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Why do war protestors hate our troops?

Why do they hate America and want to cut and run?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    frankly, you couldn't be more wrong. i can't speak for everyone, but i protest this war, not the troops. my brother in law was one of the first soldiers sent to iraq, and my daughter's godfather just deployed for there last month. it disgusts me that my loved ones are dodging bullets and bombs in a war that never should have been started. it is our soldier's jobs to defend our country, not be forced by our government to start unneccessary wars so all of bush's big business buddies can make a profit. every war protestor that i have met have friends or family members in some branch of the armed services. we're fighting for the protection of our troops against a government that keeps sending them into the line of fire for unjust reasons.

    Source(s): 6 family members in various armed forces branches
  • 1 decade ago

    They don't hate the troops. They hate the war, and our reasons for being there. I think most protestors still want our men and women to come home safely. I am personally against the war, but I certainly do not hate the troops. I honor them for their sacrifices, and hope they are able to make it back to their friends and families. It is certainly possible and NOT hypocritical to feel this way and to also disagree with why they were sent to Iraq in the first place.

    They do not hate America. (If anything, they hate what America is becoming, but they do not hate America.) They are exercising one of the very notions America was founded on- the freedom to voice their opinion, even if it runs counter to those in charge. The founders of this country left England (and other countries) because freedoms such as these were being squashed by their leaders. It is within their right to voice their opinions, and peaceably assemble to do so. And it's your right to disagree. But saying they hate America because they disagree with you is just close-minded and crass.

    They don't want to "cut and run". They recognize that this is increasingly becoming a Vietnam-type engagement, with no end in sight and the only certainty is more death for our troops and our allies. They want a withdrawal because it will take our troops out of harm's way, more than likely slow the insurgency, get Iraq to take responsiblity for itself, restore our international reputation, and to stop wasting valuable resources and money that would be put to far better use at home, especially in our nation's schools.

  • MSJP
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This is proof... if you disagree with Conservatives, you are Anti-American.

    This issue has become so pathetic. The troops are not hated!...It is the reasons for going into Iraq that are!

    I can't wait until November 8th and wake up to a new day where Conservatives are no longer, in control.

    By the way, there are many of the troops themselves... who protest the War in Iraq but they have to follow orders and not their opinions!

    So are you saying that the troops who do protest the War in Iraq, hate America too?

    You Conservatives are so One Sided!

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't hate the troops. Why do you keep trying to sell this stupid idea that has been debunked I don't know how many times on this site? They don't believe there is a winning strategy for Iraq so it's time to cut our loses. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a sure sign of insanity. Are you among the insane? Or do you know when it's time to quit?

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  • 1 decade ago

    the majority of protestors I have met are the kind of college kids that have no friends except other college kids looking for acceptance. Now, they belong to something.

    Once the war is over, they'll move on to protesting something else...

  • 1 decade ago

    They dont hate the troops, amazingly its not QUITE as bad a vietnam for our fighting men, atleast all the fighting here at home is in politics and not against them.

    Protestors just think theres an easy simple, no cost solution to any issue that arises. They also have very short attention spans, and generally you can distract them with something shiney while you take their sign and run.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't hate the troops, they hate Bush. And they want to cut and run because this war is fought over nothing. Scratch that, it's fought over making rich people richer.

  • Akkita
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hard to explain- I have given up trying. They say that they only protest the war but not even the troops buy into their BS. The US has an all volunteer military so every day the troops are slapped in the face for their career choice. Don't know many people that would keep going to the office under similar circumstances.

    The protesters wrap themselves in the American flag so they appear patriotic,enjoying all the freedoms and rights then bash everything the military stands for - like protecting their rights.

    My son referred to war protesters as " the scum you scrap off your boots to come back into this country." About sums it up for me too.

    Source(s): Former military and mother of a son that served in Iraq. "I may not agree with what you say but I will die protecting your right to say it." After years of liberals and protesters it is a hard thing to keep doing.
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe they hate the troops, they just don't agree with the president who sent the troops

  • 1 decade ago

    How is not wanting them to die for no good reason hating them? It isn't a matter of cutting and running, it is a matter of realizing that we have created a situation that is completely out of our control and is getting worse and worse by the day. At some point people like you will have to realize that to continue fighting is just not worth it.

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