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What happened to my Top Contributor!?? That's so wrong!

  • If I took 30 Ambien, 30 Trazodone & 30 vicodin, would that be enough to kill me?

    or would I need to add another drug to the mix?

    9 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Do I have to have Zango to watch True Blood on-line?

    I can't afford HBO right now but hate to miss True Blood. Is Zango safe to download, or will it cause trouble with viruses???

    I appreciate all info! Thank you so much!

    4 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • I used to have "Top Contributor" under my name but it's not there anymore, why?

    When/how do I get that back & why was it taken away from me? Shouldn't it still be there?? I would like to have that back & would like to know what's required to get it back...

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • When & where would be the best place to see the Northern Lights?

    I have longed to see them for years & I've made up my mind to begin doing that sort of thing, not waiting anymore. So where do I go for the Light show? What time of year? Optimal viewing times? Any and all information greatly appreciated!!!

    Thank you!!

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • A really excellent Halloween web site!?

    I've gotten a lot of great stuff from this web site; I know a lot of folks ask what about food for parties, or goodies, or games or movies - well, this web site has a lot of the good stuff everybody wants to know. I just wanted to share it with everybody!!

    Have fun & Happy Halloween everybody!!!!

    2 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Is "In God We Trust" truly excluded from the new gold dollars?

    I've received the same e-mail several times today telling me not to accept the new gold George Washington dollar because "In God We Trust" had been left off of the coins completely. I know some new coin was recently released with that written on the edge of the coin. Does anyone know about this one? I haven't seen any in person, so cannot verify this. Thanks for your help!

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Beach wedding?

    We're thinking of moving up our wedding date & getting married at Myrtle Beach while on vacation in August...any helpful suggestions, anything at all you can tell me that will help me make this a memorable occasion & what I can do to have it go without a hitch would be MUCH appreciated! Do we get a magistrate? How about finding a wedding photographer? Thanks for any help you can give me!

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Help! Has anybody seen the new Transformers Movie?

    I heard a movie critic talking about it & he said there were at least two very graphic sex scenes in it that he said made it bad enough that he wouldn't allow his 13 year old to go see the movie.

    My 12 year old son has been waiting for this for more than a year (I saw first preview on 6/6/06 when I went to see the Omen) . The critic said the violence was pretty graphic as well & way over the top.

    If anyone has seen this - please give me your opinion. I don't want to take my son or my 8 yr old daughter if it's that bad.

    I don't know why they added sex to it - there wasn't any in the cartoons! Thanks!

    13 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Gas Guzzlers?

    With the emphasis on "going green" & conserving resources, does it make sense that the auto makers are churning out bigger, heavier vehicles & that people are buying them like crazy? A Hummer drove by me the other day on the way home from work & I got to thinking about how much it would take to fill such a beast, how few miles to the gallon it would get & what a waste it was, just to appeal to the owners' vanity. I've always preferred little, zippy cars & they're usually good on gas, so I feel as though I've done my part. Why should I have to pay so much for gas because others suck it up like it's free?! Should they stop making monster vehicles? Why won't people be smarter about it & not buy them?

    19 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • Weight loss product?

    Has anyone tried Alli - it's a pill that has been approved by the FDA as a weight loss aid. I wanted to know if the pill works, how it affected the person who took it, were you able to lose weight & keep it off?

    Thanks for any good info you can give me!

    And please, this is a serious inquiry, so no fat jokes, okay?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Mothers' Day corsage?

    When wearing a corsage for Mothers' Day, do you wear red if she's still alive or do you wear a white corsage if she's dead? I'm going to church that day & wish to honor my mother (recently deceased) but I'm not sure what color to wear. Please, if anyone knows, let me know. Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • How likely is it that I'm pregnant?

    I had a tubal banding done November 2002. My cycles are usually totally regular, every 23 days. I was due to start 10/16 but didn't. This is day # 18 with no period, only light pink spotting here & there that comes & goes. I took a pregnancy test 10/27 & it was

    negative. Yes, I'm having sex - but how likely is it that I could be pregnant? I would appreciate any answers/advice. Thanks!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Lyrics for song by Brad Gillis?

    The song is "Honest to God" from his Gilrock Ranch cd & Greg Allman co-wrote & does the vocals. I've been trying to find the lyrics to this song & not having any luck. Does anybody out there have them? I sure would appreciate the help - Thanks!!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • I peeked at his e-mail; now what do I do?

