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If Elvis re-appears alive soon, should the King run for President?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah can just imagine the anchor men at the TV stations across America going in to over drive as the theme to 2001 starts up around the empty mike stand of the white house signalling the anticipated arrival of the king is almost at an end.... (President Elvis will be addressing his nation of people at any moment)...then the spot lights start to circle the stage...the drum roll starts.....and then finally in all his glory, his white jump suit, belt, scarf, the collar, his cape, that endearing smile and clutching his crown he comes in to view with the roar of the crowd and a million flashing camera lights. Finally he starts his speech....

    “Hullo n Good evening fellow Americans (winks at one of the side cameras...hullo Memphis), this is my first appearance live in 30 years, ive appeared dead before but this is my first live one.... Ummm its a pleasure to be here and ahh....(he pauses briefly and then with mischevious charasmatic eyes continues)... who’da thought it woulda taken me/this to get Bush, out – man he musta been boy ma boy” (laughs from the audience)...

    “So ahh first of all a message for Michael Jackson, wherever you are living now, you mess around with my little girl again son I’m gonna beat your head into the shape of a stamp n flattened out, so you’d do well to quit messin around with this here US male” (the crowd goes wild with cheers) “Thank you...Thankyouverymuch. So ahh.... now on to some other serious issues...”(Elvis squares up to the main camera in front of him and throws out an arm a finger and a curled lip)...”Oprah, listen honey, you’re not related to me... never have been... never will be baby uh huh huh”!!! (More flash lights and more cheers before Elvis continues his speech but his face now more stern, his smile disintegrates and his voice-tone is duller, but sincerely duller) Hear we have lost a lot of our boys out in Afghanistan and Iraq...(silence falls everywhere with his could hear a pin drop, slightly angered he continues)...Hell man didn’t Nam teach us enough...(He's clearly incensed and emotional as he continues)... about messin in other peoples backyards....(silence, not a word, the nation is gripped by this man who stands there and now with a bowed head as he briefly gathers his thoughts...they wait for him to do say something else...anything. He finally takes a deep breath...shakes his head...his thoughts now collected, angry, passionate and decisive...he continues his speech with a forced restraint nearing the point of a shout he raises his head once again) “AMERCIA! I’m bringing them home, all of em”...(and the audience erupts, the anchormen go wild, the flashlights are blinding and the music starts and the lights dim and Elvis starts to sing)....“There must be lights burnin brighter somewhere, strong winds of promise that will blow away the doubt and fear if I can dream of a better land (with added passion and gravelled tones, bent knees and clutched fist now)...where all my brothers walk hand in hand tell me why... oh why... oh why... (and the TV cameras beam pictures of sea’s of lighted swaying candles from locations up and down the country in to every home...(Denver, Pennsylvania, Dallas, Michigan, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Memphis, Los Angeles, New York City...the country, united as its ever been, has not seen anything like this before...and the song finishes)...”Thank you, you’re fantastic, a beautiful nation Thankyouverymuch (Elvis finishes his first address to the nation as president on a key pressing political issue of the moment (North Korea)....”I’m not a violent man err I mean President but Im tellin you here and now Ping Pong or whatever you’re name is - you’d better stop messin around with those nuclear tests son otherwise you’re gonna make me and my fellow Americans angry boy I'll tell ya for sure (and throwing his eyes, finger, a lip at the camera once again he continues)...Coz if you looking for trouble baby (da dah da da dah ) you came to the right place..(the nation once again goes into hysteria, women and girls are in tears, men and boys in ore...(and the drum roll start up again)..”may see you again Godbless you adios”...(the King – is gone and those famous familiar words, though slightly altered, are spoken once again) ‘Elvis has left for the Whitehouse, thank you and goodnight’.

    Yeah can just imagine that one! Ha!



  • 1 decade ago

    Don't think like south Indians. They allowed cinema actors into the politics. Now they are suffering for that. So Think like a real citizen of your country. If you are a real good citizen of your country you should pray that a good and smart creative leader has to be a president for your country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. (2 HRs later) Yes, Yes, Yes. (a week later) Definitly

    Source(s): GOD told Me
  • 1 decade ago

    Well first off he would be in his 70's, second off he really had no political influence...and thirdly your a moron.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, presidential addresses would be much more interesting. ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be better than what we have now.

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