while. But then i realized this had crushed the trust i had for him. and without the trust the realationship is going no where now. i'm always thinking he might be cheating on me and that makes me very uncomfortable around him. he doesn't understand the reason. and i don't want to make an issue of it. i try to pretend but i can't. everything feels like going bad to worse. When something like this happens, it always does.

  • 1 decade ago

    well you already know that you were wrong for checking the probably had a feeling that you would find what you found and that is probably why the ex-wife is the ex-wife because he was not making her presence known when he should have...

    if I were you I would tell him that your girl was on the personal's website and came across his profile and then ask him about its contents and see what he has to tell you about any rate, stay on guard and if you don't feel good and secure about what you have with him...let him go and if he is serious about you, he will put up a fight...if not, he will continue to hoe

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems you have not begun to feel like you trust him yet. Snooping and sneaking into his email, wallet or cell phone will only reveal things that might upset you because you do not understand who he his.

    Since you've already done the detective role on him, now you need to ask yourself if youre ready to get serious with someone you dont believe in enough to take his word as truth.

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