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If I purchase a clip art image do I have the right to use that image as my company logo for an LLC?

When you purchase a clip art image you are essentially purchasing the right to use that image, right? Is that use limited? Is using it as a logo in some way claiming it as your own? Or is it okay as long as you don't try to trademark the image? This is for a small LLC with about 3 employees, if we grew we would probably pay someone to create a new logo.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to check the license that is granted when you purchase the Clip Art - it should be part of the FAQs or embedded in the purchase confirmation. Some restrict the business use of the art while others are silent. Here is a link to a good site that talks about Clip Art use:

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You'd be better off to call your bottle of soda necklace Lemon & Lime instead of Sprite. Sprite is a trademarked name, the trademark owner can prosecute you for using his trademark for your personal gain. How do I know this? I used to work with a lady who works with women in a developing country who make paper bead jewelry and soda can bracelets. When one of the soda companies found out, she was told she had to quit selling anything that was identifiable as a particular product, e.g., if something on the bracelet was identifiable as part of a Coca-Cola or Pepsi can, she could no longer sell it. I commend you for asking the questions and doing the research on copyright infringement. Your best bet is always to use your own ideas. One word of caution: If you want a valid, legal answer, check with an attorney. You've seen that my opinion differs from the opinion of the first poster. You have no way to know whether either one of us knows what we're talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    woah. whatever you do, don't take your legal advice from this site! (no offence to other posters but - are any of you lawyers? me either.)

    copyright law is a complex issue and if you really need to use this image i'd suggest talking to a real lawyer first. or ditch it and draw a logo yourself, which would be a lot cheaper.

  • 1 decade ago

    it depends ...

    when you buy an image it can be for one ime use, or for unlimited use ...

    if it is part of a logo and not the only element and you have unlimited use you can still trademark it

    Source(s): i am a marketing director and had to go through a logo change grrrrr
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  • 1 decade ago

    If u paid for it u probably should be able but just to be sure contact microsoft or whoever made it ans c if its ok

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