    He gave me his password to check something on e-bay. I used it & peeked at his e-mail (big invasion of privacy, yes, I sure do know that) I found out that he's still getting e-mail from other women he's met on dating sites & responding to them - refers to himself as single, makes no mention of a new g/f, but mentions his ex-wife. I'm crushed, I feel physically ill about this. Does this mean he's cheating on me - or looking for someone else? Of course, I can't confront him with what I know - since I wasn't supposed to

    know about it. Now what do I do? Distance myself from him? Dump him before he can dump me? Pretend I know nothing & go on as before? Would appreciate advice - serious answers, please.

    25 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Performers who think they are politicians?

    I can understand the crowd getting ticked off with La Streisand doing political skits when what they paid for was to see her singing! Just because those are her political beliefs doesn't mean ticket-buyers want if force-fed down their throats - they wanted music, & songs they knew & loved - not her trading stupid remarks with a Bush look-alike. I hope they got their money back! Anyone else feel the same way?

    Additional Details

    21 hours ago

    What's worse, though - in my opinion - when things didn't go "her way" & the skit wasn't received as glowingly as she seemed to think it should have been, she actually cursed at someone who had paid money to see her sing!! Who does she think she is? She cursed at a member of her audience! That's totally disgusting & although I have enjoyed her music all my life, I hope no one ever buys another ticket or cd or supports her again. Her behavior should never be tolerated!!!!

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Performers who think they're politicians?

    I can understand the crowd getting ticked off with La Streisand doing political skits when what they paid for was to see her singing! Just because those are her political beliefs doesn't mean ticket-buyers want if force-fed down their throats - they wanted music, & songs they knew & loved - not her trading stupid remarks with a Bush look-alike. I hope they got their money back! Anyone else feel the same way?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Alternate to Prilosec OTC?

    My b/f was told to take Prilosec OTC once daily to prevent acid

    buildup, GERD - it seems to be causing him to have diarrhea (sorry if this is TMI, but this is a serious question) What can he take in place of the Prilosec? I know it's a Proton Pump Inhibitor; are there other brands that he can take without the side effects?

    Thanks for any info -

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • 173rd Airborne?

    My son wishes to be a soldier from the Viet Nam era, 173rd Airborne for Halloween - in honor of the soldiers killed that are mentioned in the Big & Rich song, The 8th of November. He is serious about this, not doing it to mock anyone, but as a tribute. (he's a pretty serious little guy) I would see to it that his insignia is correct, etc. I would like to know if there would be any way to make sure no one is offended by this? It's intended as a tribute, nothing else. Both of his great-uncles served in Viet Nam in the Air Force & his cousin is currently in the Marines - so he takes this pretty seriously. Any suggestions - & please don't be ugly . . . I'm asking nicely. Thnks -

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Question about Boy Scouts & camping trips?

    I've been heavily involved with my son in Scouts since he was 6; I'm a trained leader, have served on committee, raised money, worked my tail off, volunteered for EVERYTHING. Now he's a BOY SCOUT & I went on one campout in August - I also have an 8 year old daughter, who has served as "mascot" from the time she was 2. The mother of one of the scouts approached me & say she doesnt' want me or my daughter to go on anymore camping trips; now that they are BOY SCOUTS it's not supposed to be girls involved. Her reasoning "if my son wants to step behind a tree to take a leak, he doesn't want to have to worry about where your daughter is". (her words) I don't think that's a sufficient excuse; I supervise & help, I contribute $ & food, time & energy. My daughter stays with me, not the Scouts. She doesn't interfere or get in their stuff. So am I wrong for being upset? This woman has never gone on a camping trip, she does nothing. Do I let one woman interfere or should I back down & stay home?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about Boy Scouts & camping trips?

    I've been heavily involved with my son in Scouts since he was 6; I'm a trained leader, have served on committee, raised money, worked my tail off, volunteered for EVERYTHING. Now he's a BOY SCOUT & I went on one campout in August - I also have an 8 year old daughter, who has served as "mascot" from the time she was 2. The mother of one of the scouts approached me & say she doesnt' want me or my daughter to go on anymore camping trips; now that they are BOY SCOUTS it's not supposed to be girls involved. Her reasoning "if my son wants to step behind a tree to take a leak, he doesn't want to have to worry about where your daughter is". (her words) I don't think that's a sufficient excuse; I supervise & help, I contribute $ & food, time & energy. My daughter stays with me, not the Scouts. She doesn't interfere or get in their stuff. So am I wrong for being upset? This woman has never gone on a camping trip, she does nothing. Do I let one woman interfere or should I back down & stay home?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